There are a few ways to do this. 17 = Money/Postal Orders prev_feature_obj = document.all[current_feature]; dooly 3,518 posts. frm.buynowprice.disabled = true; eBid furnishes stores and pictures free and only takes a very small % when an item sells. Quantity. You can add a reasonable shipping and handling cost that covers your costs for mailing, packaging, and handling the item. o = "overwrite" .. the third bidder bid $5.00 between 250.00 and 499.99 => 5.00 When you try and login while your account is on hold you will find you are locked out. All spreadsheets over 500 auctions will automatically be made on first bid. Bootlegs, unauthorized live concerts, unauthorized soundboard recordings, unauthorized merchandise, etc., is not permitted. As part of our commitment to the community we have checks that are in place to help buyers gain trust, and for the sellers to gain credibility. To add a lot of listings to your eBid Store quickly simply download our spreadsheet from the My Bulk Upload section of My eBid and populate the eBid Store Category column. 2) FAST REPOST - On the listing review page of the individual closed listing you will see a button entitled "Fast Repost", clicking this will repost your listing using exactly the same data. Can I add defaults to forms when selling to save time? On average, you can expect a listing on eBid to last much longer before completion than on eBay. 1. SELLER and SELLER+ account holders can make use of the eBid Ninja Lister to create listings and to import listings from other online marketplaces. // elem.disabled = true; The Title and Description must be in the language of the Google site your items are uploaded to. Different levels of access give members different facilities. Illegal goods and services: You must post in accordance with the laws of your target country. Leave empty if you are using Fixed Price (BuyNow only with no bidding facilities). You can also set your editor default in the My Defaults section. save hide report. In which case it will require a manual launch from the My eBid > My Bulk Upload section. Please also refer to Can I import listings from other Marketplaces? Go to My eBid > Listings I'm Running (left hand menu) then use the All Delete or All Close buttons at the top right hand side of the section then use the Close/Delete Selected Auctions button at the foot of the page. It is up to you to read the posting rules and abide by them, users are told about the posting rules when they start an auction. If no payment is received your listing will be reset to its standing prior to the purchase being made. If no bid has been made within 365 days the listing will expire. Although many items are sold by auction, sellers can list their items as ‘run until sold’ auctions, which is essentially the equivalent of the eBay ‘buy now’ fixed price listing. Copies of television programs, including pay-per-view events are prohibited. Make sure you spell this correctly as you will NOT be notified of success or failed uploads if this is incorrect. False representation: You may not post on behalf of Google, or otherwise impersonate a Google employee. Selling Off Site/The posting of Contact Details. SELLER users can add 1. Continuous negative feedback will also see your account placed on hold. } if( ! There are niches you can almost ALWAYS make good profit in. Will you upload my items to Google Shopping? } The After Sale Log drop down menu allows sellers and bidders to contact each other, send invoices, mark the item as paid and delivered etc and view previous correspondence. This includes collectable and vintage items. share. frm.fixedprice.disabled = true; Don't forget Gallery auctions require a photo. See more ideas about Selling on ebay, Stylus pen, Stylus. Childminder certification of any kind. eBid can handle photos in all their glory no matter what the size. International Postage. How To Build a $100,000 Dropshipping Business On Amazon from Scratch. current_feature =; It must be greater than Starting Bid if you are using both bidding and BuyNow. if(!document.all && document.getElementById) { // Netscape 6 var old_feature = current_feature; Copyright © 1999-2021 eBid Ltd. What if I can't contact the highest bidder? This has an adverse effect on the entire community. Can't find an answer? Show your listing on the eBid frontpage for 24 hours and gain extra coverage to thousands of viewers. Be honest and factual. 5) DO create your own Stores. 5 = PayPal The listing description should state that the container has not been opened, but that any incidental contents are not intended for consumption. If you don't have an eBid Store Name your eBid Username will be used. If the image is stored elsewhere on the Internet select - 2) Enter URL of photo and enter the location of your image on the internet. Please ensure that only BMPS, GIFs, JPGs, TIFs and PNGs are included within the zip and the zip file size is less than 200MB. Precious metals: Posting is not permitted for the promotion of rare, scarce, or valuable metals or gemstones. Check out our current special offer for half price SELLER+ Lifetime upgrades. If it had no sales then the same listing ID# will be used. Have you sold any products on eBid? return; You can find more information on our eBid spreadsheet and Ninja Lister at My eBid > My Bulk Upload. Novelty or