Paphiopedilum und Phragmipedium » Paphiopedilum Maudiae. Maudiae went on to breed many similar types of slipper hybrids with a range of colors from albino to coloratum (pinks & reds with green and sometimes spots) to vinicolor (deep red wine color). Maudiae x Paph. Other common names Venus slipper orchid Maudiae gx . Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. Seltene orchideen kaufen - Die hochwertigsten Seltene orchideen kaufen verglichen! callosum sanderae mit Paph. Ending 10 Jan at 19:09 AEDST 3d 2h. EUR 8,50 Versand. This hybrid should be red, hairy with white/red stripes philippinense subgenus Polyantha: SOLD : Paph. Reviews. ID3 3TDAT ÿþ0401TYER ÿþ2021TLAN ÿþDEUTALB ÿþBÜCHERMARKTTIT2U ÿþAnnet Mooij: "Das Jahrhundert der Gisèle"COMMV ENGþÿÿþDeutschlandradio - 04.01.2021 16:20:00TPE Stk - 1x Paphiopedilum Maudiae Vinicolor "Schwarze Madonna" Pflanze L399. Compact, "looking for info about an unregistered cattleya", (C. Leoloddiglossa var. Paphiopedilum list Growing Types Mottled or solid leaves with more than one flower grow warmer Solid green leaves with only one flower grow intermediate to cool: Also shows if Mottled Leaf, Solid Leaf or Bulldog type : Long twisted petals Sequential multi floral: Paph. Rare Paphiopedilum Maudiae `Femma` orchid plant FS . 19,90 € * TIPP! The botanical species of the Paphiopedilum Maudiae Femma are found in the jungles of the Far East and Indonesia. Category: Paphiopedilum. Receive 10% off your first order for subscribing! Paphiopedilum Maudiae is a hybrid between Paphiopedilum callosum (native to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos) and Paphiopedilum lawrenceanum (native to Borneo). In Lonis Orchideenforum kannst du in lockerer Atmosphäre nach Lust und Laune fachsimpeln - über Blüte, Pflege, Kulturformen, Fragen und Probleme rund um unsere große Leidenschaft Orchideen – und noch vieles mehr. This product comes in a clear, soft plastic nursery pot. These green/white flowered seedlings were immediately in wide demand and … This large image gallery is broken into 6 subsections; species, Brachy / Parvi Hybrids, Complex / Antique Hybrids, Multifloral Hybrids, Novelty / Other Paph hybrids, and Vini / Coloratum / Maudiae Type Hybrids. The primary hybrid was the result of crossing the Section Barbata albinistic forms of Paphiopedilum callosum var. Paphiopedilum maudiae "Red" quantity. BS $50.00 PAPHIOPEDILUM MAUDIAE TYPE. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. The foliage is also attractive, and typically the darker red at the base of the plant, the darker red the flower will be. spicerianum x Paph. Paphiopedilum Maudiae are truly unique orchids with extraordinary looking flowers. These also make nice gifts for those who want to send something outside of the common Phalaenopsis. Die Bestenliste 01/2021 - Umfangreicher Test -Ausgezeichnete Favoriten Aktuelle Angebote ⭐ Alle Vergleichssieger JETZT ansehen. They mainly grow in the humus layer of the forest and sometimes on stones. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. It is a unique, strong, fresh, green-coloured plant which can remain in flower for 10 to 12 weeks. Clifton Booth (St. Swithin x primulinum) x Paph. Erfahrungen mit Seltene orchideen kaufen. BS $50.00 PAPHIOPEDILUM MAUDIAE TYPE. Find Beautiful Red Paphiopedilum Maudiae Botanical Orchid stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Versandkosten. Cornelia 'Floralia' x Lc. Die etwa 100 Arten und Unterarten sind von Indien über Nepal, dem südlichen China, Thailand, Malaysia bis hin zu den Philippinen, Borneo, Sumatra und Neuguinea verbreitet. Genus Paphiopedilum are mainly terrestrial, and lithophytic or epiphytic. zzgl. 'SVO', © International Orchid Foundation, LLC. 1 bid. Gattung: Paphiopedilum. Rare orchid plant, please note - this is the plant you will get and. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Photo about Prized Paphiopedilum Maudiae Red orchid in full bloom. Maudiae registriert wurde. Lowest commission in the industry guaranteed. It is a cross of Paph. AU $15.00 postage. Lieferung an Abholstation. Master ID: 32812: Species ID: 7225: Flora Disclaimer: The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. These Southeast Asian plants have flowers of heavy substance, lasting from one to three months. 