[281][282] He did so by changing insulting comments made towards him and made it appear as if the insult were directed at the moderators of r/The_Donald. Für Georg Obst gehörte 1923 der Lombardkredit nicht zu den Personalkrediten: Während es sich beim Diskontgeschäft um einen Personalkredit handelt, tritt beim Lombardgeschäft die Person des Darlehensnehmers in den Hintergrund,[1] Die Personalhaftung stand 1925 im Vordergrund, denn die Sicherheit des Personalkredites beruht auf der Personalhaftung. These new content guidelines were aimed at banning content inciting violence and quarantining offensive material. Persona 5 / Royal: Protagonist 1. Persona Q2: … [69] VentureBeat noted that Martin was "responsible for keeping the site going" under Condé Nast's ownership. [293], In March 2018, it was revealed that Reddit's CEO, Steve Huffman, had hidden Russian troll activity from users. [89], On June 5, 2020, Alexis Ohanian resigned as a member of the board in response to the George Floyd protests and requested to be replaced "by a Black candidate". [186], In August 2015, Russia banned Reddit after Russia's Federal Drug Control Service decided that Reddit promoted conversations about psychedelic drugs. Nutzer können doppelt so viele Kommentare wie üblich gleichzeitig sehen. [50] The company launched a major redesign of its website in April 2018. [57][58], The team expanded to include Christopher Slowe in November 2005. The purge, the moderators explained, is also aimed at sites providing much "bad journalism". [147] Its demographics allows for wide-ranging subject areas, as well as the ability for smaller subreddits to serve more niche purposes. Persona 4 Arena (Manga): Major Character 2. He was the ruler of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, serving as chancellor from 1933 to 1945 and as head of state (Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called "communities" or "subreddits", which cover a variety of topics such as news, politics, science, movies, video games, music, books, sports, fitness, cooking, pets, and image-sharing. Often subreddits would come together as a group to add a graphic from that community to place. [14], Als Karma wird bei Reddit die eigene Reputation bezeichnet. "[124][125][126][127] She recommended that advertisers design promotions that "spark conversations and feedback. Selbstverständlich sind dem Grenzen gesetzt. Eine einzelne Bewertung ergibt sich aus der Summe der sogenannten Upvotes, abzüglich der Downvotes, für den jeweiligen Beitrag. [217][218], Reddit communities occasionally coordinate Reddit-external projects such as skewing polls on other websites, like the 2007 incident when Greenpeace allowed web users to decide the name of a humpback whale it was tracking. She also apologized on behalf of the other administrators and noted that problems already existed over the past several years. [32], Discussions on Reddit are organized into user-created areas of interest called "subreddits". On December 16, 2010, a redditor named Matt posted a link describing how he had donated a kidney, and included a JustGive link to encourage users to give donations to the American Cancer Society. Singer, P., Ferrara, E., Kooti, F., Strohmaier, M., & Lerman, K. (2016). US-Dollar gekauft, nachdem die Website täglich 500.000 Seitenbesuche erreicht hatte. Um das Datenaufkommen ("traffic") der Website schnell zu erhöhen, erstellten beide viele Fake-Accounts, um von dort aus Links zu posten. [275][276] Shortly thereafter, announcements concerning new advertisement content drew criticism on the website. Persona (von lat. Caroline and Justine [45] Am 12. Here's how to watch what your kids are doing", "Reddit overhauls its front page for new users and lurkers", "Reddit Is Finally Fixing its Trump Spam Problem", "Reddit is eliminating explicit content from its public homepage", "Reddit's Case for Anonymity on the Internet", "What to Know Before Making a Reddit Account", "How to create your own Reddit community", "Meet Shitty: the internet's favourite self-deprecating watercolourist", "From whom the troll trolls: A day in the life of a Reddit moderator", "Reddit to open Chicago office as part of advertising push", "New subreddits by date (How Reddit grew over time)", "Creating a more curious generation through memes: Q&A with Reddit GM", "How an Alien Doodle Became Reddit's Simple, Versatile Logo", "Reddit taps Time Inc. veteran Jen Wong as its COO", "What is Reddit Gold—and why do people keep giving it away? It's mutual bonding, not bondage. “I read it on Reddit” („Ich las es auf Reddit“), wobei sich “read (im Präteritum) it” und “Reddit” gleichlautend anhören. In early 2009, Reddit started using jQuery. [291][292], Donald Trump supporters on r/The_Donald generally agree that white genocide is occurring. September 2017 ist Reddit kein Open-Source-Projekt mehr. "They're not pets! For example, one of the studies