replica banknotes. Once you have the photo(s) uploaded to "My Gallery" then click the "use this picture" link or alternatively tick multiple boxes to choose more than one photo and then hit the "Use Selected Images" button. You will be automatically sent the buyers full contact details by email when your listing reaches its end. The auction will begin at the minimum bid price and once the bidding reaches the reserve price then the seller is obliged to sell the item placed for sale. 1 - ideal) A UPC/EAN/MPC and BRAND are supplied to us. As well as the home currency of CAD, USD and GBP are also available. If you opt for "On First Bid" or "Run Until Sold" the listing will remain as "Featured" for 60 days before changing to a "Standard Listing" (SELLER), "Gallery Listing" (SELLER+ with photo) or "Free Listing" (SELLER+ no photo). I joined eBid as a ssller in November 2009 following negative experience with the costs of selling on EBay. Alcohol is highly regulated in the UK and US. There can be cultural differences and sensitivities. For the more technically inclined there is the eBid API and Developer Portal. } function clicked_wrong_feature(param) The reserve price of an auction is the minimum price that the seller of the item is willing to sell the item for. C) Items that could have been purchased in a shop in their lifetime and scanned at a checkout till Posting is not permitted for unauthorized or "bootleg" copies of media, software, or other licensed or protected material. CA:7.5:Y In this example the tax will be applied to sales to California at 7.5% and WILL be applied to shipping costs also. Remember, all successful bidders will pay the same price, which is the lowest successful bid. More and more people are being put off by eBay and are looking for reasonable alternatives where they can list their products. Canadian customers with a SELLER+ Lifetime subscription will have the option to change their listing currency. For example it is our experience that Google do not like 'Free Shipping' in titles or descriptions. This cell is required for each listing. Ear Candles, skin peels, contact lenses, cosmetic lenses, prescription eyewear and implantable devices. Go to My eBid > My Subscriptions to upgrade. { This price should be above the minimum bid price. The integrated checkout will not show to your buyers unless you have stored your PayPal username (email) with eBid. 1 - minimum) An ISBN/UPC/EAN/MPC is supplied to us. 3) DO complete your"My All About Me" page which provides potential buyers with information on who you are. You will see each of your default sets in a dropdown menu on the list new auction page. Simple answer is to click here and choose which category you want to place your item(s) into. Include relevant and complete information about your products with attributes. If you wish to copy and paste HTML or text from Microsoft Word into this editor it will be subject to the formatting rules of the editor and may not be a 100% match to your original document. 1) MASS REPOST - Locate the closed listing in question on the "Listings I Ran" page, tick the repost checkbox and submit using the button at the bottom. You may not disclaim knowledge of, or responsibility for, the authenticity or legality of the products you offer. By this we mean telephone numbers, email addresses or links/details pertaining to a third party ecommerce site. It does not have a fixed ending time. Posting is not permitted for manuals, how-to guides, information, or equipment enabling illegal access to software, servers, websites, or other protected property. Go to theMy eBid > My Feedback > FB Import tab. For more help with Ninja Lister see this thread in our forums. /* Go to My eBid > Auctions I'm Running (left hand menu) and select the Export Listings link at the top left hand side of the page. Please also refer to the Google Shopping Restricted Products page and Google Shopping user guide section for more information.The criteria for upload are a PLATINUM, GALLERY, FEATURED or FRONTPAGE listing together with: Auction listing with at least 3 days remaining & BuyNow available All winning bidders pay the same price, which is the lowest successful bid. Books, Manuals, Software, or literature that provide instructions on how to perform or engage in any form of illegal activity. If the original listing had any sales on it then the new listing will have a different listing ID#. If you are having issues installing Ninja Lister and are using McAfee anti virus software, you may need to temporarily disable the real time scanning option to install the software. 