© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Background: Methods Treating vitiligo. Treatment for vitiligo typically consists of a combination of therapies in order to achieve optimal results. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Please reference this resource (as a web page citation) if you use it for research or publications. However, patient age, duration of vitiligo, type of vitiligo and site of lesions may be the key factors affecting the clinical outcome. The most effective responses would be anticipated on the, face and neck, while the hands and feet show minimal, It can contribute to both immunomodulation and the migration. It could normalize dysfunction in cutaneous blood flow and. However, the effects of treatment are not usually permanent, and it cannot always control the spread of the condition. Lasers Surg Med 2016;48:197-202. al. The first laser of its kind to be approved for treatment for psoriasis, the Xtrac laser can work wonders on affected skin. 2016 The prevalence of vitiligo: A meta-analysis, 2015 Interventions for vitiligo (Cochrane Review), 2020 Associations of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR) rs1801131 and rs1801133 polymorphisms with susceptibility to vitiligo: A meta-analysis, 2020 Selenium level in patients with vitiligo: A meta-analysis, 2020 Associations of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion (ACE Gene I/D) polymorphism with vitiligo: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis, 2020 Serum level of antioxidant vitamins and minerals in patients with vitiligo, a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2020 Interleukin-17 level in patients with vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 Association of PTPN22 1858C/T polymorphism with autoimmune diseases: A systematic review and Bayesian approach, 2018 Serum homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in patients with vitiligo and their potential roles as disease activity biomarkers: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2018 Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, and risk of vitiligo: A meta-analysis, 2018 The role of interleukins in vitiligo: A systematic review, 2018 Critical appraisal of the oxidative stress pathway in vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2017 Association of protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 +1858C→T polymorphism and susceptibility to vitiligo: Systematic review and meta-analysis, 2016 Meta-analysis of the association between vitiligo and the level of superoxide dismutase or malondialdehyde, 2016 Meta-analysis of the association between vitiligo and human leukocyte antigen-A, 2016 Glutathione peroxidase level in patients with vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2016 Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2015 Meta-analysis of the TNF-α-308G/A polymorphism and vitiligo risk, 2015 The association between tumor necrosis factor-α-308 G/A polymorphism and risk for vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2015 Associations between TNF-α polymorphisms and susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis and vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2015 Lack of association between cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4+49A/G polymorphism and psoriasis and vitiligo: A meta-analysis of case-control studies, 2015 Association of Apal and Bsml polymorphisms with vitiligo risk: a meta-analysis, 2015 Lack of association between the 389C>T polymorphism (rs769217) in the catalase (CAT) gene and the risk of vitiligo: an update by meta-analysis, 2015 Interventions for vitiligo (Cochrane Review), 2014 Association of the 389 C/T polymorphism of the catalase gene with susceptibility to vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2014 Association of glutathione S-transferase M1/T1 polymorphisms with susceptibility to vitiligo, 2014 Decreased copper and zinc in sera of Chinese vitiligo patients: a meta-analysis, 2013 Association of ACE gene I/D polymorphism with vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2013 The angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism in Indian patients with vitiligo: a case-control study and meta-analysis, 2013 The CTLA-4 +49 A/G, CT60 A/G and PTPN22 1858 C/T polymorphisms and susceptibility to vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2012 Meta-analysis reveals an association of PTPN22 C1858T with autoimmune diseases, which depends on the localization of the affected tissue, 2012 Genome-wide association analyses identify 13 new susceptibility loci for generalized vitiligo, 2011 The polymorphism of catalase T/C codon 389 in exon 9 and vitiligo susceptibility: a meta-analysis, 2009 CTLA4 and generalized vitiligo: two genetic association studies and a meta-analysis of published data, 2007 Association of vitiligo with HLA-A2: a meta-analysis, 2020 Association between vitiligo and hearing loss: A systemic review and meta-analysis, 2020 Vitiligo and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2020 Association of multiple sclerosis with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 Association of atopic dermatitis with vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 The association between vitiligo and diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 The prevalence of thyroid disorders in patients with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 Associated auto-immune