© Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Don't water the violet sky if the leaves look wilted, as this is a sign of overwatering. you can stand it on a stool or other small table or column and let it drape down. False African violet 'Blue Fountain' Genus. This plant is pretty frost sensitive. Proven Winners - Concord Blue - Streptocarpella - Streptocarpus saxorum blue purple blue-purple plant details, information and resources. just curious if you get a lot of spam feedback? Grow them in an eastern-facing window or under fluorescent tubes. It belongs to the Gesneariad family, and as an African violet relative, is often referred to as false African violet. $21.85. Streptocarpella saxorum has wonderful cultivars and is one of my favorite plants. Streptocarpus means "twisted fruit", a referring to the slender, twisted seed capsule that the plants produce. Thanks for the great tips! The different varieties available vary in the size of the flowers and the shade of blue from violet to deeper blue, light and darker blue. You’ll have to wait and repot couple of times, until the plant recovers its abilities to vegetatively reproduce. There are also variegated forms, though I don’t know how well those bloom. If so how do you protect against it, any plugin or anything you can recommend? Dan Ketchum has been a professional writer since 2003, with work appearing online and offline in Word Riot, Bazooka Magazine, Anemone Sidecar, Trails and more. Nye på markedet er blandt andre Wiesmoor hybrider. Unlike its indoor cousins it is no trouble at all. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A large unobstructed north facing window , or an east/west window will be ideal for this plant. You can even propagate them from a leaf. Streptocarpus saxorum 'Streptocarpella' Streptocarpus saxorum 'Streptocarpella'-$6.99. Streptocarpus saxorum 'Blue Fountain' Other names. More Details Streptocarpella hybrid, was created in the 1970s by Bartley Schwarz by crossing Streptocarpus saxorum and Streptocarpus stomandrus.At the same time, hybridizer Bill Saylor made the same cross and produced a hybrid plant identical to ‘Concord Blue’. For example fuschias root extremely easy and fast, regardless of the variety, however if you buy a fuschia hanging basket and try to root a cutting, nothing will happen. Streptocarpus ‘Concord Blue’, a subg. Very easy to grow and … After the initial watering, allow the soil of the violet sky to dry completely between waterings. light window behind net curtains, no growth until summer 2020. Den almindeligste hybrid er den lilla, selvom man også undertiden kan få rosa. Thank you! It has cute, velvety, deep-green leaves, and dainty flowers that hang from long stems and almost look like a cloud of butterflies flocking around the plant. The "Concord Blue" cape primrose (Streptocarpus saxorum "Concord Blue"), sometimes called false African violet, originate from South Africa. The name Streptocarpus means "twisted fruit", a reference to the slender, twisted seed … If your plant is young and tiny you can be more generous with the watering, but a well established plant benefits from having its soil dry up between watering, especially in the winter months. The commonly sold cultivars are heavy bloomers and put on a wonderful display. It’s an awesome plant to have! Streptocarpus Alys Metalica. Spraying with insecticide will make the leaves get spotted and eventually dry off, so my advice would be to remove as much of the infected plant, simply cut off as much as you can back, remove overly infested leaves and then spray out plant. Streptocarpus saxorum known also as Cape Primrose, indicates that it is a native of South Africa. I use African violet fertilizer during the warmer months, at a lower concentration than the recommended. I get so much lately it’s driving me insane so any support is very much appreciated. False African violet. Upon blossoming, streptocarpella saxorum will feature several nodes with bright purple-colored flowers opening at the tips. S. saxorum - S. saxorum is a tender, evergreen perennial for indoor use. I use regular LED shop lights (4ft, 5000Lumen, 5000K – daylight). It can be difficult to provide ideal growing conditions for it. Thank you for your information on here. Streptocarpus sampler collection. Using hand pruning shears, remove any dead or faded flowers and trim off dry tips of older leaves. It propagates very easily, but sometimes nurseries put growth inhibitors in the soil to prevent cuttings from rooting. Streptocarpus Streptocarpus. I’m not sure if you can post a photo on this site. Always make stem cuts at a 45-degree angle. Generally speaking this is a very easy to propagate plant. I have one of these plants but could never find out what it was! Water slowly in the early morning, wetting the soil down to about 2 inches deep near the root. or streptocarpella, a cutting given by a special lady from Saxmundham UK. Her sreptocarpellas always look better than mine. Streptocarpella saxorum (False African Violet). Streptocarpus saxorum is a member of the Gesneriad family of plants. Native to Africa, the violet sky thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 9 through 11, where it reaches heights of about 16 inches with proper care. Streptocarpus saxorum je velice pěkná rostlina, která vytváří dlouhé plazivé výhony. If your plants are in the house, the best place to keep them is on an east to west windowsill - if this cannot be done, shade during full sun. I have two and I can fit all of my kohlerias and some carnivorous plants. De er i familie med Saint Paulia. This plant likes to dry out a bit between watering and likes to be occasionally soaked. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. Streptocarpus-hybrider er nær beslægtede med både usambarviol og gloxinia. STØRRELSE: Bladene kan blive op til 20 cm lange og … There are also white cultivars. Concord Blue Streptocarpella Streptocarpus saxorum. It has small, rounded, slightly succulent, dark-green leaves that are arranged on its trailing stems. Streptocarpella . Thank you for the information – I think I can make it much happier now that I know what it likes. View as: Grid List Sort ... Streptocarpus saxorum 'Streptocarpella' 3 Review(s) Quantity: 0 $6.99. It sprouts fine, drooping lilac-like flowers in pale pink and purple hues. I have had this plant for years but did not know the name. Sometimes some of cuttings will rot, since the plant has pretty meaty stems. Cuttings root well in both water and moist soil. S. saxorum is a small herbaceous plant that forms mounds of about 5-8 cm high. Species. Streptocarpus fall into two distinct groups: those with stems, the Streptocarpellas, for example Streptocarpus saxorum, and the more commonly grown types with a rosette of leaves. S. 'Concord Blue' is one of the stemmed ("caulescent") streptocarpus, a member of the subgenus streptocarpella. Neutral: On Apr 7, 2003, rrizzi28 from Knoxville, TN wrote: I absolutely loved the streptocarpella hybrid "concord blue" that I purchased last year. So happy to have found them again! I would like to share a picture of how I grow it in the summer time outside. If I find anything that works I’ll let you know! Last late summer autumn I trimmed it back, minimal watering, in semi I vow not to trim back The plant only grows to a height of 6-12 inches, but it can spread wide to about 12 inches. I live in Canada in a smallish city east of Toronto. I’m excited to see if I can propagate it. We also include it in some pots with other plants in a bright shady area where it also does well. Streptocarpus caulescens - Streptocarpella - streptocarpus saxorum, de kalder den Nodding Violet - Nikkende viol. Streptocarpella saxorum originates from Tanzania and Kenya. Light: Most Streptocarpus species grow on rocky, somewhat shaded hillsides or river banks, sometimes growing on fallen tree trunks or even rocks. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle® newsletter. Streptocarpus Black Light. Have not seen it until this week in hanging baskets at a grocery store. I