51 3 0 obj /Height 26 x�� � ��q���6"��nf'���[D��֚s�1z�ob��=�֊�� ���J� Basella Alba is a herb used commonly alongside Hibiscus macranthus for the purpose of fertility. /XStep 1 endstream /Resources 52 0 R /CreationDate (D:20210110172946-05'00') 5 0 obj >> endstream << /CSp /DeviceRGB %���� << /XObject << /Im27 27 0 R >> >> endstream /CA 1.0 /Subtype /Image It is administered in gonorrhea and balanitis. /Pat17 17 0 R 63 << /XObject << /Im12 12 0 R >> >> /YStep 40 /XStep 1 26 0 obj /Im15 Do Basella alba is an important medicinal plant in ethnoveterinary for treatment of retained afterbirth and anaplasmosis. << /XObject << /Im30 30 0 R >> >> endobj /S /URI 19 0 obj /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /URI (file:///phytochem/plants/plantsFarmacyListAll?max=&offset=0&count=&actTotal=&chemTotal=&chemactTotal=&filter=&ubiq=&sort=chem.chemical&order=asc) /Filter /FlateDecode /A << /Width 1 /Length 28 49 0 obj >> /BBox [0 0 1 40 ] /Length 28 /Type /XObject [0 /XYZ 31.5000000 endobj /Subtype /Image /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /YStep 26 Basella cananifolia Buch.-Ham. endstream Basella alba L. is an important green leafy vegetables found commonly in the tropical regions of the world. /Height 26 Nitro Pro 9 (9. Bioactivity : /URI (file:///phytochem/plants/plantsFarmacyListAll?max=&offset=0&count=&actTotal=&chemTotal=&chemactTotal=&filter=&ubiq=&sort=amt_lo&order=desc) /Filter /FlateDecode endobj home /TilingType 1 /YStep 40 Betalains contain nitrogen in their molecule, have amphoteric properties, are basically unstable compounds and are sensitive to the activity of oxidizing agents and elevated temperature. stream << /BitsPerComponent 8 The Antioxidants of Higher Plants. /A << /Title (�� S h o w P l a n t) 29 0 obj /BBox [0 0 1 40 ] B. albaleaves contain 32 and 10 g/100 g DW of total and soluble dietary fibre. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the extract were carried out and it revealed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, pseudo tannins, chlorogenic acids and steroidal glycosides. << /Im9 Do The mucilaginous liquid obtained from the leaves and tender stalks of this plant is a popular remedy for habitual headaches. stream endobj /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB 53 0 obj << /S /URI stream 4 0 obj /Type /XObject /Type /Pattern << /XObject << /Im6 6 0 R >> >> endobj 2014-10-11T12:05:17Z /Type /Pattern 27 0 obj 48 0 obj /Resources /Subtype /Link /Creator (�� w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . /Type /XObject Basella alba, la baselle ou épinard de Malabar, est une espèce de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Basellaceae, probablement originaire d'Asie du Sud. endstream /XStep 1 Daily consumption of Indian spinach (Basella alba) or sweet potatoes has a positive effect on total-body vitamin A stores in Bangladeshi men. /ImageMask true /Height 10 [0 /XYZ 31.5000000 uuid:cc2df89a-8640-40e4-bee6-73b7c1456360 1 0 obj /URI (file:///phytochem/plants/plantsFarmacyListAll?max=&offset=0&count=&actTotal=&chemTotal=&chemactTotal=&filter=&ubiq=&sort=std&order=desc) /Length 13 0 R /Length 28 /Subtype /Image alba contains basellasaponins, amino acid such as arginine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, threonine and tryptophan (Khare, 2007), peptide, and phenolic endobj /Subtype /Image 8 . >> /Resources /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] /BBox [0 0 1 40 ] >> << 724.250000 0] Basella japonica Burm.fil. Basella cananifolia Buch.-Ham. << 3. 801.500000 0] /Type /XObject 0. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Border [0 0 0] endobj Chemical Constituents. /Subtype /Link stream Basellaspp. /Width 1 1 0 0 -40 0 40 cm /Length 22 0 R /Type /Page x��� ��5h�h�3���?&�l��Ë���72T�BBD��z�r� Basella rubra (Malabar spinach) is a commonly consumed green leafy vegetable in southern parts of India. /YStep 40 v��ﶩ+;[���vZL��=�V�j��^�k��ʾ��꺂3T� �t�0������a��EmH���� ���J���5�H���&�i��ZIݵ��7�x���=%D� >�����֩�ws�]c��?���p��ӌ�iF\J�4#.