Andere Nutzer bewerten die Beiträge dann entweder mit positiver (“upvote”) oder negativer (“downvote”) Kritik (“feedback”). Als betrieblicher Produktionsfaktor ist das Personal ein Objekt, hat aber vor allem Subjektcharakter. Obamas Nutzername auf Reddit lautet „PresidentObama“. In many ways, Reddit represents one of the worst possible results of enormous popularity, coupled with an immense and only loosely-connected pile of largely self-governing communities (Take care not to assume a coherence that really isn't there). In addition to gold coins, users can gift silver and platinum coins to other users as rewards for quality content. [308] Some media outlets and political commentators also condemned the banning of the r/The_Donald and r/ChapoTrapHouse subreddits as a violation of the right to free political expression. Colors were assigned based on a gradient from purple to red with purple signifying up to 60 seconds and red as low as 0 seconds. [5], As of October 2020, Reddit ranks as the 17th-most-visited website in the world and 7th most-visited website in the US, according to Alexa Internet, with 40.9% of its user base coming from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom at 10.0% and Canada at 5.2%. [297], In February 2019, Chinese company Tencent invested $150 million into Reddit as part of its Series D.[298][299] This resulted in a large backlash from Reddit users, who were worried about potential censorship. [13] In February 2019, a $300 million funding round led by Tencent brought the company's valuation to $3 billion. [258] One of the latter complaints concerned a subreddit that was "expressing support" for the perpetrator of the Charleston church shooting. Eine einzelne Bewertung ergibt sich aus der Summe der sogenannten Upvotes, abzüglich der Downvotes, für den jeweiligen Beitrag. [232] The Monday after uploading the post, he received 138 threatening phone calls both at home and at his job, and by the end of the day he had been fired. [313] Another study evoked a connection between cognitive and attention dynamics and the usage of online social peer production platforms, including the effects of deterioration of user performance. Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight: Protagonist as Ren Amamiya 3. Für Georg Obst gehörte 1923 der Lombardkredit nicht zu den Personalkrediten: Während es sich beim Diskontgeschäft um einen Personalkredit handelt, tritt beim Lombardgeschäft die Person des Darlehensnehmers in den Hintergrund,[1] Die Personalhaftung stand 1925 im Vordergrund, denn die Sicherheit des Personalkredites beruht auf der Personalhaftung. Daraufhin wurde Reddit aus dem Condé-Nast-Verlag ausgegliedert und als weitergeführt. Welcome to! [42] Ende 2009 entschloss sich Reddit dazu, keine eigene Server-Infrastruktur mehr zu nutzen, sondern auf das Cloudangebot von Amazon Web Services umzusteigen. [123] PAN Communications wrote that marketers want to "infiltrate the reddit community on behalf of their brand," but emphasized that "self-promotion is frowned upon" and Reddit's former director of communications noted that the site is "100 percent organic. April Fools' Day 2017 featured a social experiment based on r/place. Despite strict rules prohibiting harassment, Reddit's administrators spend considerable resources on moderating the site. Persona is a spinoff series from … Press J to jump to the feed. [93] As of November 10, 2009[update], Reddit used Pylons as its web framework. [315], Data from Reddit can also be used to assess academic publications. Church officials commented that the documents did not contain anything confidential. Dabei handelte es sich vor allem um optische Veränderungen mithilfe von CSS und einer besseren Bedienbarkeit der Website innerhalb des mobilen Browsers. q_pop - 1 year ago. "Mod mode" lets moderators manage content and their subreddits on mobile devices. Nutzer erhalten diverse Sonderangebote bei Partner-Unternehmen. [15][16] The name "Reddit" is a play-on-words with the phrase "read it", i.e., "I read it on Reddit. [177], As a response to Glenn Beck's August 28, 2010, Restoring Honor rally, in September 2010 Reddit users started a movement to persuade satirist Stephen Colbert to have a counter-rally in Washington, D.C.[178] The movement, which came to be called "Restoring Truthiness", was started by user mrsammercer, in a post where he described waking up from a dream in which Stephen Colbert was holding a satirical rally in D.C.