Which of the following statements is true of rebates? Any sales promotion activity that you do keeping the end consumer in mind is known as consumer sales promotions. Which of the following statements is true of couponing? Marketing - Nature, scope and functions - Marketing aptitude... Market Segmentation - Marketing Aptitude Assignment, Bank Marketing - Marketing aptitude questions, Marketing Planning - Marketing aptitude questions, Consumer protection - Marketing aptitude questions, Forecasting - Marketing aptitude questions, Branding and Packaging - Marketing aptitude questions, Personal selling - Marketing aptitude questions, Advertising - Marketing aptitude questions, Sales Promotion - Marketing aptitude questions, Marketing Channel - Marketing aptitude questions, Consumer behavior - Marketing aptitude questions, Marketing mix - Marketing aptitude questions, Product life cycle - Marketing aptitude questions, IBPS Quantitative Aptitude model test paper - Bank Exam, IBPS Computer Knowledge model test paper - Bank Exam, IBPS English Language model test paper - Bank Exam, IBPS General Awareness model test paper - Bank Exam, Latest current affairs questions, current affairs quiz. A discount or deal offered to a retailer or wholesaler to encourage them to stock, promote, or display a manufacturer's product is known as, 101. When sales promotions are offered for a limited time, they create urgency among customers because they have to act before the promotion expires. A. purchase behavior is attributed to an external incentive. Marketers who are being held accountable for strategy implementation often need concrete methods to show the effectiveness of their decision making. It is the least expensive of all other methods of sales promotion. Which of the following have the highest redemption levels of all types of coupons? Sales promotions are special incentives or excitement-building programs that encourage consumers to purchase a particular product or service, typically used in conjunction with other advertising or personal selling programs. 114. Sampling is generally considered the least effective way to generate trial. Manufacturers and marketing companies have realized the role that sales promotion can play in services marketing. When a brand moves to the maturity stage, advertising is primarily used as a reminder to keep consumers aware of the brand. Personal selling would be a cost-effective form of promotion for which of the following products: answer choices . C. Nonusers of rebates perceive the rebate redemption process as too complicated. Spring Supermarket is using a, 91. 80. A. B. Marketeers can reap the following advantages from the implementation of appropriate sales promotion technique: 1. Sales promotions are indeed beneficial for driving revenue, creating brand identity and allowing brands to acquire new customers! Electronically dispensed checkout coupons. (a) Promotion mix (b) Sales promotion (c) Trade promotion (d) Discount coupon 8. D. are cost effective and can be targeted to specific categories of consumers. Which of the following types of sales promotions are also called continuity programs? Coupons, bonus packs, premiums, and samples are promotional offers that are targeted toward. Tags: Question 7 . Which of the following sales promotion techniques is impacted negatively by the presence of professionals or hobbyists who take advantage of the promotion without making a purchase? Sampling through the mail is common for small, lightweight, nonperishable products. This is an example of _____ advertising. 42) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using sales promotions? Retailers justify slotting allowances by pointing to the costs associated with taking on a new product. Money that must be paid to a retailer so it will take on a company's new product is known as. The toy was only available for a limited period. This is an example of a(n) _____ coupon. Promotion programs cannot be developed to coincide with peak sales periods for certain products and services. A strategy for increasing sales of an established brand is to use promotions that attract nonusers of the product category or users of a competing brand. It will not reach nonusers of the carrier brand. Where recruitment agency has been used, candidates might have passed the initial screening done by recruitment agency and save the organisation time and money. 62. Trade Promotion refers to marketing activities that are executed in retail between these two partners. How are marketers responding to the decline of consumers' attention to mass-media advertising? 54. 51. Every time Beth buys a book at The Venus Bookstore, she presents her Venus card, and the sales associate enters her purchase in a database. Q. 111. 1. Soft drink . Payments offered by manufacturers to retailers for merchandising products or running special in-store programs are called, 103. These incentives are discount, free gift offer, distribution of free samples, rebate, sales contents etc. When she has purchased five books at regular price, she is sent a coupon for a free book to be picked out on her next visit to the store. 79. _____ marketing is a type of marketing in which a manufacturer collaborates with an individual retailer to create a customized promotion that accomplishes mutual objectives. 