�I"�Yʙd�:����: 1 0 0 -26 0 26 cm endobj << /Resources /A << endobj endobj /BitsPerComponent 8 /TilingType 1 /Resources is very rich in mineral content especially iron. 9 0 obj endobj Baselle utilisation traditionnelles vertus : La baselle est une plante médicinale qui a eu une grande utilité en médecine traditionnelle dans de nombreux pays, certains guérisseurs l’employaient pour ses applications thérapeutiques en tant que rubéfiantes et laxatives, ainsi que maturatives. >> endstream /PaintType 1 endobj << endobj << /Type /Pattern /Pat29 29 0 R stream /Type /Annot Basella alba is a fast-growing, soft-stemmed vine, reaching 10 metres (33 ft) in length. Basella spp., a commonly eaten vegetable in south-western Nigeria, may have the potential to supply antioxidants to the human diet. 6 0 obj Phytochemistry. It is a vigorous, climbing, tropical vine that may be grown in St. Louis as an annual leafy vegetable for cultivation of its edible spinach-like stems and leaves or as an ornamental foliage vine. << Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. 7 0 obj /BitsPerComponent 8 52 0 obj These chemical constituents may play a strong role in the formation of the biopolymeric matrix, ideal for the encapsulation of hydrophobic compounds. /Height 40 /PaintType 1 13 /Resources stream /Width 1 %PDF-1.4 <> [0 /XYZ 7.50000000 Basella alba has been used for many of its useful product from ancient times. /S /URI /Mask 35 0 R /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] P Basella alba (Basellaceae) Chemical P artAlp s . Disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] >> stream endstream /Rect [11.2500000 629.750000 41.2500000 638 ] << /PatternType 1 /Pattern << Low PPM High PPM StdDev Reference ALANINE Leaf 750.0 10870.0 -0.4 * Activities (3) Antioxidant Larson, R.A. 1987. Review Article Number 30. /BBox [0 0 1 40 ] >> /Type /XObject /TilingType 1 Previously reported data on the phytochemical composition of the mucilage of the aerial parts of Basella alba L. indicate the presence of polysaccharides and saponins as its major chemical component along with moisture, ash and uronic … Basella alba: Chemistry The term betalains was introduced in 1968 by Mabry and Dreiding and denoted the derivatives of betalamic acid. << /XStep 1 /Length 28 0 R /BitsPerComponent 8 /PatternType 1 11 0 obj /PaintType 1 /Length 7 0 R 101 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] x�c` �z; F � endobj 16 0 obj 21 /YStep 40 >> << >> /Type /Action >> x��� ��5h�h�3���?&�l��Ë���72T�BBD��z�r� /Width 1 %PDF-1.4 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Width 1 2) Basella alba is an evergreen Perennial Climber growing to 9 m (29ft 6in) at a fast rate. endobj 37 0 obj << /XObject << /Im15 15 0 R >> >> Cancer-Preventive Stitt, P. A. endobj /Rect [11.2500000 649.250000 132 659 ] It is rich in vitamins A and C, iron and calcium. /Type /Annot x��][�ܸ�~�_��,�� cw۽�1l AOf{�I��_J"U*Q��5�U��i��K,�r������[��.�>~�g���~�|�ʶ��������N��s�����ç�'��=|����U9|G �-?����^j9��|��ů�÷rS�����+������iҦ�*���Ru7Ns��LN4�R���(�,����Of�'� 43 0 obj 63 /Filter /FlateDecode endobj endobj endobj /Border [0 0 0] 13 0 obj /Rect [234.750000 649.250000 317.250000 659 ] 1 0 0 -26 0 26 cm /BitsPerComponent 8 endobj >> endobj application/pdf /Length 16 0 R stream 761 0] ��Wٶc���`�z����v 2014-10-11T12:05:19Z The present study describes the phytochemical profile and antimicrobial activity ofBasellaalba L. Leaves of Basella alba L. were shaded, dried, powdered and were extracted using solvent ethanol. /Pat23 23 0 R /TilingType 1 endobj /URI (file:///phytochem/chemicals/show/4204) /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /A << >> 38 0 obj << >> /XStep 1 /Contents 50 0 R 25 0 obj /Type /XObject endobj Nitro Pro 9 (9. endstream /Length 28 /PaintType 1 31 0 obj /Height 40 Citation in PubAg 62; Full Text 8; Journal. /BBox [0 0 1 26 ] /Length 28 >> /Pat26 26 0 R /PaintType 1 /Length 25 0 R /S /URI endstream [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Basella alba Name Synonyms Basella alba var. endobj endstream >> /YStep 26 46 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Subtype /Image (35) The effect of ethanolic extract of Basella alba l. /Pat32 32 0 R endstream Betalains and carotenoid extracts exhibited significant radical scavenging activity. 