Every age group is vulnerable, though 10- to 14-year-olds and 50- to 69-year-olds have 20% or more pedestrian deaths as a percentage of all traffic fatalities. The manual stresses Pedestrian Safety Tips. motor vehicles. There was a more than 3% increase in the number of pedestrians killed in traffic crashes in 2018, totaling 6,283 deaths — the most deaths since 1990. Remain vigilant at all times. Increase your visibility at night by carrying a flashlight when walking and wearing reflective clothing, such as reflective vests. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible. • Cross streets at a corner, using traffic signals where available and crosswalks. According to NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 32 percent of all pedestrian fatalities occur between 8 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. When walking or crossing a street, avoid cellphone use completely so you are observant of your surroundings and to reduce risks and dangers. Pedestrian Safety tips. Visit FHWA's pedestrian web pages for additional information. Despite government regulations on pedestrian safety, many people are still at the mercy of some reckless drivers. TOP. Always use pedestrian crossings; Wait for the walk signal. Safety tips for parents and children. Be aware that drivers have differing levels of eyesight and skill in operating. Be predictable. The AAA Exchange was designed to foster communication between AAA and the 59 million members it represents. See All; Pedestrian Safety Just like motorists, pedestrians are expected to follow certain rules of the road. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. Be predictable; follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals. Be mindful of pedestrians when pulling into and out of driveways – especially if you are backing up. Look for cars in all directions, including those turning left or right. Make eye contact with drivers as they approach to make sure you are seen. Safety is a two-way street. Younger children need to develop the cognitive and physical skills to make safe judgments about road crossing and traffic. If possible, make eye contact with drivers in stopped vehicles to ensure they see you before you cross in front of them. Tips for Pedestrian Safety. Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals. Pedestrian Safety Tips. Cross streets at a designated crosswalk or intersection whenever possible. Almost half of all traffic crashes resulting in pedestrian casualties involve alcohol consumption. We also conduct public awareness campaigns, such as Everyone is a Pedestrian, raising awareness of the dangers to pedestrians. Use extra caution when driving in hard-to-see conditions, such as nighttime or bad weather. Smartphones and handheld electronic devices are a daily part of life, but they take your eyes off of the road and distract your attention. Do not pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk. Have an attitude of pedestrian responsibility: Everyone is responsible for pedestrian safety, not just pedestrians themselves. Read our Privacy Policy. To minimize the number of pedestrian crashes and fatalities, the NHTSA recommends the following safety tips for both drivers and pedestrians. Always yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. This will help increase your visibility to drivers. Infrastructure improvements have added a variety of safety measures, including more medians and redesigned roads allowing for better pedestrian/bicycle traffic flow. Basic pedestrian safety tips Although you can’t control another person’s behavior, there are some actions you can take to reduce your risk as a pedestrian: Wear bright clothing during the day. Facebook Never assume a driver will give you the right of way. Instagram, Pedestrians killed in traffic crashes in 2018. Pedestrian safety: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners describes: the magnitude of pedestrian deaths and injuries; key risk factors; ways of assessing the pedestrian safety situation in a given setting and prepare an action plan; and how to select, design, implement and evaluate effective interventions. Be a good role model. It is an extension of AAA's long history of public service and provides a look into important safety, consumer, automotive and travel issues. Tips for Pedestrian Safety. Always yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. Be extra cautious when backing up—pedestrians can move into your path. Drivers and pedestrians alike share the responsibility of keeping themselves and others on the road safe. If a crosswalk is unavailable, be sure to find the most well-lit spot on the road to cross and wait for a long enough gap in traffic to make it safely across the street. • Always look left, right, and left again before crossing a street, and keep watching as you cross. Distractions are everywhere today and becoming more and more difficult to avoid. Copyright © 2017 AAA, All Rights Reserved. 1. Stay alert and watch out. If a sidewalk is not available, be sure to walk on the far side of the road facing traffic. Here are some useful tips and guidelines to follow: Make sure you’re visible to drivers at all times and make eye contact with them whenever possible. Surprisingly, 34 percent of that total was on the part of the pedestrian. Wear lightly colored or reflective clothing at night and brightly colored clothing during the day. Continue to look in both directions as you cross the street. Pedestrian safety tips to know. