To miter the corners, sew until you are 1/4'' away from the edge on one side, and then backstitch. Do you have any more tips or tricks to share? I’m so excited to share with you a super easy, super gorgeous bag that is soooo fast to sew. These little zipper pouches are so fast and easy to make, and so much fun! My free sewing pattern is very easy and has step by step photos to make each part as clear as can be. Make quilt binding. 4. Jul 16, 2018 - Learn a faster, easier way to bind your quilts, with no hand sewing! Use your sewing machine to sew a straight stitch down the length of the crease. Open the unsewn section of binding on the left hand side and place it so that the binding lays right side up along the edge of the quilt. I use a walking foot when I attach the binding, and when I sew it down on the front. Traditionally, the binding is sewn to the front of the quilt and wrapped to the back and sewn down by hand (or machine). Use a straight stitch, zig-zag stitch or a decorative stitch. Tiny Zipper Bags - free tutorial using 5'' Charm Squares! How to machine bind like it looks hand sewn tutorial: 1. I do prefer the look of a hand-sewn binding, but I hate doing it, so usually I don't. Fold the binding strip in half – wrong sides are inside, the right sides facing out. At this stage of the game, your quilt is looking great and you no longer have a massive strip of binding to mess with. I always start on the top and fold over to the back. Repeat to join all of your binding strips. To backstitch, press the lever on the side of your sewing machine while you are applying gentle pressure to the pedal. To finish sewing the binding down on the back of the quilt, I like to stitch in the ditch from the right side of the mini quilt, catching the binding on the back. This is especially so if you have completed a quilt as you go project. Insert your needle into the very edge of the folded edge of the binding, and guide the needle through the fold for 1/8-1/4″. Fold the binding to the right, making a neat 45 degree angle. And my hand stitching is not that great anyhow. Lots of free sewing patterns and tutorials for making bags, zipper pouches, quilts, mini-quilts, easy clothing items, and other crafty little things to sew. Hand stitching to some is more satisfying and personal as a last step in the quilting process. The first step is to prep the binding the same way you would to stitch the binding down by hand. May 27, 2019 - Learn a faster, easier way to bind your quilts, with no hand sewing! Tip 4: Start by sewing your binding to the BACK of your quilt. In this case, its essential to bind your quilt to cover the raw edges and give your quilt some stability on those edges. Instead the piece has been sewn together, all three layers then flipped so that everything is right side out and the opening that was left is sewn together by hand. The smaller the quilt, the trickier this might be. Instead of sewing the binding to the front of the quilt sandwich, stitch it to the back side instead. Would you like to know how to bind your quilt with your sewing machine? Stitch slowly to ensure that you sew a straight line and catch the top and bottom edges of the blanket binding. Use 10'' units for a King, lol! The quilt pattern is comprised of a 10x10 grid. Secure with a clip or pin. If you use 4'' HST's you'll get a 40'' baby quilt. To make these invisible hand stitches start by bringing the needle through just the backing and a bit of the batting, coming out just above the binding stitching line. What stitch do I use for hand-sewing binding? If possible, use a walking foot (or even feed foot) for attaching quilt binding. At that point in the process, the faster I can get to the finish line the better! At the corners, I miter them the same way I would if I was sewing by hand. Locate the creased area of your bias binding. You may have to fold the quilt a bit to get the binding to match up nicely. I may be rationalizing and I have no proof, but I like to think that a machine-sewn binding is sturdier than a hand-sewn one. I get so excited when you help me to know what free tutorial to write next, because there are so many things that I want to sew, I could never get to them all. I love that last little bit of time to connect with the quilt. Follow these simple steps for this no binding … The corners look perfect. That edge won't move now, so you can safely sew from the front. However, in my opinion machine-binding is always the best if you're looking for long term durability. 3. From the front of the quilt, sew in the ditch (as close to the binding as you can without sewing on it). {fat quarter friendly! Backstitch to the end, and then continue sewing the binding to your quilt. Then the quilting is done. Machine Quilt Binding Quilting Quick Fact: Hand sewn binding requires patience and time. