For the paper, each student will select a distressed company currently in the market and design a restructuring plan for it. Students admitted as transfers—A minimum of 135 units (including the last quarter in residence) at Stanford. In those instances where the course is offered for a letter grade or CR/NC, the course must be taken for a letter grade to fulfill Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing requirement and Writing in the Major requirement. Elective courses, which are not taken to satisfy requirements, play a special role in tailoring the student's program to individual needs. If students enroll in courses at Stanford for which they received equivalent AP credit, the duplicating AP credit will be removed. It is possible, with approval of both departments, to use one course to fulfill a requirement for each major in a joint major program. Registration is required in the conferral term. FINANCE 327. Distinction is awarded to 15% of the graduating class based on cumulative grade point averages. FINANCE 345. Students are notified of Distinction on their diploma. Regular quarterly tuition for the academic year 2020-21, payable Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters. 1 Unit. program. A student may apply to the major department or program for acceptance into the honors program. H&S encompasses 23 departments—from Art and Art History, English, and History to Economics, Mathematics, and Biology—as well as 23 interdisciplinary programs. FINANCE 621. Within the limitations of requirements, students may freely choose any course for which previous studies have prepared them. Students taking the course will be given the opportunity to make important contributions to the knowledge base of this still very young field by working in small teams to research topics of personal and general interest, the results of which will be reported to the rest of the class. If a student wants to have a certain Physics exam reflected on the transcript, the student should contact the Student Services Center. The School of Humanities and Sciences limited participation in the pilot to Humanities departments that wished to propose a joint major with Computer Science. Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Way-A-II: Aesthetic and Interpretive Inquiry,,,, Registrar's website for detailed information, Request for Last Units Out of Residence Petition, Request to Return and Register in Undergraduate Study, Request to Permanently Withdraw from Degree Program form, Undergraduate Major Unit Requirements and WIMs, Involuntary Leave of Absence and Return Policy, Main Quadrangle • Memorial Court • Oval • White Plaza, Sexual Harassment and Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships, Student Non-​Academic Grievance Procedure, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Visitor Policy • University Statement on Privacy, School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-​IPER), Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE), Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Students are eligible for Calculus AB, BC, or subscore AB, however not a combination of the three. degree. A good diagnostic is to skim Section 4.2 "Rules for Time Travel" (pp. In recognition of successful completion of honors program requirements, the following interdisciplinary programs can recommend students majoring in any field for honors in their program: The interdisciplinary honors programs are designed to complement study in a department major. Graduate students should consult with their academic department and a Graduate Life Office Dean. Stanford University awards advanced placement credit for certain International Baccalaureate (IB) and international advanced placement subject examinations. FINANCE 624. Language courses at Stanford may be taken with the Credit/No Credit grading basis, if so offered, to fulfill the requirement. We will emphasize the institutional features of the markets, including trading, pricing, and hedging. Students who withdraw their graduation applications or fail to meet degree requirements must reapply to graduate in a subsequent term. 3 Units. The course focuses on empirical methods, stylized facts, new advances in large-scale empirical work, and applied theory. In the written notice, the student will be encouraged to respond before a decision regarding a leave of absence is made and will be given a specified time period within which to do so. This course is an introduction to multiperiod models in finance, mainly pertaining to optimal portfolio choice and asset pricing. 3 Units. For a full description of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR), see the "Writing and Rhetoric" section of this bulletin under the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education. Established and taught for 50 years by the legendary Professor Jack McDonald, the Investments courses will be taught by John Hurley, founder of Cavalry Asset Management and Professor Steve Grenadier in Autumn 2019. Essential to most of these decisions are financial valuations, which will be an important emphasis of the course. This is an advanced graduate-level course in international finance and macroeconomics. Courses are assigned credit units. Arrangements between students and faculty regarding credit are expected to be made well in advance of the internship. Students may use Axess to declare, drop, or change a major. Other combinations of majors may be taken as a multiple major, but are not part of the joint major program with its special rules and requirements. Undergraduates must select a major by the end of their sophomore year. 3 Units. The student may be asked to execute an Exchange of Confidential Information Consent Form providing Stanford personnel temporary authority to get information from the student’s healthcare provider(s) regarding issues relevant and appropriate to the consideration of an involuntary leave of absence when there is a need for the University to have access to that information as part of the interactive process and individualized assessment. 