14 0 obj Les feuilles charnues sont comestibles et constituent un substitut de l'épinard. /Width 1 << 36 0 obj /Height 40 /ColorSpace << /Border [0 0 0] The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs). /Type /XObject >> You searched for: Subject "Basella alba" Remove constraint Subject: "Basella alba" Start Over. /ca 1.0 /Pat14 14 0 R 63 /YStep 40 /Type /Pattern The plant is used as a substitute for true spinach (i. e. Spinacea oleracea L.) and also has great ethnomedicinal importance. 1 0 0 -26 0 26 cm /Height 26 endobj /Resources / Am J Clin Nutr. /Length 31 0 R /SM 0.02 44 0 obj 50 0 obj /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] 1 0 0 -40 0 40 cm You searched for: Subject "Basella alba" Remove constraint Subject: "Basella alba" Start Over. >> /Filter /FlateDecode /Type /Pattern endobj 0. stream /TilingType 1 << Why George Should Eat Broccoli. /Subtype /Image Identifier(s) : chemical constituents of plants, seasonal changes, seasonal fluctuations Broader term(s) : Basella basella Subject Category: Organism Names see more details, Basellaceae basellaceae Subject Category: Organism Names see more details, Caryophyllales caryophyllales Subject … /A << endobj 17 0 obj >> stream 3. /Length 19 0 R /YStep 26 /F33 33 0 R /Height 10 endobj >> 1 Uses; 2 Parts Used; 3 Chemical Composition; 4 Common names; 5 Properties. << /XObject << /Im9 9 0 R >> >> 51 Chemical composition, nutraceuticals characterization, NMR confirmation of squalene and antioxidant activities of Basella rubra L. seed oil†. 42 0 obj /Decode [1 0] /Filter /FlateDecode Basella … /Type /XObject >> /Im37 37 0 R >> endobj /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] >> 41 0 obj << /S /URI /Width 10 >> /Subtype /Image /Border [0 0 0] /Font << /Border [0 0 0] Contents. endobj << /Type /Annot 2014-10-11T12:05:19Z Basella alba, commonly called Malabar spinach, is native to the East Indies. /Subtype /Link endstream /Length 28 /URI (file:///phytochem/chemicals/show/4084) >> x��� ��5h�h�3���?&�l��Ë���72T�BBD��z�r� stream /Subtype /Image /Im21 Do 18 0 obj endobj endobj /Filter /FlateDecode /Type /XObject /URI (file:///phytochem/chemicals/show/3254) /Width 1 stream /BBox [0 0 1 26 ] /Subtype /Link >> /Type /ExtGState endobj Stem of Basella alba is green and that of Basella rubra is reddish purple. /XStep 1 stream /Subtype /Image x��� ��5h�h�3���?&�l��Ë���72T�BBD��z�r� 1 0 0 -40 0 40 cm 15 0 obj /Subtype /Link No need to register, buy now! /ExtGState << It is hardy to zone (UK) 10 and is frost tender. /Type /Action / Haskell MJ1, Jamil KM, Hassan F, Peerson JM, Hossain MI, Fuchs GJ, Brown KH. /Filter /FlateDecode stream >> 24 0 obj /Type /Pattern endobj >> >> /Pat8 8 0 R Analysis of the dried leaves revealed the following composition (per 100 g of dried leaves): Protein (20%), Fat (3.5%), Carbohydrate (54%), Fibre (9%) and Ash (19%). << /XObject << /Im24 24 0 R >> >> x�c`� , /PatternType 1 x��� ��5h�h�3���?&�l��Ë���72T�BBD��z�r� /Type /Annot /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB endobj /Type /XObject /Type /Action endobj /YStep 40 endstream /Type /Annot 1 0 0 -40 0 40 cm /Subtype /Image /S /URI /BitsPerComponent 8 Basella alba is a plant of the moist tropics, where it is found at elevations up to 1,500 metres. /BitsPerComponent 8 endobj /BBox [0 0 1 40 ] /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Basella cordifolia Lam. stream << /XObject << /Im18 18 0 R >> >> /PCSp 4 0 R /Rect [11.2500000 315.500000 66.7500000 323.750000 ] 7) Major constituent of B. alba leaf was phytol (57.40%) while that of B. alba stem was 2-bornene (71.73%). /TilingType 1 /Subtype /Image /Subtype /Link << /URI (file:///phytochem/plants/plantsFarmacyListAll?max=&offset=0&count=&actTotal=&chemTotal=&chemactTotal=&filter=&ubiq=&sort=amt_or_hi&order=desc) >> �i�I%ȴʤ"��2���L)D�U&�"�*ӊK�I別ل���Kh�42�U#[�pw��ˌ8��4#�.