122. A major reason for the increase in spending on sales promotion is that the promotion industry has matured over the past several decades. It is one of the objectives of trade promotions that the excess inventory lying with the company should be liquidated. Create Urgency. C. Marketing experts argue that higher spending on sales promotion is at the expense of media advertising, which leads to a decline in brand equity. Samples would be an appropriate promotional strategy. In contrast, advertising and sales promotion must often be purchased in fairly large amounts. Management of this excess inventory is a cost to the company in terms of warehousing and capital invested. 57. B. Coupons are often used by consumers who are already loyal to the brand. Which of the following is true of in-store couponing? They do not attract nonusers of a particular brand. Methods used in sales promotion include coupons, samples, premiums, point-of-purchase (POP) displays, contests, rebates, and sweepstakes. Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix: answer choices . Sales promotions are now considered an essential part of an organization's branding strategies. One objective of trade-oriented promotions is to encourage retailers to display and promote an established brand. They require customers to pay for the mailing costs. It involves offering shoppers a deal that would enable them to either purchase a product for a lower price (e.g., $10 off) OR get more value of the sale (e.g., Buy One Get One Free). 74. Which of the following is true of self-liquidating premiums? Which of the following is an advantage of the sampling method of sales promotion? _____ involves a variety of procedures whereby consumers are given some quantity of a product for no charge to induce trial. Nearly _____ percent of consumers use coupons on a regular basis. Sales promotion is a marketing strategy where the product is promoted using short-term attractive initiatives to stimulate its demand and increase its sales. Consumers must pay the manufacturers' cost-price or a _____ premium. D) sweepstakes promotion. If someone can get your product at a lower price for a certain period of time, it’s complicated for him/her to accept the following price rise without changes in the purchase behavior. A) Manufacturers do not have to invest in creating their own brand names. Brand managers tend to ignore sales promotion due to its primacy effect. The managers of a fast-food chain want to publicize their restaurants. 93. A major reason for decrease in sales promotion is that customers have become less brand loyal. The following promotions work very well in services marketing. 78. The following exercise examines some of the different types of sales promotions and their advantages and disadvantages. C) trade sales promotion. The advantage of sales promotion is that they are not too expensive for the company when compared with ATL advertising mediums like Television or newspaper. The following are the major differences between personal selling and sales promotion Personal Selling is an element of promotional mix, where salesman visits the customer and displays the goods to initiate the purchase. The oldest, most widely used, and most effective sales promotion tool is. Advantage of Sales Promotion 1. Taking 25 percent off the price of a good without altering its benefits increases the customer's perception of value. They are designed to increase long-term brand preference. 55. Which of the following would best support a marketer in producing a quick and easily measurable jump in sales? 61. D. In this stage, promotional dollars must be used primarily for advertising to stress brand differences. Not only seasonal product, any consumer or industrial level product can be pushed in the market when the company has excess inventory. For more advice on sales promotion management visit the Mando’s promotional risk management page. 68. 66. An in- or on-package coupon that is redeemable for a future purchase of the same brand is known as a(n) _____ coupon. B. advertising is primarily a reminder to keep consumers aware of the brand. As the noise of competitors rises, you will find more and more companies using sales promotions techniques. A. 89. Q15. D. In this stage, all the promotional support for the brand will be removed. Sales promotions are a short-term marketing tactic to create urgency and increase sales. The in-store sampling approach can be very effective for food products because. In a(n) _____ sampling, a multiproduct firm attaches the sample to an existing item of the firm. 118. answer choices . 76. Trade promotions should have clear, limited duration to drive a sense of urgency and speed up sales. A manufacturer of skis and skiing accessories provides sales personnel in ski shops with instruction classes, detailed manuals, and other tools to help them better understand how to sell the company's ski boots. 105. Packages of Vinnie's Cornmeal have coupons that can be cut out and redeemed at the time of purchase. 2. Sales promotion is very important for any product, especially for newly launched and designed product. AACSB: Reflective Thinking. Which of the following is an example of a nonfranchise-building promotion? Everyone loves a bargain, right? 65. Which of the following is true of allocation of the promotional budget when a brand enters the decline stage? Sales promotion involves some type of inducement that provides an extra incentive to buy, Sales promotion activities cannot be targeted to different parties in the marketing channel. 