showed how it can support role-based group recommendations or evaluating group stability and growth. ", "How Net Neutrality Protesters Took Over Reddit", "Reddit flexes its muscle over net neutrality", "Reddit CEO says net neutrality vote stifles competition", "Reddit Campaign for Colbert Rally Breaks Donation Record", "I've had a vision and I can't shake it: Colbert needs to hold a satirical rally in DC", "Buy Shirts, Remember the Rally, Question Colbert, and Smile", Rally to Restore Sanity – Press Conference – Video, "Stephen Colbert has answered your questions : IAmA", "Netflix is latest victim: 5 things censored in Indonesia", "Reddit has been caught in China's Great Firewall", "Reddit, Telegram among websites blocked in India: internet groups", "The button: the fascinating social experiment driving Reddit crazy", "Reddit's 'Robin' is a brilliant social experiment that pits millions of internet users against each other", "Reddit's new 'Place' is forcing millions of users to work together to make something great", "Reddit Sequence is the latest April Fool's Day experiment from the social media forum", "President Obama makes online appearance on Reddit", "Bill Gates is 'concerned' about U.S. influence overseas and political divide online", "From the media to moon landings: Trump takes questions in Reddit AMA", "Reddit Confirms New Russian Meddling Efforts", "George Clooney Talks 'Monuments Men,' Playing Batman in Reddit AMA", "Buzz Aldrin's AMA: colonising Mars and the moon's 'magnificent desolation, "Any regrets, Edward Snowden? Das Personal wird in größeren Organisationseinheiten durch Personalwesen oder Personalabteilungen verwaltet und ist Gegenstand von Personalmaßnahmen wie Einstellung, … Submissions with more up-votes appear towards the top of their subreddit and, if they receive enough up-votes, ultimately on the site's front page. Denn trotz Anonymität soll es authentisch zu gehen. [277][278], In September 2016, a Redditor named mormondocuments released thousands of administrative documents belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, an action driven by the ex-Mormon and atheist communities of that site. [65], Huffman and Ohanian left Reddit in 2009. The video reached the top of the website's main feed. This was done in protest of the recent firing of Victoria Taylor, an administrator who helped organize citizen-led interviews with famous people on the popular "Ask me Anything" subreddit. [68] After Huffman and Ohanian left Reddit, Erik Martin, who joined the company as a community manager in 2008 and later became general manager in 2011, played a role in Reddit's growth. Das wird vornehmlich von weiteren Personen unterzeichnet, welche keto wiki reddit bezüglich der versucht haben. 1. [114] Snoo's purpose is to discover and explore humanity. [114], Reddit is a private company based in San Francisco, California. [90], On December 13, 2020, Reddit announced it had acquired short-form video social platform Dubsmash, hiring its entire team, with the intention integrating its video creation tools into Reddit. These members include Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura and Goro Akechi. Richtungsweisend dafür ist das Bewertungssystem. [citation needed], As of November 10, 2009[update], Reddit decommissioned its own servers and migrated to Amazon Web Services. [118] Similar to the "Slashdot effect", the Reddit effect occurs when a smaller website crashes due to a high influx of traffic after being linked to on Reddit; this is also called the Reddit "hug of death". [160], Reddit has been used for a wide variety of political engagement including the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama,[161][162] Donald Trump,[163] Hillary Clinton,[164] and Bernie Sanders. Organizers of the blackout also expressed resentment about the recent severance of the communication between Reddit and the moderators of subreddits. [304], On June 29, 2020, Reddit updated its content policy and introduced rules aimed at curbing the presence of communities they believed to be "promoting hate",[305] and banned approximately 2,000 subreddits that were found to be in violation of the new guidelines on the same day. [22][23] The subreddit r/all does not filter topics. [9] In October 2014, Reddit raised $50 million in a funding round led by Sam Altman and including investors Marc Andreessen, Peter Thiel, Ron Conway, Snoop Dogg, and Jared Leto. Minamoto no Yoshitsune (源 義経) was a general of the Minamoto clan during the late Heian and early Kamakura period. The company launched sponsored content[71] and a self-serve ads platform that year. Beyond Gatekeeping: Propaganda, Democracy, and the Organization of Digital Publics. Persona 4 The Magician: Minor Character 3. Join. Ren Amamiya 2. [205] The Atlantic wrote that an AMA "imports the aspirational norms of honesty and authenticity from pseudonymous Internet forums into a public