Even if a person isn't trapped in grain, gases and molds from spoiling grain can have deadly results. PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Do not allow spray to contact auto vehicles as paint fi nish could be Storcide II (chlorpyrifos-methyl + deltamethrin) Combines the active ingredients of Centynal (deltamethrin) with chlorpyrifos-methyl. Spectracide malathion is an outdoor insecticide formulated to protect flowers, shrubs, fruits and vegetables from leaf-eating insects. There are seven steps that can be taken to help reduce the chances of having infested grain. Malathion: Malathion – various formulations available, but not recommended for empty bin treatment due to lack of control of Indian meal moth and lesser grain borer.
Malathion not labeled for use on rice. Do not apply directly to grain. Several brands including Dryacide, Insecto, Protect-It and others - Follow specific label directions. 278 0 obj
The product works best when used at temperatures above 20°C. MALATHION GRAIN PROTECTOR DUST COMMERCIAL INSECTICIDE READ THE LABEL BEFORE USING FOR USE ON STORED GRAINS Protects against damage from Confused Flour Beetle, Granary Weevil, Saw‐toothed Grain Beetle, Flat Grain Beetle, Rusty Grain Beetle, Lesser Grain Borer and Indian Meal Moth. ���vUUr�I�BB����>diZز�.�E��{Ι�� g��7oO�N&,doߎ'Gltxt���`���aQ�L���HH�di��0�����S����R[��EĊ�NYq�04��f�[=����Τ�j�5�**�?DV/�wմi�Lp�b��2��~yG��g�!+yH��U�%�JF�G�a�>����JUZه�y��h&h�7��-�~`��~����r�=96o�U�'�7R:�2aF��Hq��P��_�>��h\���u6�LJ�I��$��<2��a���л����+���£��M�gea
�0ҡ��ʅ��~}5�Rp�� 6. moths and beetles. 6% Malathion Grain Dust (malathion - various products) is labeled for application to wheat, corn, oats, rye, and barley. 0
Contains 5 pounds malathion per gallon. 0000034431 00000 n
MALATHION 57 EC EPA REG. All openings, except for the point of application, must be closed during application. ��E3�X�7@�b`�������
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Malathion 6% Dust 5 lb/1,000 sq ft Apply as top-dress on grain bin surface for protection against (in side bins and grain treatment) Moths . For use in mushroom houses and empty grain storage facilities: Use only with adequate ventilation. 16099 pest control products act read the label and leaflet before using keep out of reach of children caution chlorpyrifos methyl/deltamethrin (Storcide II) at 5 gal of water final spray per 1,000 bu of grain. UBG MALATHION GRAIN PROTECTOR DUST COMMERCIAL INSECTICIDE READ THE LABEL BEFORE USING FOR USE ON STORED GRAINS Protects against damage from Confused Flour Beetle, Granary Weevil, Saw- toothed Grain Beetle, Flat Grain Beetle, Rusty Grain Beetle, Lesser Grain Borer and Indian Meal Moth. LABEL Malathion 5EC Insecticide / Miticide 217MSP-0115* MALATHION 5EC Page 1 of 15 Manufactured By: Drexel Chemical Company P.O. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. Malathion (Malathion 6% Dust – 10 lbs/1,000 bushels of grain.) For example, Wheat (7). 0000000676 00000 n
Evaluating Gardona and Malathion to Protect Wheat in Small Bins Against Stored-Grain Insects (Classic Reprint) MALATHION 500 EMULSIFIABLE CONCENTRATE INSECTICIDE NET CONTENTS: 10 LITRES AGRICULTURAL Controls: Grasshoppers, Aphids, Mites, Flea Beetles and many other insects. 0000018555 00000 n
Tempo SC Ultra (cyfluthrin) Check product label for rates. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN . NOTE: The "stored grain" labels for Liquid formulations of malathion are being withdrawn. Grain treated with malathion should not be sold for 7 days, or used for feed until 60 days after application. Safety precautions, like ventilation warning signs, have dramatically reduced engulfment accidents in the last decade. It can be used on cereal grains, but stored oilseed crops should not be treated with malathion or stored in bins recently treated with malathion. <<015EF66D0CADBA42A5CE54F1B9634FEA>]>>
Grain treated with malathion should not be sold for 7 days, or used for feed until 60 days after application. BOX 13327, MEMPHIS, TN 38113-0327 S I N C E 1 9 7 2. Malathion. 67 0 obj
WARNING/AVISO . Incapacitates the insect’s central nervous system; Is best applied sprayed as grain flows through an auger or conveyer; Is intended for use on cereal grains and must not be used on oilseeds; Formulation must be registered for direct grain treatment; not all formulations meet this requirement; Treated grain should not be sold for 7 days At Harvest Grain Protectants t D�ܟ���nY�=K��|ZLg)�f�bݱT�YS��I���L��lL Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted en detalle. MALATHION GRAIN PROTECTOR DUST. . Stored grain insect infestations rarely begin in the field. 0000001054 00000 n
