a. Often when I start beginners I provide them with a reed to learn their first notes on. My last one was always a little bit too closed. Place the reed in your mouth down to the string and blow. Possible Cause: Either the reed is too closed (and likely old), and/or the embouchure is too tight. Sometimes they are so open that they will not even crow, or they just sound like a goose (only one pitch) when I attempt to crow them. It doesn’t make me special or anything, but it does give me perspective on what works, what doesn’t and some of the most common obstacles that can keep you from enjoying your oboe reeds. If the reed is feeling hard and sharp then this indicates that there is too much cane on the reed, try scraping the gullies first - concentrating of the top edges, and then do a light general scrape. Too Closed= Return to water for another minute; 5-10 hours of playing on the oboe reed. This article will help you diagnose, adjust & hopefully fix the following factors with your oboe reeds: 1. Too closed⦠How to Fix a Flat Oboe Reed Jones Double Reed ⦠Binding. I tied the reed with MUCH LESS tension than I what I would normally use to tie. To be honest, it is rare to find a beginner who is able or willing to play the oboe for more than a few hours a week when starting out, so their first one or two reeds last for a while. It took me about five attempts to make one successful blank. I do not think it is the staples I have been using because after trying some of my teachers’ staples that had previously worked for her, my reeds still had the same problems. 1. Pitch (sharp or flat or change depending on note) 4. By pushing the reed up against the top teeth . ... Find out why Close. A lot of oboe reeds cross my desk every month. However the environment of the reed can allow some germs to proliferate beyond the point of control. It is very telling who is not practicing at home based on how long their reed is still able to trudge along. If anyone has been through anything like this with oboe reeds, your input would be greatly appreciated! What should I do if the reed is too easy? 1. At first only the low notes will stop working and eventually nothing will sound right. Might the cane itself (twistyness, hardness, density?) – the integrity of the fold before shaping, i.e. Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total) Author If it’s too big, gently close the blades between your fingers. Some advocate for super glue but I don’t feel comfortable putting such chemical’s in my mouth. Just a thought, again from someone that doesn’t know two things (I would like to think I know at least one) about actually making oboe reeds. I think at this point I would try anything to make the opening smaller. It sounds like you are already doing this. If the reed is too open squeeze the tip closed between the thumb and index finger for 30 seconds While each player has personal preferences for reed opening, a medium opening from cane with a 9.75-10.5mm diameter is generally accepted. How to buy an Oboe: Background and 4-Step Guide, What band directors wish they knew about teaching oboe, Oboe and Double Reed Repair People Across America, Why Does the Oboe Tune the Orchestra? If it is too loud, the reed will be too hard to play easily; if it is too soft, the reed will feel "limited" and not project well. If the reed is too hard too open too closed 1. A crack is usually obvious. I noticed that her reed-tying was not causing nearly as much disturbance and movement of the music stand as my tying was, so I tried lessening the tension on my string. The resulting dynamic should be mezzo-piano or very close to it. I have one reed which is brand new--and I think it still needs breaking in. The result is a loud, quacky oboe reed that is unstable and can easily be overblown. Behold, my best reed in a long time was born, and I sincerely hope that the problem has been solved. I KNOW how to break in a reed, except this one seems waaaayy too open. As always keep a few reeds broken in and in rotation. Quality handmade oboe & English horn reeds, tube cane, gouged & shaped cane, oboe music, accessories and more. Oboe Reeds. Skip navigation Sign in. Reeds are not meant to last forever and by keeping a rotation of reeds in your reed case you can sound your best. However, after letting my reeds sit for a few hours, they all seem to go back to that same archetype: horrifyingly open and low-crowing. I’m not sure what we can do with this observation. A good reed is responsive, balanced, and stable. These online oboe lessons are for Premium Reed Maker and Premium Reed Maker-Month members only. As a result, my reeds are basically unplayable, being that they require a great amount of air and are always flat. If reed is hard to play, pinch where the string meets the reed. Plus the oboe reeds I make myself. I clip my reeds open before I let them dry. C. Corners of the mouth are turned up (in a smile) 1. Soaking the reed for more than a few minutes can cause the cane to expand too much leaving the reed flat, stoggy, and resistant. 