venue". Rising. [115], Snoo is genderless and colorless, so the logo is moldable. [157] A similar donation drive in 2011 saw the atheism subreddit raise over $200,000 for charity. [194] The order of the GIFs and text slides were chosen by users through upvoting one GIF or text slide per scene. A decorated veteran of Wo… [39], Die Software hinter Reddit wurde ursprünglich in Common Lisp geschrieben, im Dezember 2005 dann allerdings in der Programmiersprache Python neu erstellt. Registrierte Nutzer (oft auch Redditors genannt) können ihre Beiträge in individuelle, nach Themengebieten sortierte, sogenannte Subreddits einstellen. [244][245] A dedicated subreddit, "TheFappening", was created for this purpose,[246] and contained links to most if not all of the criminally obtained explicit images. [185], ISPs in India were found to be blocking traffic over Reddit for intermittent periods in some regions in 2019. [173] In May 2012, Reddit joined the Internet Defense League, a group formed to organize future protests. Matt eventually proved that he was genuine by uploading his doctor's records. 2018 benannte Reddit das monatliche Reddit Gold-Abonnement in Reddit Premium um und fügte verschiedene Awards wie Platinum und Silver hinzu. Redditors don't want to advertise for you, they want to talk to you. [19], Am 17. ", "Interview: Imgur's Path to a Billion Image Views Per Day – Liz Gannes – Social – AllThingsD", "Social Media By Gender: Women Dominate Pinterest, Twitter, Men Dominate Reddit, YouTube (INFOGRAPHIC)", "Seven-in-Ten Reddit Users Get News on the Site", "Reddit holds the secret to fixing Facebook", "Reddit's global food bank is delivering Amazon wish lists to the hungry", "Irreverent atheists crowdsource charitable giving", "Atheists aim to change image of penny-pinching Scrooges", "Reddit's giving away 10 percent of money made off its ads to charity this year", "These 10 charities will get 10% of Reddit's 2014 ad revenue", "Barack Obama Reddit AMA: President Participates In 'Ask Me Anything' Thread", "Reddit and the God Emperor of the Internet". [34][35] Subreddit names begin with "r/". 7 Jugendschutzgesetz vorsieht. [289][290] The forum's users and moderators accused Reddit administrators of having political motivations for the ban. Außerdem können Nutzer Beiträge kommentieren und Kommentare von anderen bewerten. [190] "Grow" would join the chat with another group, "Stay" would close the group chat and create a subreddit with that group as moderators and "Leave" would close the group chat. Vor allem Prominente und bekannte Personen, darunter Barack Obama,[8] Bill Gates,[9] Bear Grylls,[10] Deadmau5,[11] Zach Braff,[12] Neil deGrasse Tyson[13] und andere, stellen sich hier den Fragen der Community. Beliebte Apps für Android sind beispielsweise reddit is fun, Relay for reddit oder baconreader. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you. The experiment ended on April 6, 2018. Last revised by . September 2011 wurde Reddit aufgrund seines stetigen Wachstum aus dem Condé-Nast-Verlag ausgegliedert und als reddit.inc direkt dem Mutterkonzern Advance Publications unterstellt. The cause of death was not immediately known, but authorities said they did not suspect foul play. In 2011, Reddit became an independent subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company, Advance Publications. Laut Reddit wurden in den geschlossenen Gruppen insbesondere Hate Speech verbreitet. He said he and Reddit would continue to advocate for net neutrality. [166], The March for Science originated from a discussion on Reddit over the deletion of all references to climate change from the White House website, about which a user commented that "There needs to be a Scientists' March on Washington". ][citation needed] It uses RabbitMQ for offline processing, HAProxy for load balancing and memcached for caching. [260] The blackout intensified on July 3 when former community manager David Croach gave an AMA about being fired. [19] The goal was not only for Reddit to improve its appearance, but also to make it easier to accommodate a new generation of Reddit users. [114] The mascot was created in 2005 while company co-founder Alexis Ohanian was an undergraduate at the University of Virginia. When it initially launched, there were no comments or subreddits. The real-life Charlottesville car attack, which killed one and injured dozens, brought those memes to life. Ein Inhalt kann entweder aus einem Link, einem Video, einem Bild, einer Umfrage oder einem Textbeitrag bestehen. Reddit: Alexis Ohanian & Steve Huffman", "Unleashing High-Profile, High-Profit Websites", "A rundown of Reddit's history and community [Infographic]", "Feds Charge Activist as Hacker for Downloading Millions of Academic Articles", "Alexis Ohanian Sr. on Twitter: "ATTN @nytimes Steve Huffman & I founded @reddit. [199] AMAs have featured CEO Steve Huffman,[200] as well as figures from the entertainment industry (including Elizabeth Banks and George Clooney),[141][201] literature (Margaret Atwood),[202] space (Buzz Aldrin),[203] privacy (Edward Snowden),[204] and others, such as experts who answered questions about the transgender community. 