[179] Over $600,000 was raised for charity to gain the attention of Colbert. [77], The site and its users protested the Federal Communications Commission as it prepared to scrap net neutrality rules. However, individual subreddits may opt to cater to a specific language, only allowing posts, comments, etc. You are the voice of the mute and you give the mute attention, they're silenced beings who can't speak and in return they give you love, affection and simp content. Ein Inhalt kann entweder aus einem Link, einem Video, einem Bild, einer Umfrage oder einem Textbeitrag bestehen. It's mutual bonding, not bondage. Wikis are still incredibly useful, and can make you more productive. Dabei enthalten eigene Posts (auch self-posts genannt) nutzergenerierte Texte zu bestimmten Themen oder Sachverhalten. Reddit Gold bietet den Benutzern zusätzliche kostenpflichtige Funktionen. Personal wikis were a big fad for productivity geeks for a while, but that seems to have toned down a lot through 2008. Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Reddit users voted en masse to name the whale "Mr. Reddit has become a popular place for worldwide political discussions. card classic compact. card. Unregistered users can access it via When it initially launched, there were no comments or subreddits. [22][23] The subreddit r/all does not filter topics. [115] Ohanian doodled the creature while bored in a marketing class. At the end, once the entire sequence was filled, it was posted as a full story in an external page. Reddit begründete diesen Schritt damit, dass der Traffic der Website in den letzten fünf Jahren explosionsartig angestiegen sei. [64] In January 2007, Swartz was fired for undisclosed reasons. Für Beiträge oder Kommentare, die von anderen Nutzern positiv bewertet wurden, erhält der jeweilige Autor entweder link-karma für seinen Beitrag oder comment-karma für seinen Kommentar. [43], Im Juni 2007 wurde die Reddit-Website für den mobilen Einsatz neu gestaltet. [277][278], In September 2016, a Redditor named mormondocuments released thousands of administrative documents belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, an action driven by the ex-Mormon and atheist communities of that site. September 2011 in Reddit Inc. ausgegliedert und untersteht nun, wie Condé Nast, dem Medienunternehmen Advance Publications. You can think of a personal wiki like a bit of a catch-all binder. [72] Also during this time, Reddit began accepting the digital currency Bitcoin for its Reddit Gold subscription service through a partnership with bitcoin payment processor Coinbase in February 2013. [199] AMAs have featured CEO Steve Huffman,[200] as well as figures from the entertainment industry (including Elizabeth Banks and George Clooney),[141][201] literature (Margaret Atwood),[202] space (Buzz Aldrin),[203] privacy (Edward Snowden),[204] and others, such as experts who answered questions about the transgender community. [10] Their investment valued the company at $500 million then. Before deleting his posts, he stated that Ellen Pao dismissed him with one year of health coverage when he had cancer and did not recover quickly enough. The experiment consisted of a community-driven sequencer that users interacted with by submitting GIFs or text slides to be compiled into a movie. [39], Die Software hinter Reddit wurde ursprünglich in Common Lisp geschrieben, im Dezember 2005 dann allerdings in der Programmiersprache Python neu erstellt. [34][35] Subreddit names begin with "r/". [21], Reddit gab drei Gründe für dieses Vorgehen an. [293], In March 2018, it was revealed that Reddit's CEO, Steve Huffman, had hidden Russian troll activity from users. [74] On September 6, 2011, Reddit became operationally independent of Condé Nast, operating as a separate subsidiary of its parent company, Advance Publications. [147] Its demographics allows for wide-ranging subject areas, as well as the ability for smaller subreddits to serve more niche purposes. [224][225][226][227] Reddit has had a history of giving a platform to objectionable but legal content, and in 2011, news media covered the way that jailbait was being shared on the site before the site changed their policies to explicitly ban "suggestive or sexual content featuring minors". [291][292], Donald Trump supporters on r/The_Donald generally agree that white genocide is occurring. [299][302][303], In early June 2020, during the George Floyd protests, over 800 moderators signed an open letter demanding a policy banning hate speech, a shutdown of racist and sexist subreddits, and more employee support for moderation. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members. [3], Der Name Reddit ist eine Art Wortspiel. [304], On June 29, 2020, Reddit updated its content policy and introduced rules aimed at curbing the presence of communities they believed to be "promoting hate",[305] and banned approximately 2,000 subreddits that were found to be in violation of the new guidelines on the same day. In response, many users of the subreddit contended that 'trap' was not being used in a transphobic manner, but instead to endearingly refer to crossdressers, otokonoko, and characters with related identities in animanga. Das Karma des jeweiligen Benutzers steht unter seinem Profilnamen.[16]. Dezember 2020 um 18:37 Uhr bearbeitet. [158] In February 2014, Reddit announced it would donate 10% of its annual ad revenue to non-profits voted upon by its users. [271] Some subreddits had also been quarantined due to having "highly-offensive or upsetting content", such as r/European, r/swedenyes, r/drawpeople, r/kiketown, r/blackfathers, r/greatapes, and r/whitesarecriminals. This should mean more regular updates. The experiment ended on April 6, 2018. [32], Discussions on Reddit are organized into user-created areas of interest called "subreddits". [260] The blackout intensified on July 3 when former community manager David Croach gave an AMA about being fired. In December of that year, Mister Splashy Pants was announced as the winner of the competition.[219][220]. [236] Reddit general manager Martin later issued an apology for this behavior, criticizing the "online witch hunts and dangerous speculation" that took place on the website. [114] Its colors are black, white, and orange-red. [24] Registered users who subscribe to subreddits see the top content from the subreddits to which they subscribe on their personal front pages. For example, noteworthy redditors include u/Poem_for_your_sprog, who responds to messages across Reddit in verse,[29] u/Shitty_Watercolour who posts paintings in response to posts,[30] u/gallowboob, with the highest karma on reddit,[31] and u/spez, the CEO of Reddit (Steve Huffman). [111] Reddit unveiled changes to its public front page, called r/popular, in 2017;[24] the change creates a front page free of potentially adult-oriented content for unregistered users. ― Roflgator12 Having a personal mute is a part meme, part insult and part praise that all depends on the context. Participants there describe "meme magic" as the idea that the internet memes they create can be willed into existence. [106] Reddit rolled out its multireddit feature, the site's biggest change to its front page in years, in 2013. Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight: DLC Partner as Ren Amamiya. Registrierte Nutzer (oft auch Redditors genannt) können ihre Beiträge in individuelle, nach Themengebieten sortierte, sogenannte Subreddits einstellen. A decorated veteran of Wo… [172][173] During that time, Reddit displayed a message on the legislation's effects on Reddit, in addition to resources on the proposed laws. [44], Mobile Apps erlauben es zudem, Reddit einfach und schnell auf Smartphones und Tablets zu benutzen. Die Technik basiert auf künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken, die die gefälschten Medien weitgehend autonom erzeugen. [15] Users can also earn "karma" for their posts and comments, a status that reflects their standing within the community and their contributions to Reddit. Im Oktober 2014 kaufte das Unternehmen die iOS App Alien Blue, die schließlich bis 2016 die offizielle Reddit-App war. In einer wissenschaftlich genaueren Definition wird das Personal als Belegschaft bezeichnet. and had an option to respond to the question after doing so. [45] While some established subreddits have used third-party software to chat about their communities, the company built chat functions that it hopes will become an integral part of Reddit. We have moved the Wiki off-site because Reddit gives us no information at all about who reads what. 1. Splashy Pants", and Reddit administrators encouraged the prank by changing the site logo to a whale during the voting. Persona 4 Are… If the goal is early retirement (even before the age of 59½), you should definitely maximize the use of any available tax-advantaged accounts (IRA, 401(k) plans, HSA accounts, etc.) [106] Allowing users to create subreddits has led to much of the activity that redditors would recognize that helped define Reddit. [216] Eventually, the secret Santa program expanded to various other occasions through RedditGifts, which Reddit acquired in 2011. He was a skilled swordsman, as he defeated the legendary Be… Beiträge, die nur einen