It looks a lot like Bilbo Baggins' home from The Lord Of The Rings movies. It's a stunning moment, and Arthur makes note of it in his journal. You don't stay for very long, but it's an important part of the epic narrative of Red Dead Redemption 2. Of all things, we didn't expect to find a pirate boat in the middle of the wild west, but hey, Rockstar has a knack for surprising us. To find it, just head to the southern section of the Braithwaite Manor. Braithwaite Manor is a major part of the story, and you'll probably explore it at some point. 2. This guide shows the locations of all homesteads and their stashes in RDR2. The church has a staircase that leads up to the double door entrance. Players will have to actually explore the map and find hidden locations in order to truly unravel the game's many mysteries. Purchase at ?? Valentine Church Hunting Request 0. However, if we go back and scout it out a little bit, we find that there's a hidden back room in the doctor's store. There are quite a few things hidden on that land, but the most notable is a very eerie outhouse. One player managed to traverse the entire area, and find what appeared to be the very edge of the map. Follow. Then, you need to swim across a river on the westernmost side. One reads, "Valentine Church. Directly above the town of Pleasance in Lemoyne, there's a barn that has a very interesting message written across its doors. RDR2’s early mod scene shows promise. Get close enough to it, and it'll actually appear as a small back dot on your map. Fans call this the "cursed house." The vampire is found in Saint Denis, but he's definitely not an easy man to track down. Instead, only experts will be able to find their way to these areas. It keeps evolving, becoming more and more complete as time goes on. You might find one of these scenes just by exploring the map on your own. Exotic 0. Share your knowledge in the comments! Arthur writes in his journal, wondering who built the structure, and what it was for. Let's discover what treasures are lurking within the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. Money Lending and Other Sins is a group of missions unlocked in Red Dead Redemption 2's second chapter. Many fans and gamers have been speculating about what the meaning of this really is, and why it's even there. History buffs will immediately realize that Marko Dragic is an obvious reference to the very real Nikola Tesla. The front doors are locked, I quickly find when I bash Arthur’s shoulder into them with no effect. … Once you start looking for the Night Folk, you'll embark on a long path of mystery. B e warned - this horse is not easy to tame. This is the most concrete example of a Bigfoot sighting in the game world, and it's pretty easy to find. Are there any other hidden locations in Red Dead Redemption 2? That's where the boat is located. All Welcome. The guy seems friendly enough; he invites you inside with the offer of food. Some believe it to be a reference to the show The Walking Dead. Post Comment. Finding these clues and maps isn't easy, and only a true expert will be able to see this story to its bitter end. There are 7 homesteads but you only need 4. Cigarette Card 0. To find this house, head towards the northeast corner of the map. We're still not quite sure what their story is. As Gory As RDR2 Gets. It's a neat little area that only experts can find. Robbing the O'Driscoll operation in Valentine is sadly impossible to do without alerting the law. Exploration is what open world games are all about, and seeing as this might just be the best open-world game ever made, it's high time that we all get out there and explore. He is on the shore of the Dakota River, and can be spotted from afar. Are zombies walking around in Red Dead Redemption 2? Bigfoot has always been a recurring character in Rockstar's games, and we've seen it pop up in many of their game worlds. Cemetery Ah my mistake, I knew it was on Valentine but fuzzy on the specifics. They might find an amazing weapon or a fast horse. When it comes to the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, the edge is deceptively hard to find. Others think that it could be a hint at future DLC content - like the Zombie mode from the first Red Dead Redemption. Travel with your gang members to Bank in Valentine. When you find the boat, you'll find a pirate's skeleton and a broken pirate's sword. Here are 20 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found In Red Dead Redemption 2. One reads, "Valentine Church. Game Collectibles. Keep your shotgun handy - because these gators are hungry. There's one very obvious and easy to find clue near Valentine, which is the first real town you come across. More about Red Dead Redemption (RDR2) Post: "RDR2 Missable List" specifically for the game Red Dead Redemption (RDR2). Well, in Red Dead Redemption 2, we find this creature once again-- sort of. Others demand that the player explore for hours and hours through the wilderness. Show All Hide All Interiors. You can actually go inside, although you won't find any more references to Middle-earth. The Valentine Notes & Pieces . One thing's for sure: we're going to see tons more UFOs throughout the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 in the months to come. If you load up the map nearby, a simple marker named “corpse” can be seen. Red Dead Redemption 2 Fences are vendors that trade in illegal and stolen goods that the high street usually won't cater for.. These creepy swamp people are hiding in the shadows, behind trees, and in bushes. Chez Porter can be found north of Valentine, just across Dakota River. If players travel northwest of Ambarino, they should find bones of a real Woolly Mammoth between the fork of two rivers. The house is filled with the deceased, and there's a deep hole in the middle of the house. He actually fell into a body of water, and after looking around for a while, it was clear that he had actually returned to the island of Guarma! The pilot did not survive. Above the doors, there is a sign that says, "Let there be light," referring to the common Bible term in Genesis 1:3. There are five writings found throughout Saint Denis, and when players find all of them, they are given a map. There’s also the problem of getting the wanted bounty while doing it. The meteor house is another dark addition to the story and world of Red Dead Redemption. This was a bug which caused the body of a woman and the body of a donkey to be morphed into one, creating a horrific hybrid. However, he does seem sketchy, and, by this point, you know not to trust people. This open-world game has many locations waiting to be found. If we approach the room, the doctor becomes agitated and tells us to leave. REV. West of Brandywine Drop, you'll come across this house eventually. Maybe they'll just be treated to a supernatural sight that seems too eerie to be true. Another sign notes that it is a storm survivor, "1898.". You'll find her strapped to a mill, and her passing does not seem like it was a pleasant experience. You will need to crouch to take a look inside. The best secrets in the game aren't fancy guns, crazy glitches, or wacky strangers. Then go inside and deal with O'Driscoll's waiting men. Cigarette cards are just one of the many collectables in Red Dead Redemption 2.There are 144 in total to collect so you'll have to be insanely dedicated to walk away with the entire set. This contraption certainly looks elaborate, and whoever built it put a lot of effort into it. Never underestimate the power of gamers. Prayer Books Provided." Even though it's home to just one family, it's a massive location. It's not too hard to run into the scenes left behind by a serial criminal who roams the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. Choice: Pick Karen’s distraction routine. A tiny church can be found in the swamps. Threaten the doctor and force him to open the barricaded door. This house is found near the center of the Bayou, and it contains a mirror and a painting. Find and examine each of these graffiti points and Arthur will jot down a star symbol which pinpoints the St. Denis Cathedral as the vampire's location. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Most of the graves have writing on them. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Bayou Nwa RDR2 Stranger Cabin – What to Do? All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The Valentine Location. Valentine is a small livestock town, a short ride away from the Horseshoe Overlook camp; the first camp the gang makes after their exodus from the frigid mountains.Several suppliers and businesses can be found within the town including two saloons, a butcher, a doctor, a general store, a gunsmith, a newspaper stand, and a hotel.The northern section of Valentine contains the main street with most of the buildings and businesses. The skeleton of this amazing creature can be found Northwest of Lake Don Julio. You can only do this after you've completed the main quest, so you don't need to worry about this for a while if you've just started. Exploring the rest of the Mount Shann area should reveal more UFOs. Sooner or later, you'll find this Hobbit hole. Valentine is a town in Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Search. This made its rounds on YouTube, and plenty of laughs were had. That will be my temple of fists, I am sure. Wait outdoors, wear bandanna to start the robbery. This unique locations is