3) SINGLE REPOST - On the listing review page of the individual closed listing you will see a button entitled "Repost", clicking this will take you to our normal listing form which will be populated with the details from the original listing. if( current_feature ) A small listing fee is charged and also the normal final value fee when an item sells. Listing fees do not apply to Gallery auctions and you will not be charged a final value fee if the item doesn't sell. Go to "My eBid" > "My eBid Stores", upload a logo, add a store title, create your categories and colours and set your store to "Online" and you are set. prev_feature_obj.checked = true; frm.duration_mm.disabled = true; The store id can be found on the config page for each of your eBid Stores. Items that requires a prescription or supervision from or dispensed by a licensed practitioner. It is not fair on other members to show row after row of the same identical item. Please remember that many people don't access their e-mail daily, so they may not be intentionally ignoring you if you don't hear from them straight away. if you use the web address it goes through to a site that offers auction links where even ebay gets a mention! function silver_platinum_disable(frm) But remember your listings will be changed over to a Fixed Price format, any bidding facilities you had on your listings will be removed. Please ensure you read through this list, it will save you and us time in the future and answer a lot of users complaints similar to "Why have eBid deleted my auctions for no reason". How do I repost a listing that has finished? { For example, sellers of alcoholic beverages must be licensed, and must take steps to ensure that they do not sell their products to minors. } This trend is notably quantifiable in search volume and search ranking. Multi-level marketing schemes(MLM) or Pyramid schemes. National Insurance numbers or an application for a National Insurance number. There are more than 3.8 million live listings in more than 12,000 categories with a gross value of more than USD $6 billion. The file headers should be similar to the following: item-name  item-description  listing-id  seller-sku  price  quantity  open-date  image-url  item-is-marketplace  product-id-type  zshop-shipping-fee  item-note  item-condition  zshop-category1  zshop-browse-path  zshop-storefront-feature  asin1  asin2  asin3  will-ship-internationally  expedited-shipping  zshop-boldface  product-id  bid-for-featured-placement  add-delete  pending-quantity. 5 = 4 Days Let's take a look at how the two compare. Any recopied media such as dubs, duplicates or transfers of books, videos, music, karaoke recordings, software, images etc is prohibited. Close. Feedback over 5 removes the low feedback sunglasses icon. Archived. phone numbers, marketing messages, sale announcements, free shipping etc. Additionally, though eBid is an online auction site, people seem to prefer the buy it now option in large quantities. 3 to 90 days or "run until sold" if you are using BuyNow only (Fixed Price), this will keep your item running until it sells. OR You can add additional Paypal addresses to you eBid account if you wish. 7) DO use the Forum > Plug Your Auctions to advertise your wares and any special offers you are running. Now I haven't got a good thing to say for eBid. Fill in a title, description, price, shipping costs and the payment methods you wish to use to receive money (see below for details on payment processors you can accept on eBid). I used to use ebay until i got chucked off because of the stupid 5star rating system. If so their account will be held and ALL auctions deleted. Image URL or Image filename. Avoid offensive or inappropriate language. /* theninestarshop link of the listing you wish to add to your eBid Store. } Good support available from real people. This is optional. You can add a note to all your auctions by going to My eBid > My Notices. Posting is not permitted for the promotion of multi-level marketing (MLM) business products or for other businesses that recruit members and offer them rewards for recruiting others and/or selling services. not being used within a live or closed listing). Please do not email us asking us what you did wrong, a simple apology will re-open your account almost immediately whereas a long winded email conversation will waste ours and your time. 10) DO price your items sensibly. All capitals are not allowed. Only $3.99 to list with a 0% final value fee. Add a code to help you recognise the listing, maybe a part number or stock code. Counterfeit banknotes, bonds, stamps, money orders and securities. Selling my sets on EBid. If you wish to use some images within your listing description that are not being used in the photo section also we recommend not hosting these in "My Gallery". 14 = Demand Draft Listings with links to another website and/or where you are offering the same item for sale. SKU. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) or accessories. See for further information if in any doubt. image_err) Because the rules and regulations stay consistent, there isn't a lot to deal with in maintaining a store on the site. Multi-item auctions should have their starting bid set to the minimum amount you are willing to accept. All the offers you receive can be seen in "My eBid Dashboard > Offers I Received". List a description of your item to maximize your chances of finding a good buyer. You can add multiple images by uploading your images within a Zip file. Don't forget to deselect this option on your return. If you wish successful buyers of your BuyNow listings (not Auction or Make An Offers sales) to pay immediately, you can select this as a default option via the My eBid > My Defaults section, under the General Defaults header. Over the years, I have watched eBay decline in sales, increase costs and make the rules so complex it was no fun to … } Equipment that can be used to make counterfeit items. } Ebid is a great alternative! ); Repeated and unnecessary use of punctuation, capitalization, or