Typical procedure is to use it while running, round the corner, and then start your cast with a bit of extra insurance on it. Letting your team know your situation, e.g. Dancer Feast Guide Dancer is a physical ranged DPS that brings a lot of mobility and CC into PVP matches. Stoneskin II [Stoneskin I but AoE around you. As a result, it is imperative that any good WHM knows how to deal with being focused by the enemy team. Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Being able to keep track of when enemy buffs are ready. YOU CAN USE THIS ON OTHER PEOPLE! These actions are only available during PvP and are unique to each role. © 2010 - document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. White Mage Feast Guide White Mage is a healer with a simple kit, but quite hard to master. Cure II [Casts a 650 potency cure on a single target] It has a fast cooldown, and can be weaved in between your spells meaning you can use it even when under a lot of pressure. Although the art subsequently became forbidden, it is now in the midst of a revival at the hands of the Padjal, chosen of the elementals.Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictionsâeven the icy grip of death itself. Role actions are abilities common to classes and jobs with the same role. Job Quest, Stone Mastery II Their magic stats, of course, are high, though they tend to be a bit lower than a Black Ma… You typically want to use this on the melee (as they will usually be dishing out more burst) but sometimes you might want to pop it on the tank (if it’s a PLD that is getting ready to stun lock or a WAR in Berserk). At this point there isn’t anything all that worth talking about… Focalization isn’t useful in this scenario and Aetheric Burst is downright awful no matter how much you upgrade it (only increases GCD by ~0.02 sec) so don’t put your points into those. Medica I [An AoE (15 yalms) heal that has a 300 cure potency] Cure III [Casts a 550 potency cure on target and any allies within a 6 yalm radius of said target] This guide is written from a primarily Feast perspective as that is typically the more involved and difficult mode to heal, but I have spent a lot of time in both game types and will try to include tips pertaining to Frontlines as well. Very potent against Black Mages and Summoners (you'll ideally want to get Focalization up before they put the dots on though, as the Focalization will not retroactively reduce their potency if you put it up after they're applied). Attuned to the essence of all things around them, the Conjurers' intimacy with all forms of being enables them to shift between both offensive and defensive magic as n… This spell is great because it has a longer bind than Fluid Aura and it’s an AoE around you, perfect for stopping would-be harassers. Consuming three Lilies allows the execution of Afflatus Misery. Then what does WHM lack in comparison to other healers? Restores all of the targets HP. Advice on how to upgrade your PvP abilities. Presence of Mind [Increases attack speed by 20%.] (Warning: if you use regen while this is up, the regen will consume the swiftcast even though regen already has no cast time). Level 12 – Sacred Prism (Slot 1) Sacred Prism is arguably your strongest ability as it grants anyone in your party the ability to reduce incoming physical damage by 40% by stepping inside it. The complexity has also been toned down to allow the focus to shift back to what is most important in life: crushing your enemy! Using sprint at the right (or wrong) time can often make the difference. In this case if we assume it's you (the healer) you should ideally already have regens rolling on yourself and your teammates BEFORE the burst starts. Equanimity - Absolutely amazing for tanking, it makes it so that hits/crits won't interrupt your spells. In the PvP section, you will find information about its PvP actions and adrenaline gauge. Purifying stuns can be hard though, you need to be expecting/ready for it. all the while weaving in powerful restorative magic (Regens/Cures/Bubbles) to keep their team alive. White Mage Guide by Birgitte/Macros < White Mage Guide by Birgitte Edit History Talk (9) Share watch 02:26 The Loop (Games) Do you like this video? Be aware that Tanks can strip this off with Weapon Throw (which will also heavy you). This ability is very, very important. In comparison, Scholar can have access to as many as 9 Lustrates (a strong oGCD heal) in a row all while sprinting around the arena as well as access to a fairy that can heal even while the SCH themselves are moving (or even slept/immobilized!). This does not mean stuns/silences/moving will not interrupt your spells. So for example, if you have an i150 ring with +23 determination (the stat cap) and +12 spell speed (11 under cap) and an i190 ring with 40 determination and 28 spell speed, it will be synced down to have 23 determination and 23 spell speed, thus letting you cap both secondary stats. Ideally, the DPS/tank should cleanse themselves, but you'll quickly find that a good portion of people you'll be playing with probably don't even have purify on their hot bar. If you have Melee/Tank focusing you, just using this on one of them relieves sooo much pressure. Refreshing regen on yourself when there's >10 seconds left is just a waste of a GCD/MP usually. Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 1,000 to all nearby enemies. So without further ado, let’s talk about HOW TO NOT DIE. Not to say that 4v4 is impossible at previous levels, but it can be incredibly difficult if you are matched against strong opponents and you do not have some of your vital abilities at full strength. Tiramisu Macaron - https://www.twitch.tv/tiramisumacaron, I tend to post my 4v4 LP matches on my youtube channel. You can also use it as a “filler” debuff to absorb an esuna/Warden’s Paeon on an enemy (e.g. you shouldn't be using this in high dps pressure situations). Grants Confession to self and nearby party members. This ability cannot be used in any PvP mode and as such should be removed from your PvP bars. Between Shroud of Saints and your base Mana Draw you shouldn’t run into any MP problems. Level 36 – Equanimity (Slot 2). Being able to distribute them properly is key to lasting out the duration of the fight. ), but if you don't think you'll be able to pay attention to what the other DPS are doing, don't be afraid to just throw it on someone for the sake of using it. Asylum - If you have a Medica II, Regen, and this all rolling on you that's a LOT of regen (almost as much as a Cure 1 every tic) making this a great option when you need to plant your feet somewhere. Give it a read! The downside being that it has by default a very prohibitive MP cost as well as a small range for hitting multiple targets at only 6 yalms (slightly larger than a Blizzard II). At this point we assume they have caught up with you and are now attacking you. If you get slept. if you’re low on mana, if your Purify is down and you’re going to need one soon, telling them to start retreating to base if you think you are about to die in the next ~10 seconds (Feast) or if there are enemies incoming (Frontlines), etc. The Preseason 4 Survival Guide (Patch 3.55a). Either way, don't spend too much time trying to tab target which one, its important just that you use it ASAP when you see them coming at you. Blizzard 2 - If you've ever played a melee/tank you'll know how frustrating being bound is. Depending on the situation you might want to round the corner and stop to pop off a Cure II and then keep running. Materia Melds do not work in PvP zones due to the ilvl sync. Sacred Prism that lasts even longer = very good. Being able to quickly gauge what abilities you have at your disposal to counter enemy bursts you might not have predicted. A 15% nerf to their STR and DEX, this will help reduce their burst damage for the next 10 seconds. Cleric Stance Welcome to Wowhead's Frost Mage Arena PvP Guide! With a 60 second recast time, you should be using this often. In this section, we will cover the best compositions for both 2v2 and 3v3 in the current meta. Or if you don't feel like that's a good idea just keep running and keep your regen up. The best way to use it is to throw it on a DPS that is indicating they are about to burst (i.e. Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%. It has a large curing radius and its regen after-effect is VERY strong when stacked with your normal regens. Sleep an enemy dps/tank, again either forcing a purify, greatly reducing their team's dps output or at the very least making the enemy healer have to waste time trying to esuna it off. Your upgrade path will largely depend on which game mode you’re playing (Feast or Frontlines) as well as on personal preference somewhat. But really, this is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT ABILITIES IN PVP. Raise [Revives the target with a weakness penalty.] This ability should almost always be on cooldown (unless you're in Frontlines at which point you can probably be a bit more conservative). Can only be used when not in combat.] Relatively short recast time meaning you should use this often. Kiting being basically running away from your attackers, tanking being just taking the damage and healing through it. Gives you a big movement buff allowing you to outpace other DPS chasing you (unless they pop sprint as well). If you need to raise someone, use this. Experiment around and find what works for you. Just about every single game you will probably use an ability or spell that in hind-sight you shouldn’t have. On the Fire Mage PvP Talents page, you will find an analysis of each PvE talent row to help you decide which talent to pick on each row, as well as an overview of the PvP talents, which advice on which ones to take and under which conditions. Focalization 1 & 2 are kind of meh simply because Focalization is already the same CD/Duration as Raging Strikes (BLM/SMN burst CD) but there aren’t any other super necessary options either. Welcome to Wowhead's Fire Mage Arena PvP Guide! start by kiting and then end up having to throw down a bubble and tank). Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies. Divine Seal [Grants a 30% bonus to spell-based HP regeneration.] Silence/stun/knockback still applies though. Duration in PvP: 12 seconds] Also be sure to be extra careful when you have a Black Mage on your team, as their sleeps share the same DR as yours. You should be using this very, very, very often. Job Quest. If you (or one of your teammates) gets afflicted with Full Swing, it is important that it is cleansed ASAP. There are a thousand different intricacies we could go into here but I will try to stick to more general tips. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Temp. They may then be consumed to execute certain actions such as Afflatus Solace (acquired at level 52) and Afflatus Rapture (acquired at level 76). A convenient version of Stoneskin I to be used before fights. Until you know what you’re doing, I don't recommend keeping this on your hotbar for Feast (but definitely for Frontlines). Don't try to hold onto it too long, if used at the beginning of a Feast match (within the first 2 minutes), you should be able to get a 2nd use out of it at the end. Sometimes you'll just have a ton of 'lesser' debuffs, whether its several dots from various classes, debuffs, heavy, etc. This along with some Cure II spam should be enough to survive any burst. Stone II [Deals some Earth damage.] By continually recognizing and analyzing how and why you made these mistakes, you will get better at being able to quickly choose the correct option as you keep playing. Welcome to our Black Mage guide for Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers 5.30! When discussing how to stay alive, there are several things you need to consider up front; what jobs you're being attacked by, what tools they have access too, how certain people like to burst, etc. Deals earth damage with a potency of 280. and harder for the enemy to kill their teammates (heavying/binding/sleeping/knocking back/slowing/virusing enemy dps, eye for an eye on teammates being focused, etc.) Positioning yourself such that it is difficult for enemies to attack or enfeeble you but easy for you to heal your teammates. You've probably had it happen to you where one teammate is taking a ton of damage and you're sitting there spamming Cure II and the next thing you know the whole enemy team has switched to you and before you can react you're dead. Watch out especially for SMNs who can pair Hawk Eye with Wither to get a guaranteed dispel on one of your buffs even when you're in attunement. Because it doesn't restore your MP all at once, you should be using this anytime you're below about 85% of your max MP since you should be expending more MP while you regenerate. Sprint - this is your biggest tool obviously. This handy spell can be used to bind any enemies within a 5 yalm radius of yourself. Job Quest, Stone III It is a great job for new players as it is straightforward, and easy to pick up. Deals earth damage with a potency of 200. That drugs are bad. Usually used to counter mage/ranged LB but can also be useful as a party wide 'purify' or as just a plain ole powerful AoE heal in times of desperate need. The main problem is that allies revived are afflicted with weakness for the next 3 minutes making them do less damage, and become much harder to keep alive (and thus much more likely to feed the enemy team points); it's much better to just let them respawn without the weakness debuff. how to play it in a PvE scenario. Generally, you cannot afford to waste a GCD reapplying regen in the middle of the burst so it’s really important you have this on at the start. In PvP duties, adrenaline rush will replace the limit break action and, unlike limit break, can be used by single players. Stare helplessly as the tank picks up 10 stacks of medals and loses you the game after you blow every single cooldown you can on them and they still are taking too much damage. PvP Gear does not give you any direct advantage, but the morale stat on it will increase its item level in PvP areas (e.g. You can also use this to push enemies off of cliffs/high areas to potentially kill them, or at the very least put them in for a very long walk if they want to come back up to see you again. The only situation you might be using this spell is on ice in Shatter, but even then the damage is still a pittance without Cleric Stance and you'd probably be better off just conserving your MP. First and foremost tip: position yourself such that you are not an easy target. It’s pros are that it provides extremely high potency multi-target heals. Attunement [Increases evasion to inhuman levels as well as reducing incoming damage by 90% at the cost of completely immobilizing you for its duration.] As a White Mage, you only have so many abilities/mana/time/heals/etc. If they aren't popping as many buffs and you want to tank it, put down Asylum. Sleep someone next to a very high cliff and then push them off with fluid aura. Also works on Ninja's Raiton and a few of DRK's moves I believe. Useful when you're being chased by a pesky tank/melee (or both) to gain some ground and breathing room. The first way is to be a Full Support Cleric in which you mainly Buff and Heal the players around you or you can go the route of … But what's important here is that you put these things up (regens/bubbles/Virus/etc.) It has a long cast time at 3 seconds (which means you will probably need to use swiftcast or Presence of Mind to put it to any real use) and costs a lot of MP. Mana Draw [Restores 30% of your maximum MP (50% upgraded).] Walls are important because they are incredibly hard for a melee/tank to hit you when you kite around the edges AND they serve as a way to LoS their ranged attacker. Watch out for people who try to push you out of it though. Also, don't be afraid to cancel this ability early either by clicking it off or by creating a /statusoff macro; many times the dps will stop targeting you and will start focusing down someone else which means you need to un-immobilize yourself so you can heal them. Similar to Stone II, this spell doesn't really deserve a spot on your hotbar. Can also be useful in Feast if you need to tag a Ninja before they hide, or to tag an AST to prevent them from changing sects, but other than that its uses are quite niche. From lots of support to your single target white mage pvp guide CDs like Blood for Blood, Berserk, Raging,. Level 16 – Sacred Prism that lasts even longer = very good choice for Feast builds since is... You get to choose another upgrade ). upgraded ). given time, so be sure choose... Your boat after the “ core ” ( level 1-19 ) upgrades listed above PvP! Regens/Medica II as it is just a waste of a fight you 're Frontlines... 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