4,90 € * Orchideentöpfe transparent . Conco-bellatulum 00/R382 Expect a wonderful outcome from the combination of these two parents Conco subgenus Brachypetalum spicerianum subgenus Paphiopedilum: SOLD : Paph. Vinicolor Paphiopedilum are Southeast Asian lady slipper orchids with deep red color in the flowers. Halstead. AU $12.50 postage. Shop great deals on Paphiopedilum Orchids. The foliage is also attractive, and typically the darker red at the base of the plant, the darker red the flower will be. Im Folgenden finden Sie als Käufer die Top-Auswahl an Seltene orchideen kaufen, während die Top-Position den Testsieger definiert. Details: plant, orchid, bloom, postage, plants, maudiae, `femma`, spike, class, combined . Enter your email address to be notified when this product is back in-stock. or Best Offer. Notify me before the end of the auction. 9. Paphiopedilum, im Deutschen Sprachraum Frauenschuhe oder Venusschuhe[1] genannt, ist eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb Familie der Orchideen (Orchidaceae). Carolina Orange Glow AM/AOS x Ctt. In der folgende Liste sehen Sie als Käufer unsere beste Auswahl von Seltene orchideen kaufen, bei denen die Top-Position unseren TOP-Favorit darstellen soll. Dainty blooms resembling a lady’s slipper adorn some types of orchids. Family Orchidaceae . Testberichte zu Seltene orchideen kaufen analysiert. Maudiae type - vinicolor (Red Lady Slipper). Do you have a plant for sale or trade The Maudiae Femma is P.P. Julius ( lowii X rothschildianum ) Graceful, wide flowers many to a stem. This listing is for a hybrid Vinicolor and Maroon varieties, which have blooms in a range of maroon/purple/red wine colors, with … Shipping calculated at checkout. 12,90 € * Cattleya leopoldii . ID3 CTDAT ÿþ0701TYER ÿþ2021TLAN ÿþDEUTALB ÿþAKTUELLESTIT2g ÿþKapitol wieder sicher? Paphipedilum Gloria Naugle’Red’ Mericne. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. Rangliste 01/2021 Ausführlicher Produktratgeber ️ TOP Favoriten → Aktuelle Angebote ᐅ Alle Preis-Leistungs-Sieger ⭐ Direkt lesen! P. Maudiae: This has green and white blooms with a strongly striped dorsal sepal. Paph. Bestenliste 01/2021 ᐅ Ausführlicher Produktratgeber Die besten Produkte Aktuelle Schnäppchen ⭐ Alle Preis-Leistungs-Sieger ️ Jetzt ansehen. The Maudiae is named after our daughters, Femke and Marit. Maud Read. Rangliste 01/2021 Detaillierter Ratgeber ᐅ Ausgezeichnete Geheimtipps Aktuelle Schnäppchen Sämtliche Vergleichssieger ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Direkt weiterlesen. Paphiopedilum Maudiae Care. This orchid is a beautiful, old hybrid that stood the test of time for more than 100 years, where others have passed and gone out of fashion, this cross is still one of the most desired orchids ever. Lieferung an Abholstation. MAUDIAE FEMMA Our own creation. Paphiopedilum: Paph (Valerie Tonkin x Maudiae) Cross between a very large white flowered paph with red speckling and a Maudiae. It is a cross of Paph. Maudiae VINI hybrids new breeding from Taiwan NICE plants all have dark leaf base BS $45.00. Foliage: The leaves are light green, mottled with dark green splotches. Überprüfen Sie bitte die Lieferfrist vor, die Kauf (s). Fast & Free shipping on many items! Artfull presentation and strong color. Nobile´s Bruno Bruno "Big Red Alert" 14,90 € * Slc. No problem. AU $60.00. Paphiopedilum Maudiae: Im Jahr 1900 wurden von Charlesworth eine Kreuzung von Paph. EUR 200,08. EUR 8,50 Versand. Paphiopedilum Red Maude Paphiopedilum Red Maude, F.Capriccio 1988 (RHS registered) Paphiopedilum Maudiae × Paphiopedilum. ab 0,15 € * Orchideenspezialdünger . Einige Jahre nach dem 2. Ancestry Ancestry list Ancestry tree. This type of breeding is always fun. Paphiopedilum Red Maude is an orchid hybrid originated by F.Capriccio in 1988. Image of bloom, nature, droplet - 85940291 Maud Read. Some of these are very dark flowers with elongated petals and some take after the Black Rook but with deep mahogany red markings. Dainty blooms resembling a lady’s slipper adorn some types of orchids. So here is my very first Vinicolor Paphiopedilum! sanderae and Paphiopedilum lawrenceanum var. Orchids’ own species and is one of the few Paphiopedilums that is propagated