disease in type 1 diabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2018 Vitiligo and thyroid disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2018 Association between psoriasis and vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2018 Vitiligo and autoantibodies: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2018 Risk of skin cancer in people with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2017 The prevalence and odds of depression in patients with vitiligo: A meta-analysis, 2017 The prevalence of psychological co-morbidity in people with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2017 Skin manifestations associated with autoimmune liver diseases: A systematic review, 2017 Autoimmune diseases involving skin and intestinal mucosa are more frequent in adolescents and young adults suffering from atopic dermatitis, 2017 Hearing loss in vitiligo: current concepts and review, 2016 Vitiligo and depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies, 2015 Association of vitiligo and alopecia areata with atopic dermatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2012 The prevalence of thyroid disease in patients with vitiligo: a systematic review, 2012 The coexistence of psoriasis and vitiligo: a review, 2008 Alexithymia and dermatology: the state of the art, 2019 Clinical visible signs of disease activity in vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 Systematic review of clinimetric instruments to determine the severity of non-segmental vitiligo, 2017 Biomarkers of disease activity in vitiligo: A systematic review, 2016 Evidence-based management of vitiligo: summary of a Cochrane systematic review, 2015 Interventions for vitiligo (Cochrane Review), 2012 Measurement properties of outcome measures for vitiligo. Treatment of vitiligo is challenging and requires a multidisciplinary approach. A total of 12 clinical vitiligo treatment questions without clear answers were collected via a vote. the excimer laser: a review. Follow-up was 12 weeks. Patients were evaluated 12 weeks after the last treatment. Conclusion We identified several precursor populations (melanocyte stem cells, melanoblasts, other immature phenotypes), and progressively differentiating melanocytes, some with putative migratory and / or proliferative abilities. The 308-nm excimer laser has a wide range of uses for focal inflammatory and hypopigmented conditions. XTRAC ® therapy is FDA Cleared and Pain Free with proven results. Dermatol, 600 nm ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser and narrowband. Find out as much as you can about vitiligo and your treatment options so that you can help decide what steps to take. Q‐switched ruby laser therapy is effective in approximately half of patients treated; it is a safe treatment with a high patient satisfaction. Baltás E, Nagy P, Bónis B, Novák Z, Ignácz F, Szabó G, et al. Vitiligo in Germany 15 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 53 reviews Make an appointment 5,824 patients are sent for treatment. The 308-nm xenon chloride excimer laser is, Additionally, there are emerging lasers that have been attempted as the. Although, evidence for the use of lasers in the treatment of vitiligo is, currently limited, some results are promising. UV-B. The 311-nm, Ti:Sapphire laser has some advantages compared with, the 308-nm excimer laser, including deeper penetration, by the 311 nm wavelength and the use of a solid medium, We performed a randomized, controlled, non-inferiority, trial, based on a split-body protocol for the treatment, Ti:Sapphire laser was 1.7 times that of the 308-nm ex, cimer laser in a pretest of ten volunteers. The keywords were identified as laser/excimer laser/quasimolecule/XeCl" and "vitiligo". Communicate your feelings. At Olansky Dermatology, we proudly offer an effective and very safe treatment for psoriasis and vitiligo using the state-of-the-art Xtrac laser. Photomed Laser Surg 2012;30:610-4. Atopic dermatitis (AD) was induced in mice by exposure to Dermatophagoides farina. Systematic reviews by topic on vitiligo. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1996;62:139-, of the therapeutic efficacy of dermabrasion, dermabrasion, combined with topical 5% 5-fluorouracil cream, and, dermabrasion combined with topical placentrex gel in localized. All patients, had symmetrical vitiligo lesions without improvement, despite more than 1 year of conventional treatment. One of the main advantages of these two new devices is to treat selectively the vitiligo lesions with sparing of the surrounding healthy skin. VITILIGO IS NOT FOREVER Fortunately, XTRAC treatments can minimize and, in many cases, even eliminate vitiligo depigmented patches. He or she may use a special lamp to shine ultraviolet light onto the skin to determine whether you have vitiligo. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Meta-analysis revealed that using fractional CO2 laser in combination with conventional treatments is efficient and safe, and may be considered as an adjunct therapeutic option for patients with refractive non-segmental vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 2012;166:208-11. However, produced no conclusive results. The primary melanocyte germ was present in the untreated and treated hair follicle bulge, while a possible secondary melanocyte germ composed of C-KIT+ melanocytes was found in the infundibulum and interfollicular epidermis of UV-treated vitiligo. Outcome was evaluated objectively based on standard digital photographs, patient satisfaction, and adverse events. at least minimal repigmentation (in press). Reviews On Vitiligo Organics. Review of fractional, Shin J, Lee JS, Hann SK, Oh SH. Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic. Some studies have, shown promising results, with responsiveness in oth, erwise refractory cases, and with differing mechanisms, of action, although most of them were uncontrolled and, non-comparative. The extent of repigmentation was assessed every 4 weeks, and the non‐inferiority margin was set to 10%. Phototherapy with 311-nm narrowband-UVB (NBUVB) is an effective adjuvant treatment modality for atopic dermatitis (AD). Objective: Lan CC, Wu SB, Wu CS, Shen YC, Chiang TY, Wei YH, et al. Response to treatment was related to age, duration of vitiligo, type of vitiligo and site of lesions (respectively, p=0.049, 0.030, 0.001, 0.001). The usual procedure is to use protopic for six to eight weeks and then start it again after a … To address each question, two members performed systematic literature reviews and prepared draft statements along with the levels of evidence and strength of recommendation. He or she can refer you to a mental health provider who specializes in helping people with depression. The 308-nm excimer laser has been used as phototherapy on vitiligo. Sie ist insbesondere vorteilhaft, wenn Herde gezielt behandelt werden können, ohne die übrige Haut zu belasten. proliferation from the niche located in hair follicles. Increased endothelin-1 mRNA, a melanogenic paracrine, Clinical repigmentation was observed in 15/17 (88.2%), patients, and 52.9% (9/17) of patients showed good-to-. This can be done in a walk-in booth to treat the whole body or with a laser to treat localized areas. Description Lured People To Spend Without Effects. Moreover, a, majority of patients have limited involvement of body, increasing number of reports have highlighted the value of lasers as a, treatment option for vitiligo. J Eur Acad Dermatol, L, de Korte J, Sprangers MA, Bos JD, et al. We hope you find this resource helpful and welcome feedback. Laser treatment offers options to people who are bothered by their appearance due to vitiligo. What is Vitiligo? This systematic review and meta‐analysis aims to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of several combination therapy strategies with PRP in the treatment of vitiligo. Treatment is generally well tolerated, with few adverse reactions. J Invest Dermatol, repigmentation patterns with either narrow-band ultraviolet B, (NBUVB) or 308 nm excimer laser treatment in Korean vitiligo, Mechanisms of UV-Induced Apoptosis and Its Effects on Skin. We sought to compare the efficacy and safety of the TSL and EL as vitiligo treatments. Metwally Y. Nonsurgical repigmentation therapies in vitiligo. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs, Division of Rheumatology, Orthopaedics and Dermatology, The prevalence of vitiligo: A meta-analysis, Associations of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR) rs1801131 and rs1801133 polymorphisms with susceptibility to vitiligo: A meta-analysis, Selenium level in patients with vitiligo: A meta-analysis, Associations of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion (ACE Gene I/D) polymorphism with vitiligo: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis, Serum level of antioxidant vitamins and minerals in patients with vitiligo, a systematic review and meta-analysis, Interleukin-17 level in patients with vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Association of PTPN22 1858C/T polymorphism with autoimmune diseases: A systematic review and Bayesian approach, Serum homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in patients with vitiligo and their potential roles as disease activity biomarkers: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, and risk of vitiligo: A meta-analysis, The role of interleukins in vitiligo: A systematic review, Critical appraisal of the oxidative stress pathway in vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Association of protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 +1858C→T polymorphism and susceptibility to vitiligo: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Meta-analysis of the association between vitiligo and the level of superoxide dismutase or malondialdehyde, Meta-analysis of the association between vitiligo and human leukocyte antigen-A, Glutathione peroxidase level in patients with vitiligo: a meta-analysis, Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Meta-analysis of the TNF-α-308G/A polymorphism and vitiligo risk, The association between tumor necrosis factor-α-308 G/A polymorphism and risk for vitiligo: a meta-analysis, Associations between TNF-α polymorphisms and susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis and vitiligo: a meta-analysis, Lack of association between cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4+49A/G polymorphism and psoriasis and vitiligo: A meta-analysis of case-control studies, Association of Apal and Bsml polymorphisms with vitiligo risk: a meta-analysis, Lack of association between the 389C>T polymorphism (rs769217) in the catalase (CAT) gene and the risk of vitiligo: an update by meta-analysis, Association of the 389 C/T polymorphism of the catalase gene with susceptibility to vitiligo: a meta-analysis, Association of glutathione S-transferase M1/T1 polymorphisms with