A portion of the lake storage is used to provide water to Post Rock Rural Water District, which in turn, supplies many Kansas farms and communities. 1.51 1.33 sdww02. Lake Level and Trail Information: The lake is currently 0.99 feet above conservation pool. Passing through sandstone bluffs, canyon ridge lines, and numerous water crossing the trails have a variety of terrain and difficulty levels. Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | Construction of 24 reservoirs by the federal government spanned from 1940 to 1982 with Kanopolis Lake, the first, to Hillsdale Lake, the last to be completed. As lake levels continue to rise, nearly all areas of Kanopolis Lake are closed. National Water Information System: Web Interface, Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Reservoir storage, acre-feet", Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Lake or reservoir water surface elevation above NGVD 1929, feet", Accessibility Elev = 1462.69 (ft MSL) as of: 10/JAN/2021 23:00. Date Information Updated: 31 December 2020. Kanopolis Weather Forecasts. DAHITI - Database for Hydrological Time Series of Inland Waters (DAHITI) provides water level time series from multi-mission satellite altimetry At this elevation the total amount of water stored in Marion Lake is 72210 acre-feet. Kanopolis Lake News [Video] See How Easily You Can ‘Clean, Drain, Dry” Your Wakeboat. Basin summaries and individual lake and reservoir information are available courtesy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey, … The official public website of the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Kanopolis Lake Kanopolis Lake. FOIA May 1 - June 15: Maintain water level at 1037 NGVD for fish and recreational benefits. Kanopolis offers 27.38 miles of trails open to hikers, mountain bikers, and horseback riders, 15 of which are on the Smoky Hill Wildlife Area. To see the most current data, you may need to hit ctrl+F5 to refresh your browser. or website corrections, write to CENWK-PA@usace.army.mil. Kanopolis Lake Pool Elevation / Inflows / Releases, Nearest National Weather Service Location, Civil Works Project Partnership Agreements, Former Fort Crowder Chemical Warfare Materiel Site, Former Naval Auxiliary Air Station Quillayute, Missouri River Wildlife Management Areas Map, NWK-Kanopolis Dam Reservoir (NIDID=KS00005 Location Code=5558030). The reservoir is impounded at its southeastern end by Kanopolis Dam. The south boat ramp is the only … As of 2010, water storage capacity in the multi-purpose pool of Kanopolis Lake, which is southwest of Salina, Kan., and Tuttle Creek Lake, near Manhattan, Kan., has decreased by 34% and 43% respectively, according to Kansas Water Office estimates. The lake is fo rmed by Kanopolis Dam. June 16 - July 15: Decrease water level to 1036 NGVD to initiate establishment of terrestrial vegetation. Conservation storage filled is 72199 acre-feet which is equivalent to 6.77 inches of runoff over the entire drainage basin. Reservoir release is 3.0 cubic feet per second on Friday 08Jan21 Time: 06:00 hours. Elevation: 3 inches below conservation pool. Weather data updated weekly. After days of rain, followed by snow, the water level Kanopolis Lake is getting quite high. Electric heat and air conditioning. BoatUS News. Conservation pool is 89.51% full. Walking a dog on the trail Gate One on our equestrian and mountain bike trail is OPEN. Gauge Location. Federal reservoirs are an important source of water supply in Kansas, providing water in some manner to roughly two-thirds of Kansas' citizens. This is the most I've ever seen! Boats, jet skis, water skiers and canoes are all at home with one another, and everyone keeps it civilized. Kanopolis Lake is part of the Smoky Hill River Basin and is operated for streamflow support and public water supply. NOTE: Forecasts are not available for the Smoky Hill River at Kanopolis Lake. The lakes and reservoirs in Kansas are located in two major river basins—the Missouri River Basin and the Arkansas River Basin. This station is operated by the USGS and funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. The lake's conservation pool level is 1463.00 feet mean sea level (msl). Kanopolis Lake is regulated by Title 36 CFR 327 governing public use of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water resources development projects. There are several areas of sand that are tough to ride, but patience and a little stamina will get you through K-Lake's extensive multiuse trail system. U.S. Geological Survey Water Surface Temperature is taken weekly from the Control Tower during peak season and when open water is available during the winter. Kanopolis Lake is a high traffic lake as far as water sports go, but there is room for all. Kanopolis Lake is a reservoir in Ellsworth County in the Smoky Hills of central Kansas, about 31 miles southwest of Salina and a few miles southeast of the town of Kanopolis. The current lake level is approximately three feet above conservation pool. The current lake level is 1462.50 feet msl and this elevation will be the operating target until construction work is complete. Sources of sediment for both reservoirs from the upstream basin include soil erosion and channel-bank erosion. Also a wall propane heater. Completed in 1948 as a flood control and water conservation project of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the dam impounds the Smoky Hill River. This lower than normal lake level will not impact boat ramps. At this elevation the total amount of water stored in Cheney Lake is 