Random Acts Of Kindness. It is an optional activity for staff to be a part of. Apr 22, 2017 - Explore Holly Meehan's board "kindness in the classroom", followed by 215 people on Pinterest. Discover FreshGrade, today! Another way to spread kindness in the classroom is to do a Bravo Box. You can do this by putting all the teachers’ names in a hat and matching them up. Here’s a short list, and your students can probably come up with many more small (but powerful!) Make your classroom buzz! Give a book you are done with to another student. You could host an It’s Cool To Be Kind Week where every child is tasked with carrying out an act of kindness in their local community.. It isn’t happy or complicated; pass out blank pieces of paper and students write/draw kind things about that person and drop it in the “happy bucket”. Put students in small groups and have each group plan acts of kindness they can do as a group. Speak kindly, model considerate behavior. Clean up, even if you didn’t make the mess. Here are some kindness activities you can do with your class: Random Acts of Kindness Calendar Use our Random Acts of Kindness calendar with your students for the month. Say “hi” and smile to other students and adults in the hallway. Take a walk around school and have students find things that need to be done and let them do it. The holidays are a wonderful time of year to remind everyone about how acts of kindness—big and small—make the world a better place. This compilation will give you 50 acts of kindness that you can use in your classroom to engage your students in acts of kindness that they can do at school. A kindness scavenger hunt, like this one from Kiddie Matters, can help elementary school students look for ways to be nice to one another. … Sit next to or talk to someone who looks upset. This bingo card from our archives can be printed and used to promote generous acts in the classroom. Venture out of the classroom and go on a class litter pick-up to clean up the neighborhood. Hold the door open for the person behind you. Write your teacher a nice note on your homework. One classroom could make cards for another classroom, decorate their lockers, provide a treat, or perform some other kind gesture. We gave our Happiness Guinea Pig a mission: Do five random acts of kindness in one day. 1. Have each class do a random act of kindness for another classroom. November 13 World Kindness Day . Hold the water fountain for someone else. Paying attention to peers is a powerful act of kindness. Open the door for your friends on the way outside. Here are 24 random acts of kindness that you can enforce in your preschool environment. There is a mix of whole group and small group lessons that focus on one of our six kindness concepts: Respect, Caring, … Use FreshGrade to document your classrooms acts of kindness and provide families with visibility into their child’s accomplishments. Post quotes about kindness around the classroom. 4. Give students plenty of opportunities to show kindness. Do something before your teacher asks you. WRITING : KINDNESS NOTES. This compilation will give you 50 acts of kindness that you can use in your classroom to engage your students in acts of kindness that they can do at school. The results were incredible! They should come up with one act of kindness … See more ideas about Kindness, Random acts of kindness, Kindness activities. Wings + Standing Up for Friends Class Discussion This inspiring story of flight and standing up for our friends is the perfect book for inspiring acts of kindness in your classroom. 3. Holding a RAK Day, Week or Month in your classroom can be a great way to encourage this behavior as a regular part of the classroom culture. Promoting acts of kindness teaches empathy and good citizenship. acts of kindness. Arrange to deliver the items to a local thrift store that can distribute them to families-in-need. Jan 22, 2017 - Promoting acts of kindness teaches empathy and good citizenship. Acknowledge kindness publicly whenever you see it. View ashleybrennanacademics’s profile on Facebook, View AshleyBAcademics’s profile on Twitter, View ashley.brennan.academics’s profile on Instagram, View Ashley Brennan Academics’s profile on Pinterest, View 102896623012373252807’s profile on Google+, High Interest, Low Level Reading Passages, Classroom Behavior Management: How to Stop Lecturing and Start Questioning, Like Ashley Brennan Academics on Facebook. These include making sure the kids have eaten a breakfast, are clean and have the basic materials needed to be in a classroom. Did you know that it’s Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week? Students (and the teacher or para) may write short notes telling something they noticed that they appreciated. Kindness in the Classroom is a skills promotion program for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. We’ve put together a few ideas your whole class can get involved with to make the world a better place…and a few simple acts of kindness that you can remind students to practice the whole year. Carve time into the week to allow students to carry out random acts of kindness. Write a nice note or draw a picture for another student. Kindness Beyond the Classroom™ is a concise yet comprehensive curriculum that you can use to extend kindness beyond the typical school day. Host a classroom crafting session to make cards for residents at a local nursing home. Here are 20 suggestions for acts of kindness that we can encourage our kids to carry out while at school, and printable lunchbox notes to go along with them in case your kiddo needs an extra nudge! Food banks are very much in need of items around