101. pinned by moderators. In 2012, Yishan Wong, the site's then-CEO, stated, "We stand for free speech.This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. Dabei enthalten eigene Posts (auch self-posts genannt) nutzergenerierte Texte zu bestimmten Themen oder Sachverhalten. Posted by. [15] Users can also earn "karma" for their posts and comments, a status that reflects their standing within the community and their contributions to Reddit. [77], The site and its users protested the Federal Communications Commission as it prepared to scrap net neutrality rules. [152] Users tend to be significantly younger than average with less than 1% of users being 65 or over. What's next for an Internet master? [43], Im Juni 2007 wurde die Reddit-Website für den mobilen Einsatz neu gestaltet. You can think of a personal wiki like a bit of a catch-all binder. The subreddit contained a collaborative pixel art canvas, where a user could place a pixel every five minutes (the timer was temporarily ten and twenty minutes for a few hours on April 1). [10] Their investment valued the company at $500 million then. [155][156] In 2010, Christians, Muslims, and atheists held a friendly fundraising competition, where the groups raised more than $50,000. Marketers may use personas together with market segmentation, where the qualitative personas are constructed to be representative of specific segments. ", "Fascinating graphs show how Reddit got huge by going mainstream", "Reddit rolls out its front page-changing multireddit feature to the public", "Reddit now lets you embed comments on other websites", "Reddit moves away from Imgur with new photo-uploading tool", "Reddit rolls out its own video platform", "The hidden benefit of Twitter's hate-speech controls: avoiding TV spoilers", "Reddit CEO revamped outdated website from the IT foundations", "The lifecycle of a redesign: Making Reddit more welcoming | Inside Design Blog", "The Transformative Power of Reddit's Alien Mascot", "Hipster internet favorite Reddit may have to lose its edge to go public", "Exclusive: Reddit signs lease for new office in S.F. [247][248][249][250] Some images of Liz Lee and McKayla Maroney from the leak were identified by redditors and outside commentators as child pornography because the photos were taken when the women were underage. [181] In a message to the Reddit community, Colbert later added, "I have no doubt that your efforts to organize and the joy you clearly brought to your part of the story contributed greatly to the turnout and success. [72][73] Reddit launched its Reddit Gold benefits program in July 2010, which offered new features to editors and created a new revenue stream for the business that did not rely on banner ads. [36] Subreddits often use themed variants of Reddit's alien mascot, Snoo, in the visual styling of their communities. Personal traits are selectable for each player and can be changed in game whenever out of combat. There are currently six main titles in the Persona series. [44], Mobile Apps erlauben es zudem, Reddit einfach und schnell auf Smartphones und Tablets zu benutzen. Wegen des stetigen Wachstums wurde Reddit am 6. Moyer, D., Carson, S. L., Dye, T. K., Carson, R. T., & Goldbaum, D. (2015). [17] Um die Sachlichkeit innerhalb der Kommentare aufrechtzuerhalten, gibt es eine sogenannte Reddiquette (ähnlich der Netiquette), an die sich die Benutzer beim Erstellen ihrer Kommentare halten sollen. [110] Previously, users had to use third-party video uploading services, which Reddit acknowledged was time-consuming for users. [63] In November 2006, Swartz blogged complaining about the new corporate environment, criticizing its level of productivity. Die Platzierung eines Beitrags wird sowohl auf der allgemeinen Startseite als auch auf der individuellen Startseite durch das Alter, positive und negative Kommentare und das gesamte, sogenannte „Karmaergebnis“ bestimmt. Oktober 2006 zum Condé Nast Verlag. Evidence of online performance deterioration in user sessions on Reddit. [35], In Russland wurde der Zugang zu Reddit am 12. [46] Aus Alien Blue wurde eine neue App entwickelt, die schlicht „Reddit“ benannt wurde und seit 2016 die offizielle App der Website ist. Anfang 2008 führte Reddit ein, dass jeder Benutzer eigene Subreddits erstellen kann. August 2015 ist zudem der Zugang zu dem Subreddit watchpeopledie (in etwa: „schaue Menschen beim Sterben zu“) für Nutzer mit zu Deutschland gehörenden IP-Adressen gesperrt. [75] Reddit and other websites participated in a 12-hour sitewide blackout on January 18, 2012, in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act. [266][267][268][269] On July 