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! Preparing a Quilt for Binding by Machine. By starting on the back and wrapping to the front, you’ll be able to do the final stitching by machine … I also like a blanket stitch (machine applique stitch) with the "bite" going into the binding. #quiltbinding, #quiltbindingtutorial easy, Backstitch to lock the seam and remove the quilt from the sewing machine. I don’t hand stitch unless it’s something where I HAVE […] Sometimes it’s also called chain stitch in bookbinding, but more often it’s called coptic stitch binding. Machine binding is fast! 2. All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. This time, when you machine stitch the binding to the quilt, you’re going to stitch the binding to the BACK of the quilt. Leave a tail of binding about 6-8'' long, and start sewing the binding to the quilt on one side. Let me show you all my tricks. 4. Machine binding will hold up better over time. You can use the Super Stik fabric glue stick or another white glue stick that’s safe for fabric. There is less worry of your binding coming un-stitched with frequent use and washes when it’s attached by machine. Tip: You don’t have to draw a sewing line across the strip on top if you don’t want to, but it may help if you are just starting out. 2. And as you can guess from the title of this post… they are made with 5 “ charm squares. It helps prevent puckering. I know you have been searching for a fast and fun quilt pattern to use up your fat quarter stash... here it is! Fold the edges carefully around the corners to preserve your mitered corners. with these fabric storage baskets. This is an easy bind off, finished on the machine, that requires no hand sewing with a tapestry needle to complete. Learn to sew with free tutorials and patterns that are easy to follow and packed with tips! Bring the binding to meet in the middle and fold the ends back. Unfold the binding and place the two ends right sides together, matching the crease lines. And it’s just like your tutorial ! In order for this to work, the binding must be wrapped tightly around and secured to the back. I used 2'' HST's (half square triangles) so my mini quilt is 20''. :). Sew the strips together at right angles as seen above. Refold the binding and finish sewing it to the quilt. You can make it any size. It helps prevent puckering. and some time with my sewing machine and it was done! No fancy cutting or sewing. I’m so excited to share with you my latest tiny obsession… tiny zipper bags! Hand binding can also be a very relaxing process which we all need every so often. Sew Easy Big Tote Bag - free sewing tutorial. 2. Finishing the Binding by Machine. I almost always machine stitch my bindings. Neither of us are keen on hand sewing so we bind our quilts using a sewing machine. No, it won't unravel in the wash (assuming you tie off the knots correctly as shown in my video). binding, so I figured out how to machine bind them. Fat Quarter Fancy - Free Quilt Pattern using 9 Fat Quarters! Mark the crease with a pen, if desired. The steps to quilt binding by machine: 1. Leave a tail of binding about 6-8'' long, and start sewing the binding to the quilt on one side. You don’t absolutely have to, but my last binding trick uses glue. Tools \u0026 Equipment Used in this Project:- Janome Horizon Quilting Machine: Frixion Pens: Sullivans Cutting Edge Ruler: Oliso Iron (Yellow): are Amazon Associates. Sew up this beautiful throw quilt using 9 fat quarters plus a little more than a yard of background fabric. My favorite method for adding binding to a quilt is to machine stitch it to the front and hand stitch it to the back. They fit perfectly in Ikea cubby shelves, and fold up when not in use! Vote for our January 2021 U-Pick Sewing Project! }, ← Just For You Sewlebrity Sewalong... Rachel Low sews the Fabric Covered Beads Necklace, The Cozy Afternoon {free} BOM Starts Today! As I have grown to love modern quilts, and as the time I have to make them has become less and less - I opt to sew my quilt binding on all by machine now - and it looks beautiful! The SewCanShe Privacy Policy and other disclosures can be found here. Turn the corners, do the final join – everything is the same. 2. Scrunchies are a fun and easy sewing project that is perfect for using up scraps of all kinds. 3. Sew your own DIY Cosmetic Case with just a few sewing supplies including regular quilting cotton. Keep the binding … This Half Square Triangle Quilt Pattern is perfect for a mini-quilt, baby quilt, or big quilt - as big as you want! I make certain to anchor the machine stitches in place when I start and stop at each corner. Start by cutting enough 2 1/2’’ wide strips to go all the way around your quilt. SewCanShe | Free Sewing Patterns and Tutorials. Press or finger press the seam allowance open. I think it’s a … For binding, I love CluckCluckSew’s machine binding tutorial. Are you ready for a new year of voting for what you want to sew? Why machine bind a quilt? Learn how to take care of your SINGER® sewing machine as well as some very helpful tips to correct common sewing mistakes. Keep your stitching as straight as you can. Sew along the crease or drawn line and trim the seam allowance to 1/4''. Sew the binding in place using your sewing machine. 1. Come back every day to see the featured free tutorial. Take a stitch through the layers on the edge and bury the knot inside the binding. Move your quilt to the ironing board. Then fold the binding back to the left with the fold right on the edge. If you purchase anything using the Amazon links below you will help support our channel...thank you!