2) To create a mental framework and intuitive understanding of important and active questions. Even fund of funds are appearing across these markets. FINANCE 211. Undergraduates may take one quarter away from Stanford without having to file for a leave of absence (LOA), this term being considered the student's Flex Term. Art, Music & Theatre This course teaches recent advances in asset allocation and management. The purpose of the Writing Requirement is to promote effective communication by ensuring that every undergraduate can write clear and effective English prose. Students should select either the Graduation Quarter or the Permit for Services Only special registration status on the Last Units Out of Residence petition. Prerequisite material for the course will be posted online in the fall. If approved for departmental honors, the student should declare the Honors degree through Axess. California 3 Units. In special cases, students who have earned at least 180 units in resident work may petition for a waiver of the last quarter-in-residence requirement for up to 15 units. FINANCE 350. The course assumes knowledge of econometrics at the level of MGTECON 603. 1 Unit. There will be a focus on understanding the psychological underpinnings of financial decision-making as well as the institutional frictions that may allow these psychological mechanisms to influence economic outcomes. Complete listings of PWR 2 and WRITE 2 courses are available to students on the PWR web site the quarter before they are scheduled to complete the WR 2 requirement. These educational goals are achieved through study in individual courses that bring together groups of students examining a topic or subject under the supervision of scholars. The course looks at all aspects of private equity partnerships and private equity investing. If the Dean of Students is not satisfied that the student is ready to return to the University, the student will be notified in writing of the decision, including the reason for the decision, within a reasonable time after the student has submitted a request for return and required documentation. ), Bachelor of Science (B.S. Corporate Finance Theory. (See "The Major" in the "Undergraduate Degrees and Programs" section of this bulletin.). What economic factors drive the yield curves in different bond markets? The course aims both to familiarize students with influential papers and current research, and to promote new research ideas in the area. The Finance of Retirement and Pensions. No more than 45 units in total transfer credit may count toward the undergraduate degree. While financial aid resources are limited for international citizens, Stanford does offer admission to a number of these applicants each year. Decisions are available in the Stanford Portal. If approved for interdisciplinary honors, the student should then declare the Interdisciplinary Honors Program in Axess. This course will develop a detailed knowledge of corporate valuation techniques, together with an understanding of the role such valuations play in a wide range of corporate financing decisions. After all, as an entrepreneur, one cannot negotiate effectively without understanding an investor's motivations. For students interested in fulfilling a Ways of Thinking/Doing (Ways) breadth requirement through transfer work, a transfer course evaluation must be submitted to confirm if the course will meet the Ways criteria. FINANCE 377. 3 Units. In addition to the general requirements all students must meet when returning to Stanford after a leave of absence, as well as any conditions mandated by the Dean of Students and/or the Vice Provost for return from an involuntary leave of absence as outlined below in section II.C, students seeking to return from an involuntary leave of absence for reasons of personal or community health and safety may be required to submit additional documentation related to the factors set forth in section I.A.6 as part of an individualized assessment. Special emphasis is on understanding how wealth managers may be evaluated, including potential conflicts of interest, and performance measurement. The course focuses on alternative asset classes. Students who are placed on an involuntary leave of absence may want to consult with the following offices, where appropriate: The Process Resource will be available to assist all students who are placed on an involuntary leave of absence with their questions about the process to return and resume their studies and life at Stanford. and B.S. The five course transfer limit is cumulative over a student’s undergraduate career at Stanford. degree instead of the B.A. General Education Requirement courses must be taken for a letter grade and a minimum of 3 units of credit, with the exception of courses taken to fulfill the Language requirement, which may be taken for credit/no credit. What are the financial frictions that household/business facing impactful FinTech startups are addressing? Graduation with a joint major requires the completion of a minimum of 180 units, of which at least 135 must be completed at Stanford. How do angels and VCs generate and process their deal flow and select companies? Matriculated students must submit their Ways pre-approval request(s) by the quarterly deadline as defined on the Ways web site. The aim of this course is to develop a thorough understanding of financial markets. The written request for appeal must specify the particular substantive and/or procedural basis for the appeal, and must be made on grounds other than general dissatisfaction with the decision of the Dean of Students. Accelerated Managerial Finance. Undergraduates must apply to graduate through Axess if applying for the 13th-quarter special registration status. Financial Markets II. The review and notice of decision under this policy should be done in a reasonably timely manner. In special cases, students who have earned at least 135 units in resident work may petition for a waiver of the last