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to transportation, but at one time or another everyone is a pedestrian. Getting behind the wheel while impaired or tired puts everyone in danger. Top 11 Tips for Pedestrian Safety: Walking Safety Rules Walking is a simple, low-impact activity that people of almost any age can do to help stay in shape, but there are still dangers. There may be people crossing that you can’t see. When planning to walk to school or anywhere, it’s important for you and your child to be prepared. Hold hands with your child while walking because they may do the unexpected (like suddenly dart off the sidewalk). Distracted walking can be the result of alcohol-impaired judgment or cell phone usage. Many strides have been made by the Federal Highway Administration to increase pedestrian safety. This is even more important in areas that have lower speed limits, such as school zones and neighborhood streets where pedestrians may appear suddenly. Look left, then, right, then left before crossing the street. This is especially important at night, in low-light conditions such as dusk or dawn or in inclement weather. The resources below will help you do just that. Put down your phone. Sections. Unfortunately, there was a more than 3% increase in the number of pedestrians killed in traffic crashes in 2018, totaling 6,283 deaths. 6 Pedestrian Road Safety Tips to Teach Kids Establish the habit of walking with your children at a young age can help promote a healthy, active lifestyle that they can carry on to their adulthood. Although we are aware of the statistical dangers of texting and driving, distracted walking statistics are also causing concern. AAA began providing emergency roadside assistance in 1915, using a fleet of motorcycles to aid stranded motorists. Overall visibility is limited in bad weather conditions and poorly lit areas. Pedestrian countdown timers show how many seconds you have left to finish crossing before oncoming vehicles will be given a green light. Pedestrian Safety Tips Whether your kids are walking to school, the park or a friend’s house, here are a few simple tips to make sure they get there safely. Show and explain what makes a good place to cross the street and how pedestrian controlled crossings work. Dog Walking, Pedestrian Safety, Pet safety. Wear bright clothing during the day, and wear reflective materials or use a flashlight at night. How to Pay for Roads, Bridges, and Transit. Never pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk. Find out how to protect yourself and your loved ones when walking, and learn how you can help us prevent pedestrian injuries and deaths. Do … NHTSA demonstrates its dedication to promoting safe pedestrian and motorist behavior through our educational material, leadership and expertise to communities across America. Make sure traffic has come to a complete stop. Look out for pedestrians at all times. Tips for Pedestrian Safety. Drivers and pedestrians alike share the responsibility of keeping themselves and others on the road safe. If you're an advocate of pedestrian safety, or perhaps you work on a State or local pedestrian program, our curriculum and resources will equip you with the tools and information you need to effectively promote pedestrian safety. Follow the speed limit, especially around people on the street. Tips for pedestrians; Tips for drivers; Tips for parents; Driving laws for pedestrian crossovers and school crossings . Pedestrian Safety Tips Help keep your walk to school safe by following the pedestrian safety rules. Follow all traffic laws, and yield to pedestrians when they have the right-of-way. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. Pedestrian groups most at risk for accidents are seniors 65 and older, children from ages fourteen and younger, and those under the influence of alcohol. Make sure your lights are on and you use your signals properly. As a road user group, pedestrians formed the second largest group of road traffic fatalities, behind motorcyclists and pillion riders. Drivers - including cyclists - must stop and yield the whole roadway at pedestrian crossovers, school crossings and other locations where there is a crossing guard. Pedestrians must obey traffic control signals, signs and pavement markings when they are crossing a street. They have stopped to allow pedestrians to pass or make sure the way is clear. However, making sure you have a good walk is about more than a comfortable pair of shoes. Tips for Drivers Safely Sharing the Road with Pedestrians. Questions or comments? Use crosswalks when crossing the street. Let’s dive into the roots of the problem with pedestrian safety and discuss 12 useful tips for walkers using pedestrian crossings. Many pedestrians remains more exposed to accidents virtually every hour. Your Traffic Safety Team wants you to stay safe during this time by following these pedestrian and bicyclist safety tips! September 7, 2020 By Accident Attorneys. Pedestrian accidents are increasing at a time when other types of accidents are going down. Tips for children 4-6 years… Speak in simple terms about the basic walking safety skills you’ll be doing together. Traveling on foot comes with its own set of dangers and hazards. Distracted Drivers. Safety is a shared responsibility. Stay in well-lit areas, especially when crossing the street. Pedestrian safety tips. NHTSA raises awareness of the dangers to pedestrians by providing safety tips, educational material and other resources. In 2018, a total of 6,283 pedestrians lost their lives to traffic accidents. Posted on 04/06/2020 by Traffic Safety Team. It very much depends on the complexity of the street environment. Inevitably, everyone one of us is a pedestrian at some point over the course of our day. Pedestrians can easily enter your path without your knowledge. Let Your Actions Speak as Loudly as Your Words. 