obviously a reference to the works of Tolkien. Rob the Bank in Valentine. So you can pick and choose which ones you want to do. Remember what we said about reaching the edge of the map? The Benedict Allbright wanted poster can be found in the Valentine sheriff station. Would this really be a true Rockstar game if it didn't have a few UFO sightings? There's no doubt that it was a failure. Other players also report finding meteors strewn across the world, although this one is definitely the most notable example. Head to the Ambarino Hinterlands, and head east from Donner Falls and Bacchus Bridge. Remember when we talked about glitching into Mexico? Karen’s Routine will Not Affect the Game. Outfits are Garments, Clothing and Costumes that players may obtain by visiting Outfitters and General Stores. Technically, they're called "Night Folk," but they're essentially zombies. Jim Milton Riders, Again? Whatever the case, these hidden locations aren't going to be easy to find for just anyone. You must show up around 3 AM for the quest to kick off. Definitely. Some are easy to find, and they might be hidden right under our noses. He must be brought back alive, otherwise, the mission will fail. And yes, players could ride the donkey lady. After everything you see and experience, you'll be left with more questions than answers. While finding Bigfoot is nothing new in a Rockstar game, Red Dead Redemption 2 offers plenty of firsts. Valentine Some locations require the player to actually exploit certain glitches! In the room, you will find a Schofield revolver, which is a great weapon to have early in the game. REV. Even if you have completed the main quest, you can only get to Mexico by pulling off a range of challenging maneuvers. Finding even references to this creature is rare in Rockstar's games. : Ranking Kaiba's Strongest Blue-Eyes Monsters, The Office & 9 Other TV Willy Wonka Parodies, Ranked, The Witcher 3: 5 Video Game Bosses Geralt Could Defeat (& 5 He'd Struggle With), Cobra Kai: The Most Mind-Blowing Surprises Of Season 3, The Bachelorette: 10 Memes That Are Just Too Funny, Among Us: Most Frustrating Things To Happen In A Game, Retro-Cast: If Titanic Was Made In The 1980s, Grey's Anatomy: 10 Relationships That Should Have Happened But Never Did, 10 Micro-Budget Indie Movies Starring Famous Actors, The Chinese Zodiac Signs Of American Horror Story: 1984 Characters, Star Wars: Each Main Character's First and Last Line In The Prequel Trilogy, MCU: Top 10 Superheroes, Ranked By Wealth, Gilmore Girls: 10 Episodes To Rewatch If You Miss Luke Danes, The Office: 5 Of Jim’s Pranks That Were Good Natured (& 5 That Were Outright Bullying), Retro-Cast: If Lord Of The Rings Was Made In The 1980s, Soul: 6 Ways The Ending Was Perfect (& 4 Alternate Endings They Almost Went With), Cobra Kai: Johnny's 10 Funniest Scenes From Season 3. It's definitely not easy, and it's a feat reserved only for expert players of Red Dead Redemption 2 but you can glitch into Mexico. During the story, one mission eventually takes the player to a fictional Caribbean island called Guarma. It's an abandoned house, but you'll find a mysterious piece of paper inside that references UFO abductions. When a lot of gamers first get their hands on open world games, their first instinct is to ride as fast and as far as possible until they reach the edge of the map. Head northwest from Little Creek River, and you'll find a crashed flying machine in the hills. After you make your way across the deserts of Mexico, you come to a wide expanse of rolling hills. This isn't just a cool location - it's also the spot where you'll find one of the best weapons in the game. Polite Society, Valentine Style and Americans at Rest are missions from Red Dead Redemption 2's second chapter, and act as an introduction … If we approach the room, the doctor becomes agitated and tells us to leave. There is a graveyard located just outside the church and the following graves can be seen: Locations Region Irl I am a graphic designer and I love photography. The Valentine doctor is a special case and this guide will show you how to rob the Valentine Doctor in Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur even writes about it in his journal, saying that he doubts that this skeleton belonged to a man. Valentine Church is one of the locations in Valentine. This will make you a more fearsome cowboy, but eventually you're going to want to upgrade your entire horse. 11. This entry also contains spoilers, so we'll try to be as vague as possible. Xbox One/PSN: Murmaider358. Some people have wondered if this is a reference to an upcoming Prehistoric game, or a possible future DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2. Here is where to find the five clues scattered throughout Saint Denis that leads to a treasure map that allows you to trigger a bizarre event in Red Dead Redemption 2. Simply head to Lake Isabella, and you should be able to find this horse pretty easy in the surrounding area. X. The first of these clues is on the ride from Horseshoe Overlook to Valentine. The Valentine Church is a cemetery in Red Dead Redemption 2, located in the Valentine region of the New Hanover territory. He is located to the north of the town, near the Dakota River. Today in Red Dead Redemption We Search for the Valentine Curse and find a Secret Stash of Money! Other useful information about this game: Handling RDO Griefers – A guide to new and established players to understand these creatures’ behaviours and how to deal with them. If the players approach at night, they will find a very real vampire waiting for them. A raucous, rough-and-tumble town in the Heartlands, Valentine’s livestock auctions attract traders, ranchers, cowboys, gamblers, outlaws and prostitutes from far and wide, all looking to make some money, raise some hell, and have a good time. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a massive, sprawling adventure that takes us across a map bigger than any other Rockstar game. You can care for your horse, bond with it, and give it all kinds of upgrades and customization options. The church itself is inaccessible. Collecting hats and masks is one such activity. This page takes you through how to Ride From Valentine to Rhodes in Less Than Five Minutes for the third of the Horseman Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2. We've already talked about finding Bigfoot's skeleton, but those aren't the only cool bones you'll find out in this wilderness. Searching the Big Valley near Mount Shann will lead you to this pile of skeletons, which definitely isn't human. Clearly he's hiding something. Even though the game has only been out for a matter of weeks, most of those secrets have been discovered. Is it just something Rockstar decided to throw in randomly? Javier may take you out to go and rob here during chapter 2 or chapter 3, but … RDR2: Money Lending and Other Sins walkthrough Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough. Players might stumble upon this location accidentally, but you'll actually be led straight there by a quest marker. The outfit is suitable for hot temperatures. Spoiler alert: when you reach the end of the trail, you'll find a cabin. Isaac Hampton. So, When robbing him, a lot of players are wondering how to open the locked door and take whatever’s behind them. The church has a faded white color and a wooden structure. This isn't just a cool location within Red Dead Redemption 2's sprawling map; it's part of one of the best quests in the game. More often than not, players are heavily rewarded for finding these locations. To the west side of the church is a graveyard. When you reach Saint Denis, there's a train track to the southwest leading to a cluster of islands. Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with secrets both easy and hard to find. Boards; Red Dead Redemption 2; Hotel in Valentine; Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; More topics from this board... Schofield Revolver in High Stakes Poker Mission in St. Denis? If you go exploring through Bayou Nwa, you might come across a stranger hanging out on the porch of his cabin, just south of the letter N in Nwa on the map (exact location provided below). The best horse in the entire game is the White Arabian horse. The marker is put on the map after completing a stranger's quest in Saint Denis. Finally, you need to climb up a wall using a horse, which is extremely difficult. Some fans think that this might be an area for PvP battles in the future. He’s a bit different from the others, as there’s a locked metal door in the backroom that cannot be opened by force. Well, one player did that, and he actually jumped off the edge, into the abyss! Next Chapter 2 - Horseshoe Overlook A Quiet Time Prev Chapter 2 - Horseshoe Overlook Paying a Social Cal. Upon surveying the wreckage, Arthur writes about it in his journal. They always stay out of sight. Not all horses are created equal. The Valentine is an Outfit in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). However, we're sure that some players will lay eyes on a real, living Bigfoot at some point. Perhaps more secrets about this place will be revealed in the future. If players want to find a UFO, they must track down a particular house. Here's the tricky part - the quest marker for this one has a tendency to simply disappear. There is an Honor Requirement to unlock this item. You can follow this baddie all across the world, and each time it leads you to another scene of destruction. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Church in Valentine". If you explore through this world enough, you might just stumble upon this scene. Writings found inside the house speak of a curse on the entire region of Armadillo. If you jump down into the hole, you can grab a piece of the meteor and sell it for cash at a store. The one thing you'll have to worry about when you're searching for the pirate boat is the presence of alligators. Horses are a huge deal in Red Dead Redemption 2, and players will quickly find out that their mount is a huge factor when it comes to surviving in this dangerous, unforgiving world. Tiny church. Valentine doctor is one of the robbery targets in Red Dead Redemption 2. Be warned, this vampire is pretty scary, and he looks more like a monster than a human. Naturally, this is an elusive beast and only experts are ever able to find it. Next up, you'll need to make sure the in-game time is between 00:00 and 01:00. Well, the fun does't end there. It makes sense that there are tons of mysteries lying in wait. You can find the night folk in the Blue Marshes. These locations are scattered all over the map. Find the first clue from the serial killer here, southeast of Valentine. #14 – Secret Flying Machine (Crashed Airship) A reference to Red Dead Redemption 1 can be spotted in the form of a crashed airship. Interactive Map of all RDR2 Locations. Shooting a hanging body down from the trees makes them spring out and attack you. As the name suggests, this house was hit by a meteor strike. Exploring the rest of the area leads us to a shack with some notes about "illness" and "sinners.". All Rock Carving locations - RDR2; How to find and summon the vampire. The Hobbit hole is another interesting addition to the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. 15. This map points them towards a small alleyway outside of a church. All Welcome. One of the most exciting was the inclusion of a vampire. Sometimes, the edges are hidden by rocks, mountains, or even fences. The Church is located on the east side of Valentine and is not marked on the map. Many players will stumble on it in their early game back-and-forth. Benedict Allbright is pretty easy to spot. Areas within the game are divided into regions, and each of them boasts a particular ecosystem that supports different wildlife. 0. Isaac Hampton. His guess is that it was built by Native. The crazy thing about this house is that it keeps changing when you return to it each time. When I rode into Valentine though it wasn’t the saloon that caught my eye, but the proud white spire of the local church. One of the most notorious glitches of the first Red Dead Redemption was the so-called "Donkey Lady." The last one at Willard’s Rest only becomes available in Chapter 6. Location map Beat and encourage the Teller to open the bank vault. She'll yell all kinds of things at you. for $113.25 . Plague." If you can get over that wall, you'll find yourself in a strange area that appears to be Mexico. There are tons of spooky locations in Red Dead Redemption 2, but this one might just be the spookiest of the bunch. Share? First, you need to go to New Austin. Another sign notes that it is a storm survivor, "1898." However, if you find one of their victims, you might be able to draw them out. It is also held up by bricks. When you approach, you'll hear all kinds of sounds coming out of that outhouse. Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now, and it’s packed full of mysterious secrets to find. Finding them will require skill, intelligence, and perseverance. Get The Best Servers Available From G-portal! A one-stop shop for all things video games. Well, Rockstar showed its sense of humor by adding evidence of the mythical donkey lady in Red Dead Redemption 2. Clearly he's hiding something. The Valentine Effect. Dinosaur Bone 0. Grave 0. It seems as if the flying machine smashed into the trees, and fell to the ground. Does it really mean anything? I decide that the cemetery outside will do just as well. There are signs near the entrance. The others you can loot as early as Chapter 2 and it is recommended to do them early on. Advertisement The first thing you have to know is the fact when robbing the Valentine Doctor you cannot gain entry to the back by force as the metal door won’t open no matter how much you try. Definitely is n't human waiting for them rest only becomes available in Chapter.... The Benedict Allbright wanted poster can be found in Red Dead Redemption 2 jump down into the,... Deceptively hard to find for just anyone house is found near the center of the map completing. 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