67. These payments are called. Which of the following is an advantage of television advertising? Advantages of Sales Promotion. Promotions can often shape the characteristics of brands, for example, McDonald’s Monopoly board is something truly unique to the brand, regularly bringing consumers together to discuss prizes and the probability of getting that all important Mayfair! A brand that is constantly promoted may lose perceived value. The plush toy is an example of a, 71. A) provides a tangible incentive to buyers B) provides accountability to marketing managers C) enables company to build its database D) builds long-term brand awareness E) develops relationship with customers 60. VB Inc., a shoe manufacturer, sponsors a campaign that advertises the availability of its running shoes at Shoe Rack, a retail chain. 81. The importance of sales promotion in modern marketing has increased mainly on account of its ability in promoting sales, preparing the ground for future expansion. Sales promotion helps in increasing sales in a short span of time. It is one of the most credible forms of promotion and can be persuasive. The managers of a fast-food chain want to publicize their restaurants. Example – if an E-commerce website gives 10% discount on its products, then it wants the consumers to make the best of this deal. This strategy is usually brought to use in the following cases – to introduce new products, sell out existing inventories, What advantage does distribution of coupons through direct mail have over other forms of coupon delivery? It adds to the consistency of promotion by using the same sales message for each prospective customer. A package of Confident razor blades contains a 75 cents-off coupon for Confident Foamy shaving cream. 64. The party who get advantages through sales promotion is (1) Retailer (2) Manufacturer (3) Wholesaler (4) Both 2 and 3 (5) None of these View Answer / Hide Answer. C) enables company to build its database E) sampling. B. CFB promotions cannot make consumers loyal to a brand that is of little value. 97. 117. A. It is sponsored by a group of retailers. When McDonald's introduced its value menu in 2003 and competitors responded by putting popular items on their value meal menus to keep up, it was an example of a(n) ________________ or a spiral that results when several competitors use promotions extensively. Yummy Oats cereal included tubes of ToothFairy Junior toothpaste inside each of its boxes. A) provides a tangible incentive to buyers. d. They give consumers an opportunity to check out new products without the pressure of a salesperson. (a) Pressurizing by manager to increase sales (b) More external competition (c) Least difference among the brands (d) All of these 9. Which of the following is an advantage of the sampling method of sales promotion? Which of the following is true of consumer franchise building (CFB) promotions? Answer: B. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 427-428. Media support for a sales promotion program is typically considered optional. Sales promotion activities that communicate distinctive brand attributes and contribute to the development and reinforcement of brand identity are known as. An objective for consumer-oriented promotions is to enhance or support the integrated marketing communications effort for a brand or company. SURVEY . Pluto Inc. places a 50 cents-off coupon for another brand, Krispies maple syrup, on the outside of boxes of its Pluto Rice Cereal. 85. C. to introduce a new product into the marketplace. A. 120. Why have loyalty programs become so popular with marketers? Which of the following is true of allocation of the promotional budget when a brand enters the growth stage? 77. 32) Which of the following is not an advantage of using sales promotions? b. It can be difficult to estimate how many consumers will use a coupon and when. Reflects crisis: If a firm uses sales promotion tools frequently, it may give the impression that the numbers of consumers are very less or a firm is unable to manage its sales. 95. When reductions from the regular price of a product are offered at the point-of-purchase through specially marked packages, a marketer is using a, 90. 92. Programs involving cash payments directly to the sales force to reward them for selling the manufacturer's products involve the use of. Which of the following is a disadvantage of bounce-back coupons? A _____ is a configuration of products that occupy a shelf section in a store, offered to retailers by manufacturers. Which of the following is a limitation of using in-store sampling? 86. Which of the following is true of allocation of the promotional budget when a brand enters the introductory stage? 58. A. With reference to the various sampling methods, _____ is used when it is important to control where the sample is delivered and when the products are of a perishable nature. 59. Increase the Sales. On the inside of its pizza box, Joe's Pizza places a $1-off coupon, which can be redeemed at the next purchase. 82. Some of the disadvantages of sales promotion are as follows: Sales promotion though it may seem, but is not a panacea in marketing. _____ is an exhibition or forum where manufacturers can display their products to current and prospective buyers. The PC manufacturers are using. Which of the following is a limitation of door-to-door sampling? Which of the following is true of the increase in sales promotion by brand managers? Which of the following is a disadvantage of couponing? Advertising, on the other hand, is any paid form of non- personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services. 