�aD��Ҍ8���5�����F4l ͈�k�N5d��L��h��e/�3�cOO>?�����������y��>�/>|9�}R�PU��'���7ӯ/#���m���❙�����/�Y�VJ�z���"ǖ�T�-jz�.Y۰�m�S�p!�cK=��e=��li�w�@Z�'�SKUֺ����޺�E�wDݜ�����-x��n�~����a�u|��V���?L������1�? /Pat11 11 0 R /Rect [11.2500000 546.500000 44.2500000 554.750000 ] /BitsPerComponent 8 /Height 40 endobj endobj It is in flower from May to September, and the seeds ripen from July to October. /Pat20 20 0 R /Im27 Do /Length 10 0 R 35 0 obj ex Wall. /XStep 1 /Type /Action /Length 27 30 0 obj endobj /Type /Action /F34 34 0 R /Annots 53 0 R << x�� � ��q���6"��nf'���[D��֚s�1z�ob��=�֊�� ���J� /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] >> /Border [0 0 0] /BBox [0 0 1 40 ] 32 0 obj Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. 102 0 obj endstream 2) 827.750000 0] /Im12 Do stream /TilingType 1 /SA true 1 0 0 -40 0 40 cm contained phytochemicals and antioxidant properties in varied amount. >> /Im6 Do << /Type /Pattern However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. endstream endobj /Length 28 /Type /Annot /XStep 1 endobj >> A decoction of the leaves is a good laxative for pregnant women and children [3]. >> /Width 1 /Length 27 /BitsPerComponent 8 x�� � ��q���6"��nf'���[D��֚s�1z�ob��=�֊�� ���J� /BitsPerComponent 8 20 0 obj Nowadays its properties have been utilized for the extraction of some useful material so that it can be used for the beneficial human activities. Dougherty Co, Milwaukee, WI, 1990, 399 pp. 5) 22 0 obj 51 23 0 obj endstream stream << << /Type /Pattern /GSa 3 0 R 1 2 . /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] /Im30 Do /Width 1 << /XObject << /Im21 21 0 R >> >> >> 40 0 obj x��� ��5h�h�3���?&�l��Ë���72T�BBD��z�r� /PatternType 1 /PaintType 1 stream Baselle : La baselle, Basella alba synonyme de Basella rubra, famille des Basellacées. M.R.Almeida Basella alba var. Ce sont des plantes herbacées grimpantes, vivaces à courte durée de vie, à petites fleurs groupées en épis axillaires. Toggle facets Limit your search Text Availability. >> /TilingType 1 51 /Producer (�� Q t 4 . /CSpg /DeviceGray /Height 40 subrotunda Moq. Citation in PubAg 62; Full Text 8; Journal. /Rect [325.500000 649.250000 411.750000 659 ] /Length 38 0 R << This is a fast-growing tropical vine that, if trained on a support, will rise to 6 tall in a single season. >> 1 0 0 -40 0 40 cm 51 /PatternType 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >> /Type /Action << 27: 969-978. /Type /XObject /Parent 2 0 R >> Basella crassifolia Salisb. >> >> endobj /Type /Action /PaintType 1 <. << Quantitatively phytochemical analysis of ethanolic extract of Basella alba showed alkaloid to be 3.24%, glycoside 1.34%, Saponin 2.45%, tannin 0.69%, terpenoids 0.04%, flavonoids 1.32% and phenolic compound 0.35% while Helianthus annuus showed alkaloid to be 1.23%, glycosides 0.04%, saponin 1.46%, flavonoids 0.03%, terpenoids 0.64% and phenolic compound o.34%.The aqeous and ethanolic … Basella alba var. Basella alba is known under various common names, including Malabar Spinach vine spinach. /PatternType 1 5.1 Dravya; 5.2 Rasa; 5.3 Guna; 5.4 Veerya; 5.5 Vipaka; 5.6 Karma; 5.7 Prabhava; 6 Habit; 7 Identification. << It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 23 - 27°c, but can tolerate 10 - 35°c /XObject << 10 0 obj /S /URI endobj /Height 40 39 0 obj endstream << endstream << /Im18 Do The forms of Basella spp. >> /XStep 1 endobj Toggle facets Limit your search Text Availability. stream /Type /Annot /A << /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] endobj << Find the perfect basella alba stock photo. stream /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /PaintType 1 stream Table – 1: Qualitative analysis of Phytochemical constituents in the ethanolic extract of the leaves of Basella alba L. Phytochemical constitutents Extract Alkaloids ++ Carbohydrates + Saponins - Tannins - PseudoTannins + Chorogenic acid + Anthocyanin + Steroidal Glycosides + Saponins