the holidays. Start the day with a friendly greeting for each student. Try some of these ideas for when you catch your students in the act of showing kindness to their classmates. Perfect for remote learning, connect your classroom from everywhere with the world's most powerful portfolios, Are you new to FreshGrade and need a free account?SIGN UP, Simplify your process and save time for what matters most, teaching, Tried and true, FreshGrade Classic is here for you, Thank your parents for the things they do, Write a thank you card to someone and send it in the mail, Best practices in remote, asynchronous teaching, Maximize student reflection during remote teaching and learning, The most powerful tool for asynchronous teaching & learning, Powerful, easy-to-use student-centered portfolios. We as a classroom were going to learn about kindness and then practice it. Random Acts of Kindness in the Classroom. Ask your teacher or aide if you can help with anything. Consider sending troops care packages from your classroom. Any parent who smokes or regularly drinks could equally afford to bring up and feed their kids in a decent way. Download free K-8 kindness lesson plans and projects. The program is framed around 12 Kindness Concepts: assertiveness, caring, compassion, fairness, gratitude, integrity, … The acts of kindness I genuinely struggle with are when a teachers act of kindness removes a fundamental responsibility of the parents. Watch out for the weak and the bullied. Last year our school started a Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Secret Buddy program. Say “Good Morning” to others when you get to school. During writing time in your class, create opportunities to make “kindness notes” with your students. Have students copy their favorites into their notebooks. Kindness in the Classroom. February 10-16 has been deemed the week to go out of your way and be extra thoughtful to others. November 27 RAK Friday (in place of Black Friday!) You will be amazed at their ideas. We focus on recognizing kindness in ourselves and in others every day. Acts of kindness, like leaving a painted rock for someone to find, release in humans three main chemicals; oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. It includes 16 different kindness tasks for your students to do for others. Remind them that many of the small acts of kindness they do daily can be celebrated, such as holding the door, smiling at someone, complimenting others, and using the words “please” and “thank you.” Some of my favorites include: In my classroom, my students grow a Heart Garden throughout the school year. Let a classmate go in front of you in line. The elementary school edition uses free-standing lessonsto promote social and emotional learning. By including a focus on equity, teacher self-care, and digital citizenship, we are excited to share a more engaging, relatable, and inclusive curriculum. It sure would be nice if this was a year-round practice. Help a friend clean up what they are playing with. Let a … Here are a few simple ideas: It can be tempting to only do kind things for people we know but it is very powerful to carry out acts of kindness to complete strangers. Fundraisers and community building activities are wonderful around the holidays. The kiddos loved to be kind. Food in England is dirt cheap. The holidays are a wonderful time of year to remind everyone about how acts of kindness—big and small—make the world a better place. Simply place a box or basket with small sheets of paper near it. Here are several ideas for ways you can positively reward acts of kindness in your classroom. There are many ways to promote kindness in schools, and starting with some simple random acts of kindness that our kids can do in the classroom or around their campus, is a great place to start! Talk to someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends. Dry the slides and swings on the playground after it rains. Picking up a friend’s lost mitten, fetching a box of crayons or tissues for someone else, helping to clean up a spill…these became the norm in the … Kindness Bingo. Smile at people, especially those who aren’t smiling! Together they have a profoundly positive impact on our bodies and our mental health, they also provide a lovely, natural high. Donate tissues or bring other things for the classroom. February 15-21 Random Acts of Kindness Week. Praise and kindness go a long way, as do simple things like coupons, a marble jar, certificates, and brag tags. The program is easy to organize and a great way boost morale and do kind things for one another. 4. Want to encourage your students to participate? Hold the water fountain for someone else. Feb 5, 2018 - This social awareness SEL curriculum is teacher-approved and includes 5 detailed lessons filled with hands-on and mindful activities that teach children about kindness, have them complete a kindness challenge with random acts of kindness, and ways to be a … In fact adults aren’t always kind either. Students fill in each square when they take the specific action noted. At the end of the day, the Special Helper gets to take … Every act of kindness is an opportunity to show your students that small things matter, even if they’re random acts of kindness. Draw a picture for the art teacher with a nice note. Put into place a ”random acts of kindness” program in your classroom. Visit any US Military site for details on what items are needed by active-duty troops or for more acts of kindness you can provide to troops this season. Encourage every student to each bring one canned item—or make it a school activity and watch the can count grow over a week or