----------------------------------------------CHECK OUT A FEW OF OUR FAVOURITE THINGS ON AMAZON--- TO OUR CHANNEL: US ON....Website: http://www.alandacraft.comFacebook: WHO IS ALANDA CRAFT?Alanda Craft is based in Australia and was created by Wanda \u0026 Paula who love crafting, quilting, sewing, scrapbooking and everything in between. 1 Hem overlong pants/ trousers/skirts. Continue all the way around. Trim away the extra fabric 1/4’’ past the seam and press the seam open. Machine Binding a Quilt by Allison at Cluck Cluck Sew […] DG Tau B Quilt | - December 4, 2015 […] (I love that tool!) 1. Cute Corners DIY Cosmetic Case {free sewing pattern}, Convertible Cross Body Tote Sewing Tutorial! Hi Deb, thanks for your question. I'm so excited about this amazing cross body bag... it's my new favorite purse! Press the area where the two folds meet to make a nice crease. Here you can see how much binding is left unsewn. When you get to the end, backstitch by a few stitches to secure the stitches. 4. To start there is no binding on the finished piece. The coptic stitch bookbinding method is another way to bind your book with a spine that opens up completely, so you can lay your book flat. While I usually will do a traditional double fold mitered binding and have done most of the ones you list, another favorite method is the “Easy Butted Binding” method shown in the Quilters Newsletter article by Brenda Jeschke (QNM #352, May 2003). It’s a necessity to keep things nice and smooth. How to Machine Bind a Quilt: In this video tutorial we show you how to bind a quilt with a sewing machine. Then you fold the binding from the back to the front and use your sewing machine to stitch it down on the front side with a blanket stitch, a satin stitch, or one of the decorative stitches that imitates hand quilting. In order to sew the binding entirely by machine (no hand sewing), use a 1/4’’ seam allowance to sew it to your quilt. 3. Make sure your quilt is ready - quilted, trimmed, and squared up. The goal of Alanda Craft is to provide helpful video tutorials, reviews and information to help you get your creative juices flowing. Start somewhere on a side and turn the binding to the back, being sure to cover the machine stitching. →. How to Machine Bind Your Quilts - Fat Quarter Shop - YouTube Machine binding tutorial from Remove the quilt from the sewing machine. It’s also a great way to introduce girls to sewing - within just a few minutes they’ll have something fun to wear and a few new skills, too! Apply the glus stick (optional) to the binding on the back, wrap it around, and use your iron to quickly set and dry the glue. Tip: Try to start and stop on a piece of fabric that is the same color as your thread so the backstitching will be less noticable. Machine binding tutorial from Press the binding so you have a nice crease on the fold, the raw edges will line up. If possible, use a walking foot (or even feed foot) for attaching quilt binding. Fold the binding in half lengthwise (wrong sides together) and press. Beautiful Quilt Binding with your Sewing Machine - no hand sewing required! Sew the binding to the FRONT side of the quilt top. Sew Amazing Fabric Storage Baskets that Fold Up! Organize your home (and life!) How to Machine Bind a Quilt: In this video tutorial we show you how to bind a quilt with a sewing machine. I made this bag in just a couple hours, and I was taking pictures along the way! 1. If I'm working on a special quilt, i like to do the blind stitching by hand (as shown in this tutorial) because it gives it a nice, polished look. 2. 1. Tell us in the comments. Stop sewing the binding and backstitch when you are 4-6'' away from the starting point. In order to sew the binding entirely by machine (no hand sewing), use a 1/4’’ seam allowance to sew it to your quilt. With the invisible stitches mentioned in this post, you can sew without anyone being any wiser that there are stitches holding the hem together.. Related post – How to sew an invisible hem : 3 methods; 17 easy hand hemming stitches to sew a hem. Start sewing on the new side of the quilt, near the end. I’m using black and white stripes so I like to attach my strips end to end. The binding also adds a decorative finish to your quilt. I let half the serpentine be on the binding and half on the quilt, and "aim" for the edge of the binding. The "blind" stitch and "ladder" stitch are the most popular because the stitches can be … Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. When it comes to hemming everyone knows that you will do better with a hand sewn hem. Pin. This tutorial assumes that Sew a Cute Tie Scrunchie - DIY Sewing Tutorial. The line of stitching never hits the binding on the back of the quilt; it just runs parallel with it. 3. #quiltbinding, #quiltbindingtutorial easy, We specialise in the Brother ScanNCut, The Dream Machine 2, quilting, bag making and fabric crafts.Check out more of our videos on our Channel Page and don't forget to subscribe for more great tutorials.CHANNEL PAGE: I have managed a technique that when I machine stitch on the back, the bobbin stitches are in the ditch so the stitching is practically invisible from the top. This one is slower going for me because staying exactly on the stitching line is more important for the stitch to look good on both front and back. 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