153228 acre-feet. Local conditions may vary. Title: USGS Current Conditions for Kansas Page Contact Information: Kansas Water Data Support Team Officials expect the current level to reach a little over 1,496 feet, making it the third highest level ever at Kanopolis Kanopolis Lake Water Level. Water Surface Temperature (recorded once a week): 36° Precipitation: 28.82" annual rainfall (2020) 0.89" monthly total (DEC) Water Surface Frozen: 0%. Todd Pittenger May 29, 2019 High water continues to cause issues at an area lake. The public can expect an unusually low lake level this fall and winter. Fun for all group sizes we have activities for all ages. Swimming is a great way to cool off and spend time with the kids. The survey was carried out using acoustic echosounding apparatus linked to a global positioning system. Introducing The Next Generation of USGS Water Data for the Nation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Summary of all available data for this site, Instantaneous-data availability statement. SUMMARY During October 2007, the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS) performed a bathymetric survey of Kanopolis Reservoir in Ellsworth County, Kansas. 2. Page Last Modified: 2021-01-10 20:46:37 EST The mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters. Weather data updated weekly. This action is being taken to support ongoing construction activities which include replacement of the intake tower's outlet gates. 9/2/2020. Drought Intensity: D0 - Abnormally Dry: D1 - Moderate Drought: D2 - Severe Drought: D3 - Extreme Drought: D4 - Exceptional Drought : The Drought Monitor focuses on broad-scale conditions. Today’s and tonight’s Kanopolis, KS weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather.com This is the most water I’ve ever seen rushing from the dam! The second highest lake level ever was in 1993, when it rose to 1,505.9 feet. Reservoir release is 0.0 cubic feet per second on Friday 08Jan21 Time: 01:00 hours. Conservation storage filled is 137942 acre-feet which is equivalent to 3.90 inches of runoff over the entire drainage basin. Kanopolis Lake Weather Forecast . Conservation pool is 90.88% full. Targeted Participants: Primary participants for implementation will be KDHE. On occasion, lake information may not be updated due to server problems beyond our control. CURRENT WATER QUALITY CONDITION AND DESIRED ENDPOINT Level of Eutrophication: Very Eutrophic, Trophic State Index = 61.83 Lake Chemistry Monitoring Sites: Station 016001 in Kanopolis Lake (Figure 2). Typical spring rains are expected to bring the lake level back to normal. Outflow = 115 (cfs) as of: 10/JAN/2021 12:00. URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ks/nwis/uv? Inflow = 95 (cfs) as of: 10/JAN/2021 12:00. On occasion, lake information may not be updated due to server problems beyond our control. Kanopolis Lake is a reservoir in Ellsworth County in the Smoky Hills of central Kansas, about 31 miles southwest of Salina and a few miles southeast of the town of Kanopolis.The lake is formed by Kanopolis Dam. For a list of all rules and regulations please reference this link. Days of rain, followed by snow, have raised the Kanopolis Lake level and they are releasing a record amount of water. Only observed stages are available for this point. Zoom Level:10. Completed in 1948 as a flood control and water conservation project of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the dam impounds the Smoky Hill River. This maintenance at Kanopolis Dam has been coordinated with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and the … Privacy We have a very nice cabin located at Kanopolis Lake in the Yankee Run area The cabin is a 1 bedroom which is extra large, living dining and kitchen combination. Warning: Javascript must be enabled to use all the features on this page! The swimming beaches are well maintained, as are the picnic and camping areas. The top of conservation pool elevation for this site is 1,463 ft. The 3,500-acre lake and 12,500-acre wildlife area provide anglers and hunters abundant fish and game. Date Information Updated: 31 December 2020, Water Surface Temperature (recorded once a week): 36°, Precipitation: 28.82" annual rainfall (2020). Experience the highest quality Kanopolis boat rentals, jet ski, waverunners, boat tours and charters, water sports, flyboarding and water toys at this beautiful lake. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Kanopolis area. Water Plan Fund in support of the Reservoir Sustainability Initiative. Water Body/Assessment Unit: Kanopolis Lake, Smoky Hill River (Ellsworth, Wilson, Russell, and Schoenchen), ... Time Frame for Implementation: Development of a background level-based water quality standard should be accomplished with the water quality standards revision. Period of Record Used: Five surveys during 1988 - 2000 Single car detached garage and a small fenced in yard. Subscribe to USGS WaterAlert to receive push notifications when specific conditions occur at this site. The information on this page is updated weekly. Rural Water property does have a well but we have never used it. July 16 - August 31: Maintain water level at 1036 NGVD to allow re-growth of vegetation. They are releasing a record amount of water which makes for a thunderous scene at the spillway. Daily Levels By Month Kanopolis Lake Forums: Kanopolis Lake Cameras: WATER RESOURCE LINKS U.S. Drought Monitor KS Natural Resource Office. ... Low Water Records (1) 1,452.55 ft on 12/11/1988. Reservoir Storage = 47463 (ac-ft) as of: 10/JAN/2021 23:00.