10, Pao resigned as CEO and was replaced by former CEO and co-founder Steve Huffman. The Personal History of David Copperfield is a 2019 comedy-drama film written and directed by Armando Iannucci, based on the 1850 Victorian era novel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Reddit [ ˈrɛdɪt] ist ein Social-News - Aggregator, eine Website, auf der registrierte Benutzer Inhalte einstellen bzw. "Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: 'We know your dark secrets. For April Fools' Day 2016, another experiment was launched involving the "Robin" chat widget. Log In Sign Up. [235] The family later confirmed Tripathi's death was a result of suicide. [191] Many people worked together to create large graphics, such as flags or symbols. [32] The possibilities that subreddits provide create new opportunities for raising attention and fostering discussion across various areas. [106] Allowing users to create subreddits has led to much of the activity that redditors would recognize that helped define Reddit. They gather the other Phantom Thieves of Hearts in Cafe Leblanc to explore Mementos. TheFitness.Wiki is the official wiki of r/Fitness and r/weightroom on Reddit. [14], Reddit is a website comprising user-generated content—including photos, videos, links, and text-based posts—and discussions of this content in what is essentially a bulletin board system. User account menu. [50][51] Supported by the funding from Y Combinator,[55] Huffman coded the site in Common Lisp[56] and together with Ohanian launched Reddit in June 2005. Persona 5 The Animation: Protagonist as Ren Amamiya 5. Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight: Protagonist as Ren Amamiya 3. Im Februar 2011 erreichte die Website erstmals 1 Milliarde Aufrufe in einem Monat und im September desselben Jahres sogar 1,6 Milliarden. [165] It has also been used for self-organizing sociopolitical activism such as protests, communication with politicians and active communities. [285] After the forum was banned from Reddit, the wording "We don't want witchhunts on our site" now appears on the former page of the Pizzagate subreddit. [115] Many subreddits have a customized Snoo logo to represent the subreddit. Persona 4 Arena / Ultimax: Playable Character/Navigator/Protagonist (Teddie Story Route, Episode P4) 1. ", "Reddit General Manager Erik Martin leads Time's "100 Most Influential" poll", "Reddit's Ad Experiment Is Good News for Condé Nast. React is exclusively used only on the redesigned Reddit that began deployment in 2018. Morgana 5. Hot New Top Rising. [48][85] After Huffman rejoined Reddit as CEO, he launched Reddit's iOS and Android apps, fixed Reddit's mobile website, and created A/B testing infrastructure. [210][211][212] In 2014, about 200,000 users from 188 countries participated. [167][168][169] On April 22, 2017, more than 1 million scientists and supporters participated in more than 600 events in 66 countries across the globe.[170]. Salon reported that "the section's moderators explained in a post on Tuesday, the goal is 'to reduce the number of blogspam submissions and sensationalist titles'". A Reddit employee restored the forum and its moderators an hour later. ", "Celebrity Naked Photos Leaked – #theFappening – So You Have A Girlfriend", "The Fappening Is Being Broadcast Live On Reddit With 100,000+ Viewers", "Security expert weighs in on 'The Fappening' and the iCloud", "Hunt begins for hacker behind Jennifer Lawrence nude photo theft", "Jennifer Lawrence nude photos leaked: Hacker posts explicit pics", "There's child porn in the massive celebrity nudes hack", "Reddit just banned the subreddit at the center of Celebgate", "Users lash out at Reddit boss for 'deleting' posts on hubby's lawsuit", "Reddit bans communities including 'Fat People Hate' as users say anti-harassment policies could be 'beginning of the end, "Users Flock To Voat As Reddit Shuts Harassing Groups", "What should social networks do about hate speech? [19] Additionally, Reddit's growth had strained the site's back end;[112] Huffman and Reddit Vice President of Engineering Nick Caldwell told The Wall Street Journal's COI Journal that Reddit needed to leverage artificial intelligence and other modern digital tools. [236] Reddit general manager Martin later issued an apology for this behavior, criticizing the "online witch hunts and dangerous speculation" that took place on the website. Zum einen ging man davon aus, dass die Weiterentwicklung der Website durch die Open-Source-Nutzung schneller würde. In many ways, Reddit represents one of the worst possible results of enormous popularity, coupled with an immense and only loosely-connected pile of largely self-governing communities (Take care not to assume a coherence that really isn't there). These members include Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Niijima... 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