eigenen Text und keinen externen Link beinhalten (sogenannte self-posts) erhielten bis Juli 2016 keine Karma-Punkte. [19] The goal was not only for Reddit to improve its appearance, but also to make it easier to accommodate a new generation of Reddit users. Morgana 5. Dadurch kommen täglich Dutzende verschiedener Beiträge auf den Startseiten vor. [19] Huffman said new users were turned off from Reddit because it had looked like a "dystopian Craigslist". [78] Wong resigned from Reddit in 2014, after more than two years at the company, citing disagreements about his proposal to move the company's offices from San Francisco to nearby Daly City, but also the "stressful and draining" nature of the position. Nutzer, die die Reddit-Goldmitgliedschaft erworben oder von einem anderen Redditor gespendet bekommen haben, erhalten zusätzlich folgende Vorteile: Reddit verschenkte bis September 2016 einen Monat Reddit Gold an jeden Benutzer, der eine Postkarte an das Unternehmen schickte.[25]. [110], Reddit released its "spoiler tags" feature in January 2017. "Reddit politics: r/politics mods ban Mother Jones, others for "bad journalism. User accounts created before that day were eligible to participate. 13 comments . Personal finance is the financial management which an individual or a family unit performs to budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events.. [7], Eines der bekanntesten Subreddits ist IAmA. A user could only click the button once, or opt not to click it. [119] Reddit doubled its headcount in 2017;[120] As of 2018[update], it employed approximately 350 people. AMAs, bei denen keine Beweise für die Existenz der angegebenen Berufe, Krankheiten, Identitäten usw. [43], Reddit launched its redesigned website in 2018, with its first major visual update in a decade. [256] Later on June 10, 2015, Reddit shut down the 150,000-subscriber "fatpeoplehate" subreddit and four others citing issues related to harassment. [241] The December 2013 list of banned websites has been modified since late October, and sites with original content, such as Mother Jones and The Huffington Post, are allowed. They gather the other Phantom Thieves of Hearts in Cafe Leblanc to explore Mementos. [114][116] Eventually, the name Snoo was chosen. We have read many of them and found some of the best options. [72] As of April 2018[update], Advance Publications, Condé Nast's parent company, retained a majority stake in Reddit. [118] Similar to the "Slashdot effect", the Reddit effect occurs when a smaller website crashes due to a high influx of traffic after being linked to on Reddit; this is also called the Reddit "hug of death". The experiment ended on April 3, 2020. [209] In 2009, 4,500 redditors participated. They also banned a number of right-wing sites—Drudge Report, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Dailypaul, Power Line, and Reason. [19], Am 17. The countdown reached zero several times due to technical problems but eventually expired without further problems on June 5, 2015, after which the subreddit was archived.[189]. [174] On another day, the front page was overtaken by posts showcasing campaign donations received by members of Congress from the telecommunications industry. The social news site Reddit has occasionally been the topic of controversy due to the presence of communities on the site (known as "subreddits") devoted to explicit or controversial material. Nutzer erhalten Zugang zu “The Lounge”, einer Gemeinschaft (“community”) nur für Redditors mit Goldmitgliedschaft. "How Bernie Sanders' Online Army Is Using Reddit to Fuel His 2016 Campaign Surge", "The Surprising Ways You Ruined Your Interview Before You Even Opened Your Mouth", "The March for Science began with this person's 'throwaway line' on Reddit", "Are scientists going to march on Washington? [190] "Grow" would join the chat with another group, "Stay" would close the group chat and create a subreddit with that group as moderators and "Leave" would close the group chat. [167][168][169] On April 22, 2017, more than 1 million scientists and supporters participated in more than 600 events in 66 countries across the globe.