quarter-in-residence requirement for up to 15 units through the, Students admitted as transfers—A minimum of 90 units (including the last quarter in residence) at Stanford. All candidates for the bachelor's degree, regardless of the date of matriculation, must satisfy the Writing and Rhetoric requirement. The Private Wealth Management and Personal Investing course will address issues that relate to the management of personal assets as opposed to institutional investing. program. A student would be discontinued for no enrollment in any term in which they do not enroll after use of the Flex Term. After the transfer credit has been approved and posted by the Office of the University Registrar, the departments determine if the approved transfer work can be used to satisfy a department major or minor requirement. FINANCE 625. International citizens who indicate on their a… 2 Units. Transfer students are individually reviewed at the time of matriculation by the Office of the University Registrar's Degree Progress section and, if necessary, the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR) as to their status with regard to the requirement. Nor does Stanford award a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree to the holder of either a B.A. (Note: this course was formerly known as FIN 230) The main aim of this course is to enable students to apply the fundamental ideas of finance to problems in the area of corporate finance with all the complexities the real world entails. They cannot fulfill any official department or University requirements during the leave period. One class will be a mock investment review committee presentation as a final project. Properties of financial instruments such as bonds and stocks. This experimental program was approved by the Academic Senate for a six-year pilot, which began in Autumn Quarter 2014-15. 1 Unit. We will pay particular attention to the banking system, with an eye toward understanding the function, valuation, and regulation of banks. FINANCE 620. A minimum of 2 units is required to complete the Creative Expression (CE) Ways requirement. This course is an introduction to options, futures and other derivative securities. Students are expected to submit a Request for Transfer Credit Evaluation eForm (available in the eForms portal in the Student tab in Axess) for pre-approval of transfer credit prior to enrolling in the transfer institution. Undergraduates who have completed at least twelve full-time quarters may petition to register for 13th Quarter registration status at a reduced tuition rate for their final quarter, but must register for at least eight units. Private Equity - An Overview of the Industry. Advanced Corporate Financial Modeling. For academic year 2020-21, new leaves of absence taken during Autumn, Winter, Spring, or Summer quarters do not count towards the eight quarters maximum. Measuring defined benefit pension liabilities. Stanford University, one of the world's leading teaching and research institutions, is dedicated to finding solutions to big challenges and to preparing students for leadership in a complex world. 3 Units. There will be a range of subject-matter-expert speakers. Students who wish to withdraw a request for conferral or make changes to their Application(s) to Graduate can do electronically in Axess by the late application to graduate deadline on the academic calendar. What are the important provisions of financial contracts between VCs and founders? degree as described above. Study in institutions outside the U.S., when validated by examination results, tutorial reports, or other official evidence of satisfactory work, may be credited toward a Stanford bachelor's degree, subject to the approval of the credit evaluator and the appropriate departments. The responsibility for developing a major program within department or program requirements lies ultimately with the individual student working in consultation with the major adviser. The financial economics of how retirement is financed, particularly in the US. 4 Units. In exploring these topics, the course focuses on the key legal and contractual rights that creditors and other counterparties possess, and how they may use these rights to optimize their negotiated outcomes in a restructuring. Topics include tests of asset pricing models, return predictability in time-series and cross-section, empirical studies of asset market imperfections, and studies of individual and professional investor behavior. 1 Unit. PhD Dissertation Research. Same as: ACCT 692, GSBGEN 692, HRMGT 692, MGTECON 692, MKTG 692, OB 692, OIT 692, POLECON 692, STRAMGT 692. This course will not be offered next academic year, 2017-2018. This course covers the foundations of finance with an emphasis on applications that are vital for corporate managers. Nigeria, Vietnam, etc.). Housing. Undergraduates who take an approved leave of absence while in good standing from a quarter for which they have registered in advance and do not wish to attend may enroll in the University for the subsequent quarter with the privileges of a continuing student. Have regulatory reforms in the US and Europe been effective and, if not, how and why? degree, as recommended by the Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy (C-USP). In this course we will study the theory and empirics of venture capital (VC) and, more broadly, finance of innovation. The primary focus is on how asymmetric information, agency conflicts, strategic interactions, and incomplete contracting affect corporate financial decision-making. A registration status is required to graduate. To ensure the values of breadth, a major should comprise no more than two-thirds of a student's program (115-125 units); and, to avoid intellectual parochialism, a major program should not require a student to take more than about one-third of his or her courses from within a single department. Requests for fulfilling Ways requirements in transfer require pre-approval prior to course enrollment and the pre-approval requests must be