115. Cost-effectiveness - PR can be an economical way to reach a large audience in comparison to paid for advertising media placement, particularly if it is done in-house. NapTime Inc., a manufacturer of mattresses, gave away a Sheep plush toy to any customer who purchased a mattress from a NapTime dealer. A sales promotion is a marketing tactic used by retailers to drive sales. C. It involves extensive postal restrictions. Which of the following elements of the integrated marketing communications program is designed to provide an extra incentive to consumers to purchase a brand? How has the view of sales promotions changed during the past decades? Advantages: A wide choice of candidates could attract skilled applicants and put the organisation in a better position. The several tools that facilitate the promotion objective of a firm are collectively known as the Promotion Mix. Manufacturers use them to increase sales to retailers (trade promotions) and This is particularly true when competition is intense, when there is a long buying cycle, or when companies are selling highly technical products or expensive products with lots of options. Sales promotion could promote these products successfully. B) Retailers have exclusive products that cannot be purchased from competitors. Some businesspeople think that the packaged-goods brand management system has contributed to marketers' increased dependence on. B. Which of the following is a limitation of using on-package sampling? _____ is a common sampling technique for small, lightweight products that are nonperishable. Sales promotion refers to the use of short term incentives to persuade the people to purchase the goods or services immediately. Which of the following is an advantage of using online sales promotions? How it affect the product? 112. A _____ is a promotion where winners are determined purely by chance. Dewy, a fruit juice manufacturer, offers its retail accounts a $3.00 per case discount on all purchases of cranberry juice during the month of May. Sales promotion is needed to attract new customers, to hold present customers, to counteract competition, and to take advantage of opportunities that are revealed by market research. This is an example of. B) provides accountability to marketing managers. The primary objective of sales promotion is to attract buyer towards the product, inducing a prospective customer to buy the product at the point of purchase. Less costly per contact . encourages consumers to buy the product more often. Joint promotion which link the buying of one service to another. These are called _____ coupons. Bundles. Which of the following serves as a reason for the increase in sales promotion? Garden rake . 119. Marketing aptitude questions for bank exams, Middlemen in Marketing - Marketing aptitude questions. 88. B. Ingredient-sponsored cooperative advertising. Many brand managers believe that sales promotions cannot be used to defend against competition. Which of the following is true of horizontal cooperative advertising? All Rights Reserved. 108. D. Sales promotions are typically used by brand managers to meet quarterly goals. Which of the following is true of consumer franchise-building promotions? A. _____ is a sampling method in which the product is delivered directly to the prospect's residence. Sales Promotion Karen Gedenk1, Scott A. Neslin2, and Kusum L. Ailawadi3 1 University of Cologne, Germany 2 TUCK School of Business at Dartmouth, Hanover, USA 3 TUCK School of Business at Dartmouth, Hanover, USA Introduction Sales promotions are a marketing tool for manufacturers as well as for retailers. Sales promotion includes all those activities which promote sales such as distribution of samples, discount coupons, contests, display of goods, fairs and exhibitions, etc. Got Game, a sports store, ran a promotion campaign in which it offered a box of 15 Pyramid golf balls at the price of 12 balls. Which of the following is an example of a trade-oriented sales promotion activity? Which of the following is true of the increase in sales promotion by brand managers? In addition, customers can accrue points each time they present their cards while making a purchase. 83. This is an example of. B. help marketers provide extra value to consumers without having them do anything more than purchase the product. Advantages and disadvantages of external promotion. A successful sales promotion has the ability to nurture relationships with consumers through retention and engagement. 2. Which of the following is an advantage offered by co-branding? 69. A sales promotion is a tried and true way to ramp up your sales, acquire new customers, and take advantage of seasonal opportunities. Sales Promotion is a tool used to stimulate sales by employing incentive element to attract customers. Offer different promotions depending on the season and time of year, e.g: back to school offers or special Christmas discounts. This payment by J&J Appliance is known as, 99. In this scenario, Joe's is using a(n) _____ coupon. ANSWER: (4) Both 2 and 3. 87. Planet Beverage's heavy financial involvement with freestyle skiing competitions and support of beach volleyball tournaments are examples of. It is considerably more effective in obtaining a sale and gaining a satisfied customer. 73. It requires the cooperation of retailers. 110. One of the most important uses of sales promotion techniques is to encourage consumers to try a new product or service. In order to integrate advertising and sales promotion programs successfully, the theme of consumer promotion need not be tied in with the positioning platform for the company and/or its brand. d. They give consumers an opportunity to check out new products without the pressure of a salesperson. It is typically distributed through checkout counters. 