two. 2. Invite your students to do simple things during the school day that show kindness to others: smiling to brighten the day of a friend, helping a student clean up after a project, sitting with a student who is often shunned at lunch, telling a classmate how nice their new hairdo or outfit is. Nov 23, 2014 - Browse over 150 educational resources created by Crayon Box Classroom in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store. Here’s some examples of places you can donate to: One in eight children doesn’t have the clothing basics. But if you’re tapped for time, remind your students that they can be doing small things every day to help build community and a sense of service and spirit—beyond the holidays! With FreshGrade, you can create activities for students that spark imagination all while showing academic growth and achievements to their families. Tell someone in the class something that you like about them. Help another student with his or her classroom job. Teach Kindness: Events 2020-21. 3. Let a classmate go in front of you in line. Write the janitor a note saying how great things look. Train your children in active listening skills. We were going to change our behavior by changing our thoughts. With FreshGrade, you can create activities for students that spark imagination all while showing academic growth and achievements to … For active-duty soldiers or veterans, a care package can be a big morale boost—especially if they are unable to come home to their families. Generate a list of random acts of kindness and make it a goal to cross at least one item off each day. Listening is a kindness. After much reflection, I settled on an Acts of Kindness plan. Invite someone new to play with you at recess. Hold the door open for the person behind you. For example, students make kindness notes for our Special Helper of the day. We have taken our CASEL approved, highly effective, evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom ® social emotional learning curriculum and made it better. Let another student borrow a pencil, eraser, crayons, markers, or something else they forgot. Each week also includes an optional project to enhance the lesson. More information The Secret Elf - Random Acts of Kindness in the Classroom - Freebie Christmas 2014 by admin | Feb 11, 2014 | Educator | 1 comment. The students were then told that they are to act as a Secret Santa (or Secret Student for those who don’t celebrate Santa) and perform random acts of kindness for the student they selected. There are many great RAK ideas for the classroom available on the internet. Plan for kindness by having students create a kindness calendar. Read a book to a friend or younger student. Hold the door open for the person behind you. Parents have a big part of helping their children learn empathy and kindness, but teachers also play a big part in this role as well. Subscribe to Teach Starter and access thousands of curriculum-aligned resources and digital learning tools. My littles trying to make a heart sign with their hands. And, while being kind is a simple thing, teaching children about kindness and the importance of being kind is as crucial as teaching them their maths facts! Each grade level includes sixteen lessons designed to be delivered in the classroom for 30-45 minutes once a week. We chose to do an Acts of Kindness in the Classroom Activity based on the Kindness Buddy activity for … Most food banks post what they need on their website, so get your students to do a bit of research first. If someone drops things in the hallway (even a teacher) help pick up. The first person to fill the card wins. While reading, your students will meet Ikarus Jackson, a brave boy with wings who is ridiculed by classmates. Random Acts of Kindness. It could be an act of kindness, helpfulness, fairness, etc. I provide my … Our children spend countless hours in the care of dedicated teachers, coaches and educators throughout their young lives. Tell someone you are thankful for them and say why. Of course, one of the easiest ways to encourage kindness in your classroom is by modeling it with your students every day. January 25-29 Great Kindness Challenge. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation have done the research which concludes that kindness is "contagious, teachable, and makes you feel all fuzzy inside" and as you'll see by the kindness video by Life Vest Inside, they're not the only ones who have discovered why. Consider organizing a clothing drive to provide families with essential items that will keep them warm over the holiday season. Let a friend go first in a game. Teach your child to be an advocate for the oppressed. Three Gratitude Lessons for K-8 Classrooms Nurturing Gratitude from the Inside Out, from the Inner Resilience Program, offers practical classroom activities integrating … Random Acts of Kindness Week (16-23 February 2020), is a whole week dedicated to being kind. Use FreshGrade to document your classrooms acts of kindness and provide families with visibility into their child’s accomplishments. Say hello to someone you haven’t talked to today. Here’s a list of random acts of kindness for kids and adults that will brighten up anyone’s day. Make a big deal out of little acts of kindness such as … Leave something special in someone else’s mailbox – or even for your mailman! This compilation will give you 50 acts of kindness that you can use in your classroom to engage your students in acts of kindness that they can do at school. The holiday season is a perfect time to build a sense of community and purpose in your classroom. 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