submitted prior to the term in which students intend to enroll in the transfer course and as defined on the. Students may reach out to their departments for review/approval of transfer credit without having to first secure a review/approval from the Registrar's Office. California Students are eligible for Physics B, Physics C (both), or Physics 1 & 2, however not a combination of the three. However, if Stanford courses are taken below the level of the placement course, the duplicating AP units are removed. The Major-Minor and Multiple Major Course Approval eForm (available in the eForms portal in the Student tab in Axess)  is required for graduation for students with a minor. Using our special video-technology enabled classrooms at Stanford and at the Stanford Center at PKU, this course is able to draw live speakers in Beijing and to meet jointly with students at Beijing University. A Specialized Master 100% finance-focused, to form highly -skilled Stanford master finance A Specialized Master 100% finance-focused, to form highly -skilled professional Über 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis; Das ist das neue eBay. FINANCE 204. However, courses used for the major and/or the minor depth/core must not be duplicated within any other of the student’s degree programs (for example, for a major within the School of Engineering and a minor within or outside of the School of Engineering). Insights on Finance by Stanford Business December 3, 2020 Written Zombies on the Rise A decade of binge borrowing has turned many corporations into the walking dead, Stanford finance experts say. In addition to maintaining academic progress obligations, students are expected to take courses to progress towards a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. Joint major programs leads to conferral of a B.A.S. Stanford offers a range of resources, support services and accommodations to address the physical and mental health needs of students. The Dean of Students may impose conditions and/or requirements under which the student is allowed to remain at the University. Incoming transfer students who matriculate with the following number of transfer units must complete the defined number of Stanford Ways courses as part of their undergraduate education. For additional information regarding satisfactory academic progress, refer to the "Academic Progress" section of this bulletin. Undergraduates may petition one time only for Graduation Quarter in their terminal quarter only if: Coterminal students are only eligible for the Graduation Quarter special registration status if they are applying to confer both the undergraduate and graduate degree in the same quarter. This MBA elective explores innovative ways that start-ups are expanding the financial capacities of households and small businesses. Under rare and exceptional circumstances, new freshmen and transfers may take a leave of absence during their first quarter with the permission of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (or his or her designee). Foreign language study extends the student's range of knowledge and expression in significant ways, providing access to materials and cultures that otherwise would be out of reach. Writing in the Major courses are usually offered letter grade only. Case discussions and lecture discussions will be led by the teaching team and investors/principals who were involved. 1 Unit. Copyright Complaints If a student refuses to execute an Exchange of Confidential Information Consent Form or to respond within the timeframe set by the Dean of Students, the Dean may proceed with the assessment based on information in the Dean’s possession at the time. A score of 5 is required to receive 10 units of credit. This course is a speaker series, exposing students to the world of first-class investors and their philosophies. Class discussions will closely link current market events and pricing anomalies to theoretical and simulated markets and we will closely study the deviations between them. A minor is a coherent program of study defined by the department or degree program. Generally, a holder of a B.A. Students may take classes like Accelerated Managerial Finance or Capital Markets & Institutional Investing when they study finance. This course will survey current research topics in empirical asset pricing. Our mission is to facilitate the entry and success of Stanford students into finance industry via education, preparation, and the building of a global professional network. degrees in the same discipline, students cannot pursue both degree options and must select either the B.A. These financial trading strategies are used to manage the risk and return profiles of specific portfolios. To facilitate advance planning, multiple major program forms are available at any time from the Registrar's forms web site. Stanford, Students receiving financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office for eligibility if they are seeking aid beyond 12 quarters of enrollment. Corporate Valuation, Governance and Behavior. Currently, only the School of Engineering has school requirements for its undergraduate majors. Students may not receive duplicate unit credit for AP and IB exams in the same discipline, and the duplicating unit credit may be removed from the student's record. Consistent with Stanford’s policies and procedures, academic credit for work done elsewhere may be allowed towards a Stanford degree. 4 Units. The topics then covered include advanced derivative pricing models, models of the term structure of interest rates, the valuation of corporate securities, portfolio choice in continuous-time settings, and finally finally market design. In order to achieve the values of study in depth, a well-structured major should constitute at least one-third of a student's program (55-65 units). Credit should be arranged within departmental rules for directed reading or independent study and should meet the usual department standards. 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