susceptibility to vitiligo, Decreased copper and zinc in sera of Chinese vitiligo patients: a meta-analysis, Association of ACE gene I/D polymorphism with vitiligo: a meta-analysis, The angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism in Indian patients with vitiligo: a case-control study and meta-analysis, The CTLA-4 +49 A/G, CT60 A/G and PTPN22 1858 C/T polymorphisms and susceptibility to vitiligo: a meta-analysis, Meta-analysis reveals an association of PTPN22 C1858T with autoimmune diseases, which depends on the localization of the affected tissue, Genome-wide association analyses identify 13 new susceptibility loci for generalized vitiligo, The polymorphism of catalase T/C codon 389 in exon 9 and vitiligo susceptibility: a meta-analysis, CTLA4 and generalized vitiligo: two genetic association studies and a meta-analysis of published data, Association of vitiligo with HLA-A2: a meta-analysis, Association between vitiligo and hearing loss: A systemic review and meta-analysis, Vitiligo and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Association of multiple sclerosis with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Association of atopic dermatitis with vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis, The association between vitiligo and diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis, The prevalence of thyroid disorders in patients with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Associated auto-immune disease in type 1 diabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Vitiligo and thyroid disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Association between psoriasis and vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Vitiligo and autoantibodies: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Risk of skin cancer in people with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, The prevalence and odds of depression in patients with vitiligo: A meta-analysis, The prevalence of psychological co-morbidity in people with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Skin manifestations associated with autoimmune liver diseases: A systematic review, Autoimmune diseases involving skin and intestinal mucosa are more frequent in adolescents and young adults suffering from atopic dermatitis, Hearing loss in vitiligo: current concepts and review, Vitiligo and depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies, Association of vitiligo and alopecia areata with atopic dermatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis, The prevalence of thyroid disease in patients with vitiligo: a systematic review, The coexistence of psoriasis and vitiligo: a review, Alexithymia and dermatology: the state of the art, Clinical visible signs of disease activity in vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Systematic review of clinimetric instruments to determine the severity of non-segmental vitiligo, Biomarkers of disease activity in vitiligo: A systematic review, Evidence-based management of vitiligo: summary of a Cochrane systematic review, Measurement properties of outcome measures for vitiligo. Phototherapy uses therapeutic light targeted and directed in a very precise manner. Xtrac uses carefully-focused laser light beams to target patches of skin that are affected by psoriasis or vitiligo. For example, studies have shown a responsiveness in other-. the onset of repigmentation after an average of 6.1 treat. Molecular, Imokawa G. Autocrine and paracrine regulation of melanocytes, Noborio R, Morita A. Results However, most of them have demonstrated effectiveness only in, Lasers have an advantage in treating vitiligo; they allow, selective treatment of depigmented lesions, preventing. A systematic review was performed by searching major databases for relevant publications to February 2017. Meta-analysis of the literature, 2020 The effects of tacrolimus plus phototherapy in the treatment of vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2020 Efficacy of combination therapy of narrowband-ultraviolet B phototherapy or excimer laser with topical tacrolimus for vitiligo: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 The effectiveness of topical calcineurin inhibitors comparing with topical corticosteroids in the treatment of vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 The efficacy and safety of tacrolimus as mono- and adjunctive therapy for vitiligo: A systematic review of randomised clinical trials, 2019 Treatment outcomes of topical calcineurin inhibitor therapy for patients with vitiligo: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2016 Pharmacologic treatment of vitiligo in children and adolescents: a systematic review, 2016 Effect of narrow band ultraviolet B phototherapy as monotherapy or combination therapy for vitiligo: a meta-analysis, 2016 Evidence-based management of vitiligo: summary of a Cochrane systematic review, 2016 Effectiveness and safety of topical tacrolimus monotherapy for repigmentation in vitiligo: a comprehensive literature review, 2016 Effect of topical calcineurin inhibitors as monotherapy or combined with phototherapy for vitiligo treatment: a meta-analysis, 2012 Evidence-based, non-surgical treatments for vitiligo: a review, 2011 Vitiligo in adults and children (BMJ Clinical Evidence), 2008 Therapeutic interventions for vitiligo, 2016 The efficacy of 308-nm excimer laser/light (EL) and topical agent combination therapy versus EL monotherapy for vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 2014 Off-label uses of topical vitamin D in dermatology: a systematic review, 2020 Current art of combination therapy with autologous platelet-rich plasma for stable vitiligo: A meta-analysis, 2019 Platelet-rich plasma and its utility in medical dermatology - A systematic review, Note: Other topical treatments used in combination therapies are included under "Phototherapy", 2016 Evidence-based management of vitiligo: summary of a Cochrane systematic review2015 Interventions for vitiligo (Cochrane Review)2012 Evidence-based, non-surgical treatments for vitiligo: a review, 2018 Antioxidant supplements in combination with phototherapy for vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, 2015 Interventions for vitiligo (Cochrane Review)2012 Evidence-based, non-surgical treatments for vitiligo: a review, 2020 Repigmentation in vitiligo using Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors with phototherapy: systematic review and meta-analysis, 2019 Scoping review on the use of drugs targeting JAK/STAT pathway in atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, and alopecia areata, Note: Other oral treatments used in combination therapies are included under "Phototherapy", 2018 The role of phototherapy in the surgical treatment of vitiligo: a systematic review, 2016 Interventions for vitiligo (summary of Cochrane Review), 1998 Nonsurgical repigmentation therapies in vitiligo. solution and narrowband ultraviolet B for refractory vitiligo: a prospective, randomized half-body, comparative study. Clinical efficacy, Xiang L. Once-weekly treatment of vitiligo with monochromatic, Linthorst Homan MW, Spuls PI, Nieuweboer-Krobotova, Verhaeghe E, Lodewick E, van Geel N, Lambert J. Intrapatient, Leone G, Iacovelli P, Paro Vidolin A, Picardo M. Monochromatic, Casacci M, Thomas P, Pacifico A, Bonnevalle A, Paro Vidolin, Hofer A, Hassan AS, Legat FJ, Kerl H, Wolf P. Optimal weekly, Beggs S, Short J, Rengifo-Pardo M, Ehrlich A. Larger studies and studies evaluating the long-term effects of the 308-nm excimer laser are needed. Int J Dermatol 2007;46:875-9. Read More. At Khrom Dermatology, we often use Excimer light treatment along with topical treatments. Repigmentation was graded on a 4‐point scale: grade 1, poor repigmentation (0–25%); grade 2, moderate repigmentation (26–50%); grade 3, good repigmentation (51–75%); grade 4, excellent repigmentation (76–100%). replicable by UVB irradiation. Seventy‐four paired lesions in 21 patients were assigned to both the EL group or TSL group. Laser treatments are often used to correct localized vitiligo. Laser treatment. J Cell Sci 2010;123:853-60. nm Ti:Sapphire laser vs. 308-nm Excimer laser treatment for, vitiligo: A prospective randomized controlled non-inferiority. These, NC/Nga mice were then treated with conventional 311-nm NBUVB or the newly developed gain-switched 311-nm Ti:Sapphire laser. J Dermatol 2009;36:317-22. Dermatol Ther 2015;28:333-5. energy helium-neon laser therapy induces repigmentation, and improves the abnormalities of cutaneous microcirculation, in segmental-type vitiligo lesions. No significant differences were seen between 308-nm excimer laser and 308-nm excimer lamp on either ≥75% or ≥50% re-pigmentation rate, or between 308-nm excimer laser and narrowband-ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) on either 100% or ≥75% re-pigmentation rate. The response rate of repigmentation and mean improvement grades of repigmentation were mainly used for qualitative assessment. The, laser was administered locally at a fixed fluence of 3.0, observed after an average of 16 treatment sessions, and. Pigment Cell Res, human epidermal equivalent model by narrow-band ultraviolet, B light sources. J Mol Med (Berl) 2012;90:321-30. stable vitiligo. tion occurred after 16, 20, and 24 treatment sessions, respectively. Do you struggle to find the latest evidence about major skin disorders and their treatments? In addition, the treated area never becomes overexposed to radiation so there is a reduced risk of later developing any form of cancer. Lenton Lane Conclusions Vitiligo is a condition that destroys cells that produce melanin in the skin, which are called melanocytes. vitiligo. Results No serious side-effects were noted. et al. adverse effects of the two lasers were similar; no serious. The 308-nm excimer laser showed equivalent efficacies to 308-nm excimer lamp control and NB-UVB control concerning ≥75% re-pigmentation rate of vitiligo patches. Dermatol Surg 2015;41:1201-11. et al. Short-term effects of 308-nm, Hadi S, Tinio P, Al-Ghaithi K, Al-Qari H, Al-Helalat M, Lebwohl, Fa Y, Lin Y, Chi XJ, Shi WH, Wang JL, Guo X, et al. The excimer laser is creating very pleasing results. A review of monochromatic. UV-sensitive areas respond best as well as a short duration of the disease. If so our maps of systematic reviews are for you. 40000 for a treatment of white patches on the patient’s hands. J Am Acad Dermatol, of life for Korean patients with vitiligo: Skindex-29 and its. Human dermal stem cells differentiate into functional. DermaHealer Compact is a clinically proven UVB Light Therapy device for the treatment of all types of psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema and similar skin conditions in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This may be helpful for vitiligo by evening out patches of lighter-than-normal skin. 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