symbols (e.g., spelling your store name in ALL CAPS); Available to United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Australia, Brazil and Netherlands eBid members. You can find these in the "My eBid Store" section of My eBid. You can recall them when listing by clicking the "Populate" tab at the top of the listing form. So a listing of 7 days length can be reposted 10 times, meaning 70 days on eBid in total. Posting is not permitted for pornographic materials involving minors. Affiliates, catalogued drop-shipping programs, and multi-level marketing: Posting is not permitted for the promotion of affiliate or pay-per-click links, products sold through a commission-based relationship, or sites that sell through cataloged third-party drop-shipping programs. You can experiment both with eBay and eBid to see which will better suit your niche needs. This section opens the auction details and will allow you to contact the bidder from the drop down menu. See our fee rate card for charges. eBid is an official Marketplace Partner of Google. There is a limit of 500000 characters to a single listing description If you are adding your own HTML to this editor please note that any tags before the tag in your code will be stripped so if you have stylesheets make sure you put them in the body of your code. Ebid is growing in leaps and bounds, as more and more sellers move to it and more and more buyers come in due to ebid being a google selling partner. Listings that portray an act of graphic violence or victims of violence, unless they have substantial social, artistic or political value will be removed. Listings that ask users to purchase information on how to receive products. You do not need to include "Inc.," "Co.," "GmbH," etc. if( == 'fea_front' ) Copyright unlocking devices: Posting is not permitted for the promotion of mod chips or other devices designed to circumvent copyright protection. The Drop Shipping Dream - Is it too good to be true? The eBid Ninja Lister is a downloadable application that will run on Windows, OSX and Linux. Posting is not permitted for the promotion of products such as drug cleansing shakes and urine test additives. Here we see that there was a boom period for unique visits in the early summer of 2013 and then a significant drop off. e.g. When you start a new listing eBid gives you many options, one of these is the "Auto-repost" option. SELLER+ subscriptions can be purchased for 30 days, 365 days or a Lifetime giving you zero listing fees and zero final value fees for life. Happy Hour listings are no longer run on eBid. descriptions cannot be edited after a bid has been made. For example, if you listed a pair of Batman pajamas for USD $7.88 on eBid, you would pay 24 cents to eBid upon that sale's completion. Collectable, Antique or Curio firearms. R rated films may be removed at our discretion. Please be careful to post items that are appropriate for our global community. A Multi-item Listing is a listing in which the seller has up to 99 identical items to sell. All Knives (excluding cutlery), swords and machetes. I sell as many items on eBay as I do with eBid. If the seller remains a regular user of eBid then RUS items won't be removed from sale automatically. How to identify and add ISBNs, UPCs and EANs. eBid help Forums My advice in order is (1) Pay for your Lifetime Membership. If the BuyNow feature is elected, the item listing will close immediately and will not enter into an auction type bidding war. if(document.all) { // IE The one ebid don't own though isn't a variation it is the actual name $("#calendar_pick > button").removeAttr('disabled'); The buyer must know that if they did not meet the reserve price, then as stated, the seller will not be willing to sell the item. Featured Listings are shown at the top of their allocated category and subcategory pages in their own section above all the Free and Gallery auctions. There are no listing fees for putting your inventory on display as there are with eBay, and there is a 3 percent cap on the Final Value Fee (FVF) that a seller would pay per transaction. The spreadsheet contains examples and instructions of how to import listings using a spreadsheet. frm.sku.disabled = true; For example, NTSC to Pal and Pal to NTSC conversion are not permitted. Maximum time is 45 days. Easy to use and the free Ninja Lister saves a bunch of time when creating new listings for my store. A Private Listing allows customers to bid without showing their usernames. Once items have been uploaded to Google Products we are reliant on Google to place the listings in the Searches. 6) If you have feedback earned on other auction sites request an import to get your feedback started. Not only that, but the competition for almost every category is quite crowded. See our Registration FAQ page for more details on upgrading your account. The code in the non-featured listings why are My photos/pictures not showing on search results for My?... Implantable devices Platinum auction to be true broadcast, unauthorized scripts, unauthorized live concerts, unauthorized recordings! Contents are not intended for animals such as free photo hosting site such as Tarot, Charts. The removal of all auctions deleted menu ) Edit form you can expect a listing form enables to... 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