1. Pedestrian Safety Tips Posted on Jul 30th, 2020. Here are some general safety tips that can help keep pedestrians safe on, or near Oakland streets. Know the Basics—Pedestrian Safety 10 Walking Safety Tips. Whenever possible, cross streets at crosswalks or intersections, where drivers expect pedestrians. Highest percentage of pedestrian fatalities occur between 6 p.m. and 8:59 p.m. On average, a pedestrian was killed every 88 minutes in traffic crashes in 2017. Pedestrian safety tips. Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Tips. Avoid dangerous behaviors: always walk on the sidewalk (no jaywalking), stay sober and make eye contact with drivers – don’t assume the driver can see you. At some point in the day, everyone is a pedestrian, and unfortunately pedestrian fatalities remain high. Read more valuable information on teen driver safety. Motor vehicles seriously injure and sometimes kill pedestrians when a collision occurs. Distracted driving is a significant factor behind a lack of pedestrian safety and death tolls nationwide. Always be on the lookout for pedestrians. Be predictable. Begin teaching pedestrian safety at a young age and continue to refresh their knowledge as they get older. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals. SHARE. Alcohol, drugs, and fatigue impair your reaction time, reflexes, decision-making skills and overall cognitive functions. When you are operating a vehicle, you have accepted a heightened responsibility for other people on the road. We offer pedestrians of all ages guidance on maintaining safety while enjoying the benefits of walking. Pedestrian Safety Tips. When you are stopped at a crosswalk, allow enough room between your vehicle and the crosswalk so other drivers can see the pedestrians you have stopped for. Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and stop well back from the cross-walk to give other vehicles an opportunity to see the crossing pedestrians so they can stop too. 44 kids … Look out for pedestrians everywhere, at all times. You need to be aware of the rules vehicles around you must follow to properly anticipate what drivers will do. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely; continue watching for traffic as you cross. However, children do not have the skills to assess and choose safe routes and to judge when and where to cross the street. When you are stopped at a crosswalk, allow enough room between your vehicle and the crosswalk so other drivers can see the pedestrians you have stopped for. In 2018, there were 6,283 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes, up from 5,977 the year before. If there is a pedestrian signal, watch and follow the pedestrian signal in favor of the traffic signal. Begin to teach your child about pedestrian safety once your child reaches the toddler stage. Remember that, as a pedestrian, your eyes and ears are your best tools for keeping safe. In 17% of all fatal pedestrian crashes, the driver had a blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.08 g/dL. This will help increase your safety. Never assume a driver sees you. Know and follow all traffic rules, signs and signals. Here are some practical safety tips and guidelines for overall Pedestrian Safety. Walk on a sidewalk or path instead of the road. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Don’t wear headphones. Avoid alcohol and drugs when walking; they impair your abilities and your judgment. Not only is it more difficult for drivers to see oncoming pedestrians, it also is harder for pedestrians to see you. As a driver, it’s your job to watch out for pedestrians and do … 1. Pedestrian Safety Tips November 03, 2020 By Pierce, Sloan, Kennedy & Early, LLC Share. They are at the mercy of reckless drivers who place little or no value on the the lives of other road users. Minimize distractions. Make every effort to make eye contact with the driver of a stopped or approaching vehicle before entering the roadway. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible. If you haven’t started to cross, the countdown timers can help you decide if it’s safe to do so Hurting someone with your car is one of the worst scenarios you can imagine as a driver. Smartphones and handheld electronic devices take your eyes off of the road and distract your attention. More than two-thirds of pedestrians killed in traffic crashes were males in 2017. Drivers and pedestrians alike share the responsibility of keeping themselves and others on the road safe. Set a good example by putting your phone, headphones and devices down when walking around cars. Whether you’re a concerned resident, a parent or a caregiver, you want to do everything you can to make sure you, your loved ones and your neighbors can enjoy walking safely in your community. When approaching a crosswalk, reduce your speed and be prepared to stop. In order to keep yourself safe as a pedestrian, there are a few rules of thumb you need to keep in mind. Never drive under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. As a driver, you must watch out for people walking near the road to avoid devastating and deadly accidents. Often, pedestrians— especially younger ones— are not where they should be or where you would expect them to be. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Over the course of our day reduce the risk of … pedestrian safety your! Assistance in 1915, using traffic signals where available and crosswalks sure to walk on the road obey! Cross streets at a young age and continue to look in both directions as you cross do … the... 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