2. I have been using the Gilbert gouge and the Lucarelli and Brannen-x shapes. Check the opening of the reed. If tip is too closed, reed will play sharp and it will be impossible to blow into with adequate breath support. click here to go to the shop where I sell handmade reeds. 2. The reed is organic fuel for many micro-organisms that live harmlessly in your mouth or the air kept in check by your immune system and competition from other microbes. Gently squeeze the reed blades closed if they are too open. Some commercial reeds do not respect this and sometimes leave the tip thick. If none of this helps at all, have a teacher or other qualified person watch your whole process from beginning to end. Please read my articles on Oboe Reed Soaking, and Adjusting Flat oboe reeds for … Take a couple scrapes out of each side of the heart and tip. The angle of the head (too high or too low) (angle of the oboe in the mouth –bring it down) 2. Some people think this makes a big difference. However, adjusting your oboe reeds to resolve this is not too complex. If a reed is too open it will be difficult to control and may fatigue the mouth too much to be playable, but if the opening is too small the reed will be sharp and inflexible. a. Often a professional can clip the reed and remake the tip. REED DEATH! Instead, the “shushed” young oboist will bite the (too easy) reed, which will make the pitch soar and close the opening of the reed, which greatly reduces their ability to articulate notes. Just a thought. Singin’ Dog Oboe Reed Medium. The micro trauma of controlling the reed with the embouchure(mouth) will accelerate the process. Skip navigation Sign in. The oboe is officially one of the most difficult instruments to play. Use the Incra bent rule to mark the length of your shaped cane on one side: for example, if your staple length is 47 mm & your total length of blank is 75 mm, then the mark on the cane goes at 28 mm using the bent rule to measure from the top of the cane fold to the 28 mm mark on the rule. 1. C. Corners of the mouth are turned up (in a smile) 1. I know that many, many reeds pass through the shop, so I trust your colleague’s generalization. First the thread that is tied around the cane to fasten it to the staple tugs on the cane counter clockwise. Copyright © 1995 - 2020 International Double Reed Society. Medium Student oboe reeds are good for students in with 2-6 years of playing experience. I asked one of my colleagues at work about this, as it’s interesting to me, even as someone that only makes bassoon reeds. If you can see ANY light under the middle of the piece, reject it. Might put you in a slightly different cane quality level too, changing some other variables. A few reeds can help you feel ready for anything. Huge time savers to ensure that you eliminate variables. White or black growths in the reed mean it’s time to order replacements. A reed that is no longer functional has three key indicators that will reveal if it needs replacing. If it’s still too open, gently squeeze the sides of the string with pliers. If you have any other questions or stories of reeds gone bad, please let me know in the comments. I always check to make sure my reed's hole is a football shape and it's not too open or too closed, and even though I know it's at a good shape, the tone I … Oboists may keep a reed for a while so it is worth monitoring the wear and tear on your reed so you know when it’s time to say goodbye. 2. Any cracks in the reed will render it flat and useless. If the opening is too closed, the reed may be too soft, produce a weak flabby tone or the pitch may be too high. If still too hard, scrape a very little amount of reed. Keep the cane well moistened throughout this process. Ideally, the sides should close with the string still one wind below the top of the tube. Using rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide may keep them at bay temporarily but this is not a long term solution. If the reed has a wire this is easily changed: Firstly soak the reed briefly then a)If the reed closes up from playing the reed will then feel thin. What the opening at the tip should look like in a quality reed. There is no remedy. The opening of a reed will collapse overtime so there is a limited window (10-15 hours of playing, or 40 hours or so of not playing) when the reed will have an optimal opening. These are just a few of the variables you might consider: Gradually increase the air pressure until the reed speaks by itself. If it is too large, that can be dealt with easily, and should be okay to purchase. All this should be done immediately after tying. Is the cane warped? The result is that the blades are pulled counterclockwise over time slowly collapsing the opening of the reed. I speak about this more in the article oboe reed intonation introduction. As you get above 5,000 feet, and often into a dry climate, the reeds will vibrate less. We also offer private lessons in the Chicago area. All of my reeds end up appallingly open at the tip. Flatten chin and point it down . I have been tying the blanks to 73.5 cm. 3. I soak my cane for about 25 minutes before I tie it. Martin. Tying on too long will cause the reed to leak; too short and the sides crush together causing the tip to spread apart. Oboe reeds are expensive and it can be painful to have to get a new reed so often. My teacher was simultaneously tying a reed using the same music stand. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. A thin and sloped tip allow the reed to give a warm sound with easy response. Oftentimes when they do crow, they will have a low crow; I can usually never get them to crow a C. Also, the sides do not close as you look up past the heart of the reed. Too Closed= Return to water for another minute; 5-10 hours of playing on the oboe reed. MEASURING. In order of priority, here is what I would check…. An âeasyâ reed (or beginning/student/soft reed) is almost always scraped too thin, making the vibrations easier to achieve without much air support. Diagnosing Common Oboe Reed Problems. ... Reed is too CLOSED. be a contributing factor to your tip opening woes? 1. The instant the reeds close, a sound almost exactly like hands clapping is produced and transmitted to the instrument, where the sound waves reverberate back from the tone holes and the opposite end of the oboe, opening the reeds up again and allowing breath to reenter. Turn corners of mouth down . I have experimented with tying the reeds tightly and loosely, but neither way seemed to make a difference. I’ve adjusted the gouge, changed shaper tips, and experimented with different staples, and yet I end up with big openings much more often than small ones. By contrast if the reed is too open, the low notes may be raunchy and uncontrollable. In reality, through normal use in practice and band class, an oboe reed should only last a couple of weeks. 3. Or at least it should be. This problem can sometimes be cured by soaking the reed in hot water or by squishing closed the back of a soaked reed. As the tongue attacks the reed and/or it endures other microtraumas from handling or accidental knicks or bumps, the tip of the reed may take on a ragged or frayed appearance. Work mindfully and remember to isolate only one variable at a time. Then in my lesson I ended up tying a reed, using a music stand as an anchor. Hi Laura, I know that problems like this one can be extremely frustrating and mysterious. Bethany shows you how to fix an oboe reed that's playing too flat in this quick tip video. Brand new reeds may tend to seem too open at first, and likewise, older reeds might be the ones that collapse on you. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress. The age of the reed required to grow such creatures is a bit longer than recommended simply because of the slippage and collapse described above. Once you have established the optimum tie length for your staple & shaper, use the digital caliper to double check the length of the thread windings before crossover. Additionally bacterial growth inside the reed can effectively make the opening smaller as the biofilms coat the inside cavity of the reed. To open the reed squeeze the wire, using your fingers, gently from the sides. I have been to a few teachers but the problem has pretty much stumped them. The tip of the reed may become frayed from trauma of tonguing and knicks from the reed case or hands. Let sit for another minute.-The opening should be about the height of a Dime. I'm a beginner on oboe and I have my first concert on Dec. 6. Please reach out to us with any questions about our selection of oboe knives. Overall, this is a secure Oboe Reed case, which you can close with sturdy clamshell protection. 4. For Oboe, look at the tip opening. Squeeze gently on the sides. Thank you again for all the detailed responses. Home ⺠Forums ⺠Reeds ⺠The Oboe Reed Room ⺠Top of oboe reed will not close This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 4 months ago by Andrew R. Nogal. If you need to order reeds, click here to go to the shop where I sell handmade reeds. How to tell if your oboe reed is broken or needs replacing. 2. Molds will often show up as fruiting bodies or black colonies, while bacteria will often form films along the inside of the reed. Tone (does it make a nice sound) 5. But too often, reeds are too thick, too long, too open, too closed, too sharp -- you name a problem, and it's a possibility for an oboe reed. Sometimes, these problems can be caused by an accumulation of small errors. Then, soak it for five minutes before you put it away. Luckily, this also means that if the reed is a little too open just wait a week or two and it may collapse to a manageable size. I hate having to scrape all the “guts” out of a reed just to close down the opening, and I also hate having to clamp down on a reed with my embouchure. An oboe reed can make or break an oboe's usability and sound. Literally everytime I play, I'm always going to start out being either super sharp or super flat. The closing and opening of the reeds is repeated at an incredible speed. Strive to use the embouchure and jaw less for biting and instead the lips more for rolling in, making sure to use consistent air support. A dark, warm, pleasing oboe sound comes from resistance of the reed, first and foremost. I tied one reed this week that closed very well. After you have selected the cane for straightness and chopped it to length, lay the piece bark-side down on a flat surface. From the oboe reed critiques that I offer to all of the reed shipments from our reedmakers. 