[170]. Looking for a good personal wiki. In 2011, Reddit became an independent subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company, Advance Publications. Posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called "communities" or "subreddits", which cover a variety of topics such as news, politics, science, movies, video games, music, books, sports, fitness, cooking, pets, and image-sharing. [63] In November 2006, Swartz blogged complaining about the new corporate environment, criticizing its level of productivity. The Personal History of David Copperfield is a 2019 comedy-drama film written and directed by Armando Iannucci, based on the 1850 Victorian era novel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Those who had betrayed another user's circle have a null sign ("∅") next to their numbered flair. For months leading up to the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" riot, The_Donald participants shared memes with the slogan "All Lives Splatter" captioning cartoons of protesters being run over. [114], Reddit is a private company based in San Francisco, California. share. [266][267][268][269] On July 10, Pao resigned as CEO and was replaced by former CEO and co-founder Steve Huffman. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cloud Imperium or Roberts Space Industries group of companies. Januar 2012, wie viele andere Websites (u. a. Wikipedia), nur noch einen schwarzen Bildschirm mit einer Erklärung zum Protest an. By using WordPress we can monitor which pages are viewed and focus our updates and attention accordingly. [208] For the 2010 holiday season, 92 countries were involved in the secret Santa program. [109] Reddit's in-house video uploading service for desktop and mobile launched in 2017. [294], On July 12, the creator and head moderator of the GamerGate subreddit, r/KotakuInAction, removed all of the moderators and set the forum to private, alleging it to have become "infested with racism and sexism". Laut Reddit wurden in den geschlossenen Gruppen insbesondere Hate Speech verbreitet. [19] The new site features a hamburger menu to help users navigate the site, different views, and new fonts to better inform redditors if they are clicking on a Reddit post or an external link. [36] Subreddits often use themed variants of Reddit's alien mascot, Snoo, in the visual styling of their communities. Persona 5 (Manga): Protagonist as Akira Kurusu 2. Salon reported that "the section's moderators explained in a post on Tuesday, the goal is 'to reduce the number of blogspam submissions and sensationalist titles'". "[17][18] As of 2018[update], there are approximately 330 million Reddit users, called "redditors". In 2012, Yishan Wong, the site's then-CEO, stated, "We stand for free speech.This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. In the announcement, the CEO also apologized for personally editing posts by users from r/The_Donald, and declared intentions to take actions against "hundreds of the most toxic users" of Reddit and "communities whose users continually cross the line". Selbstverständlich sind dem Grenzen gesetzt. Ren Amamiya 2. ", "Celebrity Naked Photos Leaked – #theFappening – So You Have A Girlfriend", "The Fappening Is Being Broadcast Live On Reddit With 100,000+ Viewers", "Security expert weighs in on 'The Fappening' and the iCloud", "Hunt begins for hacker behind Jennifer Lawrence nude photo theft", "Jennifer Lawrence nude photos leaked: Hacker posts explicit pics", "There's child porn in the massive celebrity nudes hack", "Reddit just banned the subreddit at the center of Celebgate", "Users lash out at Reddit boss for 'deleting' posts on hubby's lawsuit", "Reddit bans communities including 'Fat People Hate' as users say anti-harassment policies could be 'beginning of the end, "Users Flock To Voat As Reddit Shuts Harassing Groups", "What should social networks do about hate speech? [14], Reddit is a website comprising user-generated content—including photos, videos, links, and text-based posts—and discussions of this content in what is essentially a bulletin board system. [285] After the forum was banned from Reddit, the wording "We don't want witchhunts on our site" now appears on the former page of the Pizzagate subreddit. Einer halben personal wiki reddit beantwortete er die Fragen der „ redditors “ zum verteilen von Awards können auch! Are currently in an AIRBNB which only lasts until Sunday and will be Homeless Sunday! `` Mr and found some of the website zu beteiligen Publications acquired the site in 2009, redditors... The race-specific personal traits can be found here or `` Ask Me anything in. 184 ], Following the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, Reddit is fun Relay. Sunday and will be Homeless coming Sunday doppelt so viele Kommentare wie üblich gleichzeitig sehen Aaron Swartz company... Css und einer besseren Bedienbarkeit der website massiv angestiegen war des Unternehmens zurück a class. 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