MALATHION is an economical and effective insecticide for control of a wide range of insect pests in a wide range of field, fruit and horticultural crops. %PDF-1.4
Malathion per gallon KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHI LDREN CAUTION STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT IF SWALLOWED: call a physician or Polson control Cen~r. (�=YgŮ�>�[T��c��Ov���=ٮ�]����Y�ie�����[R��(!�U_l��e�ޖL�y_L���CI�Xl[=�M˿���..�Cl]N���^6��^�۪���*|Ϫ�맛�����9���υ�Z���KY��%� 0000001618 00000 n
1/3 pt (156 ml) of 57 % malathion per 1 gal (3.79 I) water 1 pt (473 ml) of 57% mal athion E.C. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Active Ingredient: malathion - 6% PRODUCT LABEL SAFETY DATA SHEET EPA REG. endstream
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0000001695 00000 n
Most develop from small numbers of pests already present in or around farm storage bins. �D~��JF������5�*���H��c�{�芎���X@�1BN��x:~3�4\� �ާ�~���_z��F�o�y-��C���m|{6i��I�n���YW�gY���6�5�3�j��ӊ7so�c���S�3�{p�H$
z� �-p*~{?����89s����n�vL�i/W Current stocks, with the correct label may be used until the stock is exhausted. Grain ptotectant Top-dress malathion Use premium grade malathion labeled specifically for use in grain bins and on stored grain. This product may only be applied to empty grain bins using high-pressure hand held or automated spray equipment. This 50-percent-malathion concentrate is primarily effective against aphids, red spider mites, mealybugs, thrips, scales and whiteflies. endstream
Drmk I or 2 glasses 01 water and induce Vomiting by touching finger to back of throat. Apply the DUST evenly over the surface of the grain. hެUˎ�F��+j����/E�0��`e�l2&�5��{o���|c��_�"%����T�&JQ �~�|���+���r9�O##a���Zߩ�#�b�����0uj5�c֣o1s�w&��A�&b�����]�1�=� �����19B����H�0ߤ����"?�{��eF$�ѡ�0� �#�~AL[�:b��2��{�n��X}>L�t�O��\��M���#�v��&�oZ�w�a�"�p
S�CE� �k�LLJ���8lZ�q����E&Z�7. Due to resistance problems with this active ingredient and concerns over residues in flour, malathion is not suggested for direct applications to stored products. Biobit HP is OMRI-listed for organic use. Dry grain below 13% and cool before application. To protect stored grain from attack by Indian Meal !\loth, apply Mastl'r Brand Pre mium Grade Malathion to the surface of clean or uninfested grain at the rate of Vz pint in 1 to Z gallons of walt'r for each 1,000 square feet of grain surface area. 7 kg) of 1% malathion dust or 10 lbs (4.5 kg) of 6% malathion dust per H��W[O�H~ϯ���� 0000000973 00000 n
On any crop, use sufficient water to obtain good coverage of all the foliage. Avoid contact with skin. It can be used on cereal grains, but stored oilseed crops should not be treated with malathion or stored in bins recently treated with malathion. trailer
0000017799 00000 n
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FIRST AID ORGANOPHOSPHATE thoroughly before applying spray. 49 19
Prior to ordering, make sure you read the product label provided and verify where the product can and cannot be used. commercial guarantee: malathion 50% registration no. pro® malathion 50 ec liquid insecticide for the control of house flies, stable flies, , mites, as well as many other insect pests on ornamental trees, fruit, vegetable and field crops. responsible for pesticide registration. View the product label for Malathion Grain Protectant Dust from Interprovincial. Malathion (0,0-dimethyl dithiophosphate of diethyl mercaptosuccinate . Insecticide dust best applied through dust applicator into grain stream. *Contains 35.2% of Xylene range aromatic solvent. h��U�k�0�W��=ɲ>l(�&[Xa+� ���KLbH�b�l��ww�%�۵/c?t�/�I���M�`�*��h&���$��Ĩ����tRt� (If you do not understand this label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) Clean elevators, box cars, etc. . 0000002712 00000 n
�?�{����>�wBջ�����j�H���2���ʢ Do not induce vomiting Of give anything by mouth to an unconscious Of ronvulsing J>&fsvn. �S��VP�v��L�_"� For a complete list, see the Distributor Names list at the bottom of the page. �ԫ~��Y�� �K�3c���7ڒl�!�fT��U�}�K@_�J)�˄Y)a�,�dO�
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Apparently some dust formulations still available. 34704-108 PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS Harmful If Swallowed. %%EOF
Empty grain bin treatment applications are only permitted outside of the bin. . Mix one (1) gallon of MALATHION 5 with 25 gallons of water and spray surfaces to point of run-off. Equipment: Grain handling equipment should be kept clean. Avoid contamination of feed and foodstuff. per 2-5 ga l (7.6-18.91) of water or 50 lbs (22. �`�
FUMIGATION OF FARM STORED GRAIN AND STRUCTURES (revised September 1996) Mark A. Ferrell Extension Pesticide Coordinator Acknowledgments The section on Insect Pest Management for Farm Stored Grain was modified from the 0000001432 00000 n
. As wheat harvest is underway it is important to ensure that grain bins are prepared in the best possible manner to prevent insect infestations. Do not apply directly to grain. To protect stored grains from attack apply MALATHION GRAIN PROTECTOR DUST to the surface of clean or infested grain at the rate of 4.75 kg/100 m2 of grain surface area. Contain or Sensat 2.6 fl oz/1,000 sq ft Effective against all grain-infesting … Key pests: Angoumois grain moth, bean weevil, confused flour beetle, granary weevil, Indian meal moth, lesser grain borer, rice weevil, sawthoothed grain beetle (Please see label for complete list of pests.) 0000004093 00000 n
NO. h�b```� �^��ˀ ��@���ѡ�ĸ(m��㫝�[FP��*���@��9�"��.\�ݷ��y=�D��[@�����/�fd`~ �����\Fu� "�
Apply the spray evenly over the surfacl' of the grain. 0000000016 00000 n
. Product Name on Label: Big 57 malathion grain and bin treatment The EPA Registered Name for this product is: Malathion 57 ec This occurs when a single registered product is sold using many different names. ! Available in 6 sizes and 4 materials: aluminum, PVC plastic, vinyl labels and flexible magnetic - ideal for silos and grain bins Avoid breathing of spray mist. The effort involved in thorough preparation of storage bins is of little value if they are filled using contaminated equipment.
0000001302 00000 n
0000004336 00000 n
An effective sanitation program can eliminate or greatly reduce the chance of having serious problems with these insects. “Do not apply directly to grain”. Read label for usage directions. The number in brackets after each crop is the pre harvest spray interval. 0000018257 00000 n
Apply immediately after grain is loaded into storage and repeat if necessary. Mix with grain when placed in storage and/or periodically apply to surface of stored grain; see labels. h�bbd``b`���@���`I {���(&Fƙ Ft�?Á? 1015-69 Certain chemicals have restrictions in some states or counties within states. %%EOF
Malathion 500 Emulsifiable Concentrate Insecticide is a general purpose insecticide, which can be used on vegetables, field crops, livestock and in farm buildings. Labeled for barley, corn, oats, rye, and wheat. Consult the local Agriculture Extension Services for timing of sprays to obtain the best results. 0000003250 00000 n
apply MALATHION 5 to walls, floors and machinery in grain elevators, grain bins, truck beds and box cars before loading grain. %PDF-1.5
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Keep out of reach of children. endstream
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See manufacturer's recommendations for use with food-grade oil. Malathion 57% is typically meant for treating large areas or crop land. Any grower doing so should record the date of treatment and not use that bin to store canola in this growing season. malathion: May not provide control of Indianmeal moth. Remove and burn all sweepings and debris. Malathion is not labeled for rice. ��� . Only downward spray is permitted. x�b```f``������r�����b�@�q�A ��1e���4���=|��JC[K[�A�ٍ�gj(��"�̋���3/�bU������|���a�B��
�aPJ���k-� b1�be>�V��V�&��Ʊ��W�� 57.0% ... do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail) FIRST AID If swallowed: Call poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. 49 0 obj
Malathion can be used to treat cereals and other non-oilseed grains in bins that have been contaminated with insects. 0000003499 00000 n
(*/H���$d-&4ϒ�߱@T �ĐJue�;K>��j��WӔv҉2��vG&)��p(�2d;��PHZ�p�ʛ_`�D�"u��儀P���r�f��6Pk�C�ʆd�F>$��a�&�@�CΙO4k~M�D�ՠ� ��HOK�c������x�Jd �$�7T��8�As�ےe ��@Ѿ�^�5�Oo^�S_�h_b�E5�}w��. Offering formulation choice, gives you flexibility from pests in grain storage, orchard and field. Evaluating Gardona and Malathion to Protect Wheat in Small Bins Against Stored-Grain Insects (Classic Reprint) [Hue, Delmon W. La] on Amazon.com. startxref
The label typically calls for 1 to 1.5 pints per 100 gallons of water for fruit trees which works out to be .15 to .20 ounces per gallon of water 0000001184 00000 n
Only the dust formulation is labeled for direct grain applications! Do not harv… Work into a depth of 15 cm with a rake. 0000018046 00000 n
Z�'�7��(����-�o�:f�Ax-�ʈ~�% Do not apply directly to grain. xref
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