meristematically. philippinense R255 '00 Med Rich Wine - Red and Golden yellow, spots. All rights reserved. It is considered a "primary hybrid" because it is a … Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else. Es dauert in der Regel um 1-4 Wochen Zeit zum Handeln nach Artikel ausgelöst wurde. Genus Paphiopedilum are mainly terrestrial, and lithophytic or epiphytic. There are no reviews yet. 0.04lb) _ x000D_ Paket-Größe: 20cm x 10cm x 10cm (7.87in x 3.94in x 3.94in) Regular price Sold out Sale price $18.00 Sale. Each shoot ends in a solitary flower or racemes of 2-8 flowers each with a distinctive variably-shaped lip or pouch Paphiopedilum Maudiae Care. 17,90 € * Dendrobium speciosum var. Paph. BLACK JACK The black beauty. coerulea 'SVO Baby Blue' x
Article by Лариса В. This all started in the year 1900, when England’s Charlesworth Ltd registered a primary hybrid between Paphiopedilum callosum and lawrenceanum and named it Paphiopedilum Maudiae. Please note that the flower on your orchid will have recently opened and will last up to a month. More pictures. Seltene orchideen kaufen - Die hochwertigsten Seltene orchideen kaufen ausführlich verglichen! 66 Beobachter . The fact that it is still They are rarely found in trees. Shop great deals on Paphiopedilum Orchids. 2x Paphiopedilum philippinense roebbelinii Multiflower Orchidee OWD207. It is a cross of, Starting Saturday, April 24, 2021 (lasts 10 days), Starting Thursday, May 6, 2021 (lasts 4 days), Robert H. Findlay commented on member plant, Sharie Heckaman commented on member plant, Sandi Block-Brezner commented on member plant, Gustavo da Silva commented on member plant, Danish Orchid Society / Dansk Orchide Klub, Rth. coerulea 'SVO')
They lack pseudobulbs and produce short stems with strap-shaped leathery leaves. Photo about Paphiopedilum Maudiae Red orchid in full bloom. The Maudiae-type Paphiopedilum More than 100 years ago, in 1900 the British firm of Charlesworth & Co. registered Paphiopedilum Maudiae. Maudiae green ---> new selection some have bloomed before but nice flowers BS … ID3 mTDAT ÿþ1612TYER ÿþ2020TLAN ÿþDEUTALB1 ÿþINFORMATIONEN AM MORGENTIT2c ÿþTürkei droht Trockenheit: Beten hilft garantiertCOMMV ENGþÿÿþDeutschlandradio - 16.1 Shop a huge online selection at lawrenceanum hyeanum gemacht, die unter dem Namen Paph. Maudiae even have the highly sought after mottled leaves! A few yellows and greens mostly red with huge spotted dorsals. that has the coloration of wine, dark purple colors. Top-Angebote für Paphiopedilum Orchideen-Pflanzen online entdecken bei eBay. Your Paphiopedilum Maudiae Red Orchid stock images are ready. which you cannot ship or do not want to bother shippping? To this day there is no accurate way to clone Paphiopedilums, making mass production difficult. Other common names Venus slipper orchid Maudiae gx . Description ; Reviews 0; Paphiopedilum maudiae. Get Paphiopedilum maudiae red photos and images from Picfair. Die Gattung Paphiopedilum wird von Laien häufig mit der Gattung Frauenschuh (Cypripedium) verwe… Maudiae VINI hybrids new breeding from Taiwan NICE plants all have dark leaf base BS $45.00. Orchid Paphiopedilum Malipoense x Hangianum 'Bear 106' AU $48.00. Shade loving plants that are easy to grow and considered a beginner level orchid. Paphiopedilum Price Point is mainly the mottled leaf (maudiae) type but does include some other intriguing things including some economical multifloral and sequential and even some fairrieanum hybrids; Paphiopedilum Select includes some different novelty type breeding: Paphiopedilum Premium has mostly yellow/green complex and some multifloral of different breeding; Paphiopedilum Premium … Sonnenlicht: Halbschatten Bodenart: Schluff. EUR 37,79. Check out our paphiopedilum orchid plant selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our craft supplies & tools shops. And … a few yellows and greens mostly Red with huge spotted dorsals flowered were! Kaufen - die hochwertigsten Seltene orchideen kaufen, bei denen die Top-Position den Testsieger definiert der folgende sehen... Bestenliste 01/2021 - Umfangreicher Test -Ausgezeichnete Favoriten Aktuelle Angebote ⭐ Alle Preis-Leistungs-Sieger ⭐ Direkt lesen, Maudiae water... 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