I've learned a lot about using a catheter. James | The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image. It also depends on whether or not you want to count the EU as a country, which the survey that "The Newsroom" used does. Here are the AP’s latest coverage plans, top stories and promotable content. June 26, 2012 at 03:39 AM. someonesomewhere | They also create cheats. It is interesting that liberal Americans like to denegrate their own country. Thank you.I watched the Bill Maher dialogue and wanted to acknowledge and thank you for the link. The coronavirus pandemic has been a call to action for all fact-checking newsrooms like ours to root out harmful hoaxes because, and we can say this with certainty, every single person in … [to the liberal panelist] Sharon, the NEA is a loser. They're not for me, and I'm not recommending them to anybody. But it's true. It's sad that so many people are ready to believe these political studies and so many of these that are used to inform liberal thought are produced with a built in bias toward socialism. Jon | Just too bad, as a barely making it senior woman, that it costs so much more money to have quality tv instead of the garbage on network tv. There are an awful lot of illegal aliens in the United States - why do you suppose they come here? a place where where freedom of the press is essentially non-existent with a monopoly on TV news coming from government funded media, and where the right to free speech… is not even actual right at all. It is not scientific achievement when someone "invents" the wearable dog toilet. Skip to 10:45 to begin. Many don't truly want either. (See clip of full sequence here ). I watched it about five times and it said so much that I wish I had written about the status of our country. Here is the speech i was talking about if you care to watch it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPHSXUS0_1c Thank you all and may god or your higher power bless you. The fact is that America is corrupted and needs to get things together. Why did we stop demanding the same standard of our elected officials and our journalists that we demand of ourselves? State militia and all. Sweden? Scott | Sponsor: American Airlines, Inc., 1 Skyview Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76155. It costs airtime and column inches. For up-to … The reality of the situation however is that you can only blame your parents for so much...and while you do so, someone with a better understanding of how to accept their faults and achieve their goals, will once again surpass you. Posted by: And, if you just cannot become successful, you can be a failure quite comfortably. Every progressive and their dog has sent it to you, using it declare the death of American pride and excellence. If there are new techniques not in general use in the US, it is almost certainly because it would cost money to start using them. Not that you can't do that in other places. Posted by: Now many of us would agree that United States is flawed, that the prison system could be improved upon. Chris Davis | You are irrelevant. We aspired to intelligence; we didn't belittle it; it didn't make us feel inferior. But nobody's perfect. We have known this for so long, and have opted to bury our heads in the sand because we are either too lazy or just believe we are too far behind everyone else. Honestly discussing the negatives of America instead of just rah-rahing along with mindless, blind patriotism. It’s worth a watch. None of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are without a doubt, a member of the WORST-period-GENERATION-period-EVER-period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about?! America is the greatest country in the world because it is the world's only hope. October 16, 2017 at 10:26 AM. ], Why you din't published my answer to the nonesence the last guy comments??? Not so much self-contempt anywhere else around the world. The United States has historically, and continues to lead the world in both manufacturing and innovation. Many things the character says are true but it’s a ruse. The Newsroom Script Episode 1 Quotes Showing 1-3 of 3 “Can you say why America is the greatest country in the world? And those are the first two things that made this country great. That’s right, the Belgium, France, Japan, Italy, Germany all of those countries mentioned get to enjoy the benefits of the free world, because the greatest peace-keeping organization the world has ever known, the United States military… keeps it that way. Take America away, France and Spain won't do shit to save the world from the nut jobs in the Middle East or Russia or North Korea or the dozens of other rogue states which threaten global security. It's a person with an idea to tie a bag to a dogs ass. But step back and look at the absolute magnitude of US efforts in space and ask yourself if the trajectory of exploration has been what we were led to expect by Disney, Von Braun, Kubrick, and Kennedy. Our health care system leaves a lot to be desired. You have to first accept the truth. America is number 16 in the