3. As the cane is played and ages the cane loses some strength but the thread does not wear away. Tie length. If a reed is too open it will be difficult to control and may fatigue the mouth too much to be playable, but if the opening is too small the reed will be sharp and inflexible. The result will be a … Soak new reeds in warm water for one minute. My colleague is a seasoned oboist and reed maker. I hadn’t encountered consistent trouble with big tip openings until perhaps a year and a half ago. Home › Forums › Reeds › The Oboe Reed Room › Top of oboe reed will not close. If the reed becomes too hard, the next time try … I have other strategies for getting the most life from your reeds in an article I wrote which you can read by clicking here. Never work on a dry reed – it will likely crack. Reeds naturally close down a bit when played on anyway. Singin’ Dog is a well-known maker of oboe reeds, and this particular reed is entirely handmade. Chips that occur at the edges of the tip are not as critical as chips at or near the middle from left to right. When the cane seems soft, I also observe that the size of the opening changes dramatically after the dry reed has been soaked. Solution : Get a new reed. Likewise if the reed is too closed—- but in the reverse, of course—- gently squeeze it open from edges of the two blades, only if you’re sure that it’s wet! I tend to scrape the corners of the tip before setting the blank aside. Reeds That Are Too Closed While the opening of the reed is mostly determined by the cane, gouge, and shaper tip, but this oboe reed lesson shares a few additional ideas on how to open up a reed. 2. Each one is thoughtfully put together to help provide you with the best tone possible, and the only use the highest quality Arundo donax cane available to help ensure the best handmade oboe reed. Dealing with many different reeds that different people make that we sell at our store, and with her own reeds, she’s noticed that lately everyone seems to have bigger tip openings, even those from reed makers that typically have pretty squashed tip openings are pretty open. Sometimes after I tie the reed, de-bark it and clip the tip, the opening seems normal-sized and the sides seem to close. I have other strategies for getting the most life from your reeds in an article I wrote which you can read by clicking here. The angle of the head (too high or too low) (angle of the oboe in the mouth âbring it down) 2. The nature of this double reed will make it go out of tune real easy, as you've noticed. Reed too closed . Tying the reed on longer has the opposite effect. Hi Laura — This can be maddening and the source of the problem difficult to track down, as you are finding. The opening of a reed is key in determining the pitch, and resistance of the reed. For an oboe reed to work at it's best (vibrate at its optimum level) it needs the be correctly balanced; the reed should have the same thickness of cane on both front and back blades and on each half of both blades (see diagram, left).. I think it could be something that has to do with tying. You can store up to 8 Oboe Reeds in this protective case. Made to order by a team of professional oboists in Chicago. Hi Andrew, thanks so much for responding. ... Find out why Close. Perhaps they last even a few weeks or a couple months. If too closed, open carefully from the sides with the fingers. D. Reed Problem: 1. I have been making reeds for about 2 years. Home › Forums › Reeds › The Oboe Reed Room › Top of oboe reed will not close This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 4 months ago by Andrew R. Nogal. Make sure the overlap is correct. Place the pencil mark at the top of your staple (oval)/mandrel & wind to just below the mark; the caliper will ensure you don’t go over this mark. In one session, shape the cane, tie it, and scrape it until you have clipped the tip open. Clip the tip of the reed (using a knife or razor blade), a little at a time till the crow is a “C” pitch. This is sometimes referred to as “breaking in the reed” when the reed is new and is a natural part of the lifecycle of the reed. And the best part of it is that the instruments can tilt easily for fast removal due to the padded lining. What should I do if the reed seems too hard? Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total) Author Too closed… 1. We’ve noticed the quality of pretty much all the European cane (Rigotti, Loree, Pisoni, Alliaud, Glotin) all be pretty bad in the last year. However, for about the past 6 months I have been experiencing a recurring problem with every single reed that I make. It seems like this might weaken the opening, too, to give you a fighting chance of having tighter sides. However, adjusting your oboe reeds to resolve this is not too complex. Remove from water and shake out excess water. Oboists, we feel for you: and not just because of the double-reed misery, the duck noises, the … How to Fix a Flat Oboe Reed Jones Double Reed … 2. For tips on making the reeds last longer and getting the most out of your reed check out this article I wrote by clicking here. That's just a fact of the instrument - a lot of pros will tune to the oboe because there are times when it simply won't go in … Then, the reed works like a snapdragon–squeeze at the bottom and the top pops open. Thanks to everyone for the comments! This will eventually make the reed too hard to play as the response and tone will be compromised and a new one should be used instead. Squeeze the wire, using your fingers, from the front … This leads to sharpness and makes the reed harder to blow through. I used the same cane that I have been using (Brannen X, Gilbert gouge) and tried tying to between 74 and 74.5 mm (I had been tying to 73 mm previously). Leaking (air escaping) Two tools that would really help & speed things along for you: the Incra bent rule in mm & a digital caliper. In my experience, letting blanks dry overnight before clipping them usually leads to reeds with more manageable (less huge) openings. Slight variations in temperature, altitude, weather, and climate can also have an effect on the sound of the reed, as well as minute changes in the physique of the reed. Thank you in advance! As the reed ages, the blades will slip past each other little by little. I also experimented with letting the blank sit for a little while before clipping it rather than clipping immediately after tying and scraping. The approximative dimensions for this product are 4.2 x 0.6 x 4 inches. I’d love to hear about them. Dip the reed in water again and let it sit out an additional 1-2 minutes. Do you think that letting them dry overnight before clipping them would make them even more open? My hypothesis is that very soft cane “balloons” open when tied onto the staple while rigid, hard cane would hold its shape and diameter. If they do not, the reed may be unstable and inconsistent. Place the oboe reed in warm water for 5-7 minutes, remove from water, blow out excess moisture and play; Too open= not likely but you can squeeze the reed shut if needed. Shave off the ears with your reed knife, scrape both sides of the tip & clip open. Oboe, like any double reed, is a tough beast. Before fixing any problems, start by checking that the reed is not too open of too closed. You can prevent these growths by soaking your reeds in a reed soaker, or cup, instead of your mouth. – finished length of the blank; It doesn’t seem to matter whether I gouge and shape the reeds myself or whether I order the cane pre-gouged and shaped. Most of the time, the fold seems to be pretty clean, no shreds. The reed may never sound as good but it may be playable for a while longer while a replacement can be ordered. I recommend soaking reeds for between 1-2 minutes in a small cup or shot glass of water. Maybe you need to adjust the diameter of cane you’re using, move up to 10.5 to 11 range if you’re at the 10-10.5 range now. Mold…enough said…. I will say this another way: the sides of the tip do not touch when looking at the reed from the top-down. And how to do it right. Whenever I play oboe, it's kind of like a "gamble." Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total). I gouge with a Dan Ross gouger & tie my reeds at 75 mm on Stevens pro-brass 47 mm using the David Weber 1B shaper. If the reed is too closed, you will not get much life out of the reed, though will likely open up when soaked. The opening may be too closed, in which case there are no good adjustments that would help. I have found there is a limited amount of resources available that cover the effects and challenges of making and adjusting oboe reeds at high elevation. These simple but crucial tests will help you decide if your reed is broken or needs replacing especially if your just starting out on the oboe. 3. make sure that the gouged cane is folded on a really straight line and not shredding at what will become the tip of your reed; The opening of the reed is stabilized by two main opposing forces. This can actually be caused by the reed being too open from the start, so the first place to look is how does the reed start out. The SOAKED oboe reed may benefit from being squeezed shut for 30-45 seconds for the first few playing sessions. This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated. I know that there are certain reed-makers who insist on pulling the thread with all their might, but that doesn’t work for me. If the opening is too small the reed may not accept the air stream and the low notes will feel labored and unstable. Opening, too open, gently squeeze the sides should close with the fingers super flat this weaken! 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