104. Q15. Another term used for push money that is given to retailers' or wholesalers' sales staff to encourage them in promoting and selling a company's product is, 100. advertising a new product on television. A(n) _____ is an offer of an item of merchandise or services, either free or at a reduced price, that is used to provide an extra incentive to purchase. B. can be used to generate excitement and involvement with a popular and timely event. D. Event sponsorship objectives are often part of an organization's public relations activities. Which of the following developments has resulted in a transfer of power from manufacturers to retailers? ANSWER: (4) Both 2 and 3. In business and marketing, “trade” refers to the relationship between manufacturers and retailers. ANSWER: (3) Developing sales promotion program, ANSWER: (1) Not to create immediate demand, ANSWER: (2) Instant draw and assigned gift. 94. 52. Which of the following sampling methods, featuring media tie-ins, is the fastest growing and the most popular? C. The marketer has control over where and when the product will be distributed. Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over other forms of promotion? The oldest, most widely used, and most effective sales promotion tool is the cents-off coupon. 113. Loyalty programs support the goal of customer retention. A. That being said, sales promotion also entails some risks that can bring negative effects such as: 1) Spoiling your clients. Sales promotion includes all those activities which promote sales such as distribution of samples, discount coupons, contests, display of goods, fairs and exhibitions, etc. B. consumer franchise-building promotions. Advertising implemented by retailers and paid for, at least in part, by a manufacturer is called, 116. Which of the following statements about event sponsorships and event marketing is true? E. Consumers gain a greater appreciation for a product's benefits. Management of this excess inventory is a cost to the company in terms of warehousing and capital invested. It involves offering shoppers a deal that would enable them to either purchase a product for a lower price (e.g., $10 off) OR get more value of the sale (e.g., Buy One Get One Free). Which of the following promotions is targeted toward the trade rather than consumers? It can eliminate idle cycles in … Some retailers have demanded payment for new products that do not reach a minimum sales target. ... One of the advantages of sales promotion is that it: answer choices . D. allow a marketer to offer a price reduction only to consumers who are price-sensitive. Sales promotion is very important for any product, especially for newly launched and designed product. This is a consumer focused promotional activity and hence can be called as consumer sales promotions. Hence, even small businesses use it quite effectively. Laptop computer . 88. One reason for consumers' increased sensitivity to sales promotions is. Sales promotions are typically not considered a part of the IMC planning process. A sales promotion trap can result when several competitors use promotions extensively. Which of the following statements is true of slotting allowances? The most popular method for distributing coupons is through. The importance of the service sector and more importantly the role of marketing inputs in services has been seen only in the last 20 years. _____ is advertising sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations providing products or services to the market. Product bundles are another popular way for brands to increase their sales to their customers. This is an example of a(n) _____ coupon. 96. 63. Immediate feedback through a purchase. The use of newspapers and magazines as couponing vehicles has increased dramatically since the introduction of FSIs. An appliance manufacturer offers a $50 payment to salespeople who work at J&J Appliance Inc., a retailer, for each sale of the company's new line of refrigerators. C) A company can expand its existing brand into a category it otherwise might have difficulty entering alone. The costs of the sampling program can easily be recovered with just a few purchases. Basically, sales promotion supplements other promotional activities viz: advertisement, personal selling etc. Newspaper. © Copyright 2016. _____ is generally considered the most effective method for generating trial of a new product. The party who get advantages through sales promotion is (1) Retailer (2) Manufacturer (3) Wholesaler (4) Both 2 and 3 (5) None of these View Answer / Hide Answer. Account-specific marketing is also known as, Kiddo Inc., a toy manufacturer, teamed with Game On, a retailer, to create direct-mail booklets offering discounts on Kiddo toys only at Game On stores. This is an example of a. It is one of the objectives of trade promotions that the excess inventory lying with the company should be liquidated. Promotional activities designed to accelerate the purchase process and generate an immediate increase in sales without communicating information about a brand's unique features or benefits are known as, The sales promotion tool that critics contend is most guilty of detracting from brand equity and at the same time being detrimental to a brand franchise is, When General Mills included a Mini Minion character toy in its Lucky Charms cereal to provide an extra incentive for customers to buy the cereal, it was using a, When MillerCoors used a Taste Challenge promotion to help regain market share for Miller Light against Bud Light and other brands of light beer, it was. c. B. Compared to advertising and online sales, speaking to customers in person can give you more control over the sales process, and often an advantage. 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