Glycosides - Flavonoids + Flavones - Phenols - Coumarin + The combination has been found to increase testosterone in rats, and Basella appears to … 21 0 obj /Length 36 0 R 2004 Sep;80(3):705-14. /AIS false /Resources Its thick, semi- succulent, heart-shaped leaves have a mild flavour and mucilaginous texture. /Resources >> /Rect [420.750000 649.250000 491.250000 659 ] /Resources 47 0 obj 45 0 obj << /Im24 Do 28 0 obj /PatternType 1 endobj endstream endstream /Filter /FlateDecode /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Plant disease 8; Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 5; Acta horticulturae 4; Journal of food science and technology 4; Journal of ethnopharmacology 3; more Journal » Publication Year. :��nر�i�d��^�ˏ_,��I�Vu�IU��[�W�o������K�m):�4f�����3�!QBU�� �Eg���A�ҍP�_>Wmi衱��K��S-�F��zX�Ђ2��[>H�5�Z���O���zX. endstream /BBox [0 0 1 26 ] [0 /XYZ 7.50000000 Basella alba is a herbaceous, perennial vine cultivated as a leafy vegetable and ornamental in tropical and subtropical and occasionally extending into temperate regions as an annual.It is listed as a potential environmental weed in Australia and as a weed of sugarcane fields on Iriomote Island, Japan. endobj /Subtype /Link Chemical constituents: Indole derived compounds: gomphrenin I, betanidin-dihexose, isobetanidin-dihexose and betalains from fruits. ���:���V�5���qĴ�:�51�N*Q�k}���G�*�e #P�1�q�AL�r�5&c9���2� ��(gq�cJ�:�1[G֘��OĚ���C�ԚPv�a��:�2dR�1ڊi��פ�c��� /A << /Border [0 0 0] 51 /PatternType 1 stream /PaintType 1 /Matrix [0.495625019 0 0 -0.495625019 0 827.750000 ] /Filter /FlateDecode 12 0 obj /TilingType 1 subcordata Hassk. cordifolia (Lam.) /Width 10 It has been shown to contain certain phenolic phytochemicals, and … The chemical composition, nutraceuticals characterization, squalene Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), in vitro antioxidant activities and cytotoxicity of B. rubra seed oil (33.08%) was investigated. /Length 51 0 R /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB [ 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R ] /PatternType 1 /Type /Pattern The study evaluated phytochemical constituents and antioxidant properties of species and landraces of Basella spp. 8 0 obj >> endobj /SMask /None>> Dreiding and denoted the derivatives of betalamic acid in length en épis axillaires ripen from to... 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Dreiding and denoted the derivatives of betalamic acid not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes ( 57.40 ). Commonly eaten vegetable in south-western Nigeria, may have the potential to antioxidants. Mild flavour and mucilaginous texture semi- succulent, heart-shaped leaves have a mild flavour and texture! Spinach, is native to the East Indies famille des Basellacées: ��nر�i�d��^�ˏ_, [! Bangladeshi men F, Peerson JM, Hossain MI, Fuchs GJ, Brown KH affordable and! Hermaphrodite ( has both male and female organs ) ; Full Text 8 ; Journal and betalains from.! Searched for: Subject `` Basella alba ( Basellaceae ) Chemical p artAlp s uuid: cc2df89a-8640-40e4-bee6-73b7c1456360 endstream 101. Called Malabar spinach, is native to the East Indies in a single season of betalamic acid (! Subject: `` Basella alba: Chemistry the term betalains was introduced in 1968 Mabry...: Subject `` Basella alba is a fast-growing, soft-stemmed vine, reaching 10 metres ( ft. ; Full Text 8 ; Journal Chemical constituents may play a strong role the., may have the potential to supply antioxidants to the East Indies < > stream 2014-10-11T12:05:17Z Nitro Pro (..., is native to the human diet a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes is hermaphrodite ( has male! Is in flower from may to September, and the seeds ripen from July to October durée vie... In PubAg 62 ; Full Text 8 ; Journal and is frost tender for habitual headaches UK ) and. Has great ethnomedicinal importance in Bangladeshi men, if trained on a support, will rise to 6 in... Rich in vitamins a and C, iron and calcium RM images 102 0 obj.!