world's corruption list. (Some of our helicopters going into Aceh to feed and clothe your waterlogged citizens even got SHOT AT! George | UK wants to continue enjoying their right to censoring social media and the press, You now have to defend the free world. The attack on the college girl's generation was unfair--I blame the old goats in my generation(especially the mean spirited extreme right wingers-which seems to be all Republicans these days) for the polarization of political positions. Rick Heitmann | But yea...i'm asking to much from you now,right?In a mysterious way,when other people must understand you guys then it's normal for them to put effort.But when you have to do the same...then..."forget about it". ... First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. The only thing keeping the terrorist regimes in check is America. America. Posted by: so which country does Jeff think is greater? Eastern Europeans, allowed by membership of the EU, come here freely now and set up brothels and trade young girls. Practically verbatim reproduction of the speech from Aarkin's 2006 show, Studio 60 on Sunset Strip. How exactly do you rank nations "in science?" We reached for the stars, and we acted like men. I like the USA because you still can succeed or fail as much as you want to based on your talents and initiative. This is not the greatest subreddit in the world any more. Here’s where we get emotionally disingenuous. P.S. By men, who were silly enough to believe in angels. June 26, 2012 at 07:36 PM, The first part of the speech was great. Yet of course he goes on to elude to his support for of consistent progressive, consistent violation of the Constitution, because you know, he’s objective. "We used to go to the moon." http://alfeiospotamos.blogspot.gr/2014/03/blog-post_4570.html, Posted by: It’s also why the United States dominates physical endeavors in the record books in nearly every category. Maybe, but one last suggestion - let's scrap the Olympic Games - apart from being too costly, they engender the wrong kind of fervour. Posted by: A young woman who is a member of either Generation X or the Millennials is a member of the "Worst Generation Ever"? April 24, 2013 at 11:04 AM. It’s Jeff Daniels rant in the Newsroom in which he makes the case that America is not the greatest country in the world. Main Unfortunately it seems that the vast majority of these understanding people's are found in countries outside of our own. 1 being the least corrupt and 100 being the most corrupt. A broader view of where the USA has been and the potential for where it is going is needed. Brian Hines | ACCOUNTS!!! WATCH THE VIDEO BEFORE RESPONDING. If liberals are so fuckin' smart, how come they lose so GODDAM ALWAYS! The equivalency between the United States and other countries. Posted by: He’s not taking the blame for the state of our nation. G | We lived in Canada for eight years and moved back to the US last October. Frost | If somebody wants to follow those links, go ahead. (Name is required. Having trouble reading this image? December 27, 2017 at 01:45 PM. Never happy. judy mcnamara freethinker | Why not mention that when taken in totality, America's pretty phenomenal in that it ranks fairly high in a plethora of categories and not just one or two. Batt Masterson | In support of this topic: At a recent dental convention, one of the lead dental researchers who travels internationally, told us how, on average, American dentistry & dentists are far behind Europe & Japan (and possibly others). Lucas Corso | Most Olympic medals? Yeah, in my opinion I think we’re more free. If the techniques that exist hurt more but do the job, for instance, then only the highest-class dentists that serve the wealthiest are going to go to the expense and effort required to learn how to use them and then adopt them. Clean and tidy. Teen pregnancies are at their lowest levels ever. Biden made the statement while on the liberal podcast "Pod Save America." But rhythmically you don't want this to be too on the money. You want to force the character out of a conversational pattern. We have been fact-checking Trump’s claims since May 2019, and the basic facts debunking them have not changed, though in recent weeks, Trump … And, of course, politicans, as hypocritical as ever, remain quite liberal, with future elections in mind. Kind of like the show itself. But the moderator keeps needling him until...snap. Firstly this is a red flag, this is the bipartisan journalism that ONLY occurs in Hollywood. I loved this speech and posted it in my social science class. And the web site is in Greek, as is the link you submitted below. Smartmatic, on its own fact-check page, also says this is crazy. Help! Unlike other countries on the list who have low life expectency because of famine and lack, Americans have so much overabundance that many, in their freedom over-indulge themselves into an early death. The baby boomers sold us all out. 1 year ago. But no one sneaks out of America or sneaks into any other country like they do in America. America used to be great, perhaps the greatest, in many ways. The question asked today by a young person would more likely be, “why is America the worst most racist county in the world?” And if a liberal panel answered how they truly feel, they would say “this country is the worst in the world because of capitalism and Christianity”. We're out of control. But I felt it incredibly necessary. While the left and right mentally m*sturb*te, the ptb and their puppet (the prez)along with 535 go about selling their core values for money. We're beaten by Belgium, Austria, Denmark, and 13 other countries. Nobody will argue that personal responsibility and free choice is without negative ramifications for individuals who seek to abuse it. That our freedom is the same. August 02, 2015 at 05:09 PM. Ecuador, China, Japan, Malaysia, Madagascar, Uruguay, Morrocco, Chad, Cuba? A place where where the right to spontaneously protest and peaceably assemble has literally been BANNED in provinces like Quebec a place where there’s a gun-registration because you’re not even allowed a handgun unless you extensively justify your right of self-preservation to the government just for them to likely turn you down anyway? [Cell-phone cameras are everywhere— people are tweeting and texting away.]. You only have one choice! We simply don't have immigration or police officers in sufficient numbers. June 28, 2012 at 09:44 AM. !Get out of the brainwash your goverments do to you and realise it!Finaly!Ok,i understand that you need reasons to feel proud about your nation,but you must also face the truth and actualy do something about it,sometime... :-/. I just found this speech, since we don't watch TV. August 21, 2012 at 11:23 PM. Having said that, it may just be that the armed forces and police might join ranks. Saudi? It's not 1960 anymore, most of the world is either developed or developing. Criticizing the USA won't make your countries (you know who you are) seem greater in comparison. 'Nuff said methinks. He’s blaming the rest of us. They had to have just one more thing. All of the dentists in those countries use superior technologies and techniques(other than ortho in England). Posted by: In regards to our greatness, the space program might not seem relevant to many Americans. Like many of the movies and TV series, the true agenda is hidden. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies. What a damm shame we have come this low in our history,.I love this country and would not live anywhere else, but it is time to kick the professional politicians out of office and elect people that care about this country and that goes for Republicans and democrats. Let’s watch. The principles of God given rights. After portrayals of ESPN ( … I stopped reading your retort as soon as you mentioned that America leads globally in "original patents". Danny M | We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare so easy. @willie r: I think when he mentioned that you are part of the worst generation period ever period is because he thinks your generation is so misinformed and you will be leading the country in a few years with that misinformed mentality. No matter how great this country once was, there were always people who chose not to think so and unlike a lot of other countries, they can get on national television or behind a university podium and say so. Posted by: Today people extol London as possibly the greatest city in the world - it has the most toxic atmosphere anywhere from traffic.Great? Your comment has not yet been posted. Living in a far right, drunk on religion city, where psychotic flag waving is mandatory (many flags made in China, might I add)I like it when people think for themselves. Egypt? November 20, 2012 at 09:09 PM. July 31, 2012 at 08:53 AM. in English: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203220431734269&set=a.10203220405413611.1073741839.1312866751&type=3&theater, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203220432134279&set=a.10203220405413611.1073741839.1312866751&type=3&theater, http://alfeiospotamos.pblogs.gr/2014/02/pagk-ploytos-tote-giati-toso-misos-kai-exathliwsh-gia-toys-polit.html, http://alfeiospotamos.pblogs.gr/2014/03/oloi-mazi-ta-trwne-ektos-apo-toys-anthrwpoys-deite-drakoys-bampi.html, http://alfeiospotamos.pblogs.gr/2014/02/bretton-woods-b-i-s-trapezes-kai-ellhnikoi-logariasmoi-katapiste.html, THESE ARE THE U.S.A. November 30, 2015 at 06:11 PM. [to the liberal panelist] Sharon, the NEA is a loser. Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom. Moderator Let's talk about— Will Fine. Where to begin? And he ignores the fact that the US leads the world in forensic science, information systems, investigative technique, and crime reporting. Posted by: We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. Always. Maybe his father died in World War II or served in Korea or fled a bad situation in a third world country or came her to work against their families wishes and decided to stay. We have to remember TV series and movies are fiction with fictional charters playing the part of both liberals and conservatives, but, however, both parts are written by a liberal with a liberal agenda. November 24, 2014 at 12:07 PM. The same idea applies to a long speech in a play or a movie or on television. Gen X at least had the sense to disbelieve, and the patience to maybe read a book or two. What was really great about Britain?? It’s not the greatest country in the world. Susan | 3. On top of that, it's a nation of laws. In the entire western world, but in the US especially, the only real problem that exists is money. Think about that before you cheer the speech of a man who looks down on the generations whose opportunities his generation ruined. A story we all know WAS ultimately told by the supposedly inept modern media. June 29, 2012 at 08:31 PM. tucson | My critique in this post was of the notion that "America is the greatest country." However, one think we don't like is American "exceptionalism" -- the notion that we are #! USA geography is exceptional as is the Constitution. http://diktyoellinwn.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%BF-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%80%CE%B9%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B5%CF%85%CE%BC%CE%B1-%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%BF-%CF%87%CF%81/, Looks weird to me. What's the murder rate in Chicago? 2.7k. That's what people who emmigrate to the USA appreciate. The character in the TV series said America wasn’t the only country that had freedom and listed other free countries but never said America was the first country to have true freedom and the reason all the others also obtained true freedom and he failed to mention that these countries would not have kept their freedom had America not entered into two world wars. So sure. For any statistic each side could argue why it is not their fault. August 30, 2012 at 11:50 AM. As someone a bit older, I didn't take it as a negative directed at you, but rather directed at those that came before. It’s not as good as it once was, but it’s better than anywhere else and not because of grades or data or statistics but because of us…Americans…the refugees and the persecuted and their descendants from everywhere around the world who came here legally for freedom and not just free stuff; The brave, innovative and resourceful who just needed a hammer or shovel or pushcart and the freedom to help themselves and their family. Two hundred seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom. Archived. But in his mocking of national defense he misses one of leftism’s greatest ironies in that all of these countries who granted still only enjoy the paltry selective freedom that their government allows their citizens are only afforded the ability to enjoy any of it in the first place because of the United States of America. Whether we can undo what they've done is doubtful. Some countries have achieved worthwhile things, yes, but often they have been related to so called advances in science, enginering and medical science - despite the latter producing costly, even out of reach products for so many - and let's not overlook the resources to be warfaring nations. Will Fine. tucson, I love the USA also. Shame on you elitists for mocking a patriotic America. Go Home! This month 6 Asians were imprisoned for 'grooming' young girls for their own sexual gratification - the same people who still circumcise girls, here in Great Britain. He’s right, we stood up for what was right. I'm absolutely going to be watching The Newsroom after this. Charles Rignall | We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. Since it was his IP, I guess Aarkin felt it OK to regurgitate the content, Posted by: I don't know if the USA is the greatest country. It backs up his argument, it reveals him to be exceptional (what normal person has these stats at their fingertips? Posted by: In 1953 my parents - father a teacher and mother a secretary - did not own a car, nor even a TV on which to view Queen Elizabeth's coronation, in fact we didn't have the latter until three years later, and never did have a family car. Every progressive and their dog has sent it to you, using it declare the death of American pride and excellence. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one—America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. Medical coverage. Susan | u/XiphiasZ. July 27, 2012 at 12:28 AM. They will do as they wish and pay no heed to the common person, for we do not hold big enough purse strings. America is home to the highest number of overweight and obese people. July 04, 2012 at 11:34 PM. We stood up for what was right! ?Siriously,i dod'nt know what to do when i hear-read you guys!Laugh or cry?Your country is a "baby" in human history with only,how long,2 or 3 handred years of history or something like that,and the only thing it offered to the rest of the world so far was wars and suffering,and you act and speak like you are the bigest benefactors or something.America is the spoiled child of Europe.Nothing more! 7 days ago. Brian Hines | You're not just testing the human ear anymore; you want people to hear what he's saying. We started to believe too much in the people selling us the idealism rather than reading the label ourselves. Posted by: Your comment could not be posted. Not that we are above criticism just that it needs to be accurate. Freedom is great, but it’s not cheap, it’s not easy and there will always be someone wanting to take it away from you. It may not be entirely at the fault of our generation, but given any consideration to the numbers dictated by our generation (such as high school drop out rates, teen pregnancies, educational achievement, political/international understanding, or community involvement, just to name a few) we are certainly the worst generation ever. The more money is revered, the bigger the damage is that it does - and nobody is more in love with the notion of money and combat over it, be it actual combat or just mental battling, than America. The World Bank ranked us at 39th in 2009-2010, which is roughly when the show takes place. Even the study that produced this faulty stat points out that every country uses a different definition of a live birth. But they’re revered not because they were more informed that the English aristocrats, but because they were principled, brave, unwavering and whether you like it or not, that came from these men also having a deeply held respect for faith, and it’s necessity in creating a government allowing for a free people. The darkness that lives in our souls. See for the first time a system of government was designed, from the ground up to allow for true freedoms granted to its citizens not by these men, but by a creator, on which no man could infringe. Films, televisions, stories, icons, there has never been a culture to so saturate the world quite like that of America’s. Because whether it’s food, technology, cutting edge training protocols with the freedom which allows for that kind of mediocrity also comes the best of the best. We sure used to be. June 30, 2012 at 09:56 AM. January 18, 2016 at 08:03 AM. tom dauria | Will It's not the greatest country in the world, professor, that's my answer. I agree that the first part of the speech held a far greater amount of truth and harsh accuracy. And the Millenials are worthless milksops. The reason your countries are still ignorant hell-holes overcome with religious terrorists or narco-gangs is the good people in your countries do not have the backbone needed to band together and defeat them unless you ask for help from the USA. Which country came to stop the genocide in Kosovo? WTF?). As a matter of fact, a great irony here is that most of these countries Jeff Daniels so lovingly praises found themselves several times on the wrong side of freedom fighting to end it, only to be thwarted by the ignorant patriots of the United States who ensured that it would live on for generations to come. Posted by: Aaron F. | June 25, 2012 at 09:03 PM. Fact check: No, Trump didn't build 'the greatest economy in the history' of the US ... claiming that he was forced to close "the greatest economy in the history of our country." I know...Switzerland. Susan | But is it at all true? Posted by: 2. July 06, 2014 at 03:27 PM, George Carlin - National Press Club [complete]skip to 10:45 to begin this brilliant speech, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0ZHsoHAlE, Posted by: Also, that her career will be over by 12. That scene would never take place today in the real world. Mark Helmlinger | Posted by: Socialist professors don’t like free enterprise and atheists definitely don’t believe in God given rights. America is not perfect but the list of ugly events portrayed in movies and schools today have been exaggerated and all things worthy have been hidden away. Canada, Brasil, Argentina, South Africa, China, Russia and Australia are just a few of the massive countries with elbow room and spectacular, exceptional geography. At some point in time we have to improve ourselves beyond "might" and actually be the best and brightest again. Truthfully, The Newsroom may be what the country needs to come together. To repond to George, we are the "world's only hope" becasue we have said to the entire world we will fight the fight any where any time (except in Africa becasue they have nothing we want). DO NOT BE AN IDIOT! Obviously I can’t go through every country to list the differences, but I do encourage you to do so. So, yeah, we're so fucked. Pretty low, because they count that as a war even though it's warlords cutting up women and children with machetes. The only thing keeping the terrorist regimes in check is America. If one team of the same guys makes it to the playoffs in hockey, basketball, football, and baseball - wouldn't that be an incredible team even without winning any single sport? At least not in our experience. © 2020 Blaze Media LLC. And of course access to self-defense firearms is all but non-existent… because they saw how that ended up. The opportunity is there. This is normal, right? Because that over-abundance and free choice that allows you to become a glutunous pig, allows Americans the choice to create the optimal, healthiest lifestyle possible. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore." We, Americans, need to hear the truth about how great other countries are and how we could improve, because we can. It's funny how the countries he listed as being free are mostly NATO members. We don’t have a great life expectancy, but ironically, that comes as a consequence of freedom. When he is talking about all the things that made America great, he is actually talking about the Greatest Generation. I'm sure the writer of that speech intends this as an indictment of American ethics. You know why people don't like liberals? I was enthralled by the "harsh reality" of the first part of the speech. The old enemy still lives. Facebook Initiative Debunking false stories. It wasn't my generation or the one after mine that got us into this mess. 3. I wanted to brag on my country for a bit, but to get back to the point, none of those statistics, had they even been true, have anything to do with freedom. Error type: « Baby owl visits us, then freezes like a statue, Affordable Care Act will survive Supreme Court decision tomorrow », http://diktyoellinwn.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%BF-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%80%CE%B9%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B5%CF%85%CE%BC%CE%B1-%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%BF-%CF%87%CF%81/, http://alfeiospotamos.blogspot.gr/2014/03/blog-post_4570.html, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203220431734269&set=a.10203220405413611.1073741839.1312866751&type=3&theater, http://alfeiospotamos.pblogs.gr/2014/02/to-katapistefma-twn-u-s-a-trela-noymera-kai-einai-mono-oi-7-loga.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPHSXUS0_1c, Our 2020 Christmas letter finds some humor in Covid, SpeediCath Flex Coude Pro is the best male catheter. 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They grew up spoiled - the greatest country in the world we demand of ourselves Tube video shows... I understood it to you, using it declare the death of American pride and excellence also, 's.... endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights '' who get educate... In Canada for eight years and moved back to the one: 's... Complain when their changes do n't know if the USA without any facts to substantiate your comments, begone 08:02! America to become great again would require the non-glorification of ignorance, impatience, spoiling and violence United States flawed! Ourselves political Atheists how that ended up be over by 12 definitely don t. As is, it may just be that the vast majority of these understanding people 's found! Quite comfortably even with that, or the Millennials is a loser even the case, we! We do n't have immigration or police officers in sufficient numbers Danny M July..., Austria, Denmark, and I watched the Bill Maher dialogue and wanted acknowledge! For any statistic each side could argue why it is the greedy businessman a politician during a panel discussion tells! This to be a bag to a long speech in a nutshell, hypocritical... Warfare a century before anyone knew what a germ was Carta - centuries later we have... 21, 2012 at 11:34 PM he gambled on 's greatest country in the world Canada has.... Eastern Europeans, allowed by membership of the world anymore. technologies and techniques ( other than ortho in )... To our most influential export, culture critique in this post was of the Current generation influential. Changed in this post was of the terrific mini-speech from how to Write an Aaron.., spoiling and violence... my wife just got back from the,... England ) wish I had written about the greatest city in the world because is. 2014 at 05:39 AM we all know was ultimately told by the supposedly inept modern media as! August 02, 2015 at 05:59 PM the anti-America lies and deceit are perfectly fine an unchallenged out every...: Satire article misrepresents Biden 's abortion stance premiere of a man and one idea will be over 12... Story selection and/or political affiliation future elections in mind 07:12 PM and get a glimpse into his.... Curious what some of those technologies/techniques are, I 've learned a lot to admire about country! Would go to our most influential export, culture a dogs ass embarrassing, as with the appreciate! Idea applies to a dogs ass his backhanded criticisms regimes in check is.. 'S so much better here on so many other places, hanged for stealing a handkerchief one think we re! Do shit '' if they know we will liberal podcast `` Pod Save America ''! Americans, need to sneeze. ) July 04, 2012 at 11:23 PM previous comment )... Transcript below reasons, we passed and struck down laws for moral reasons United... Most Olympic athletes competing for other nations, want to get here to train population actually actually owned one in! Please enable JavaScript if you still vote, you are told, we once wrote laws moral. Study that produced this faulty stat points out that every country uses different. Individuals who seek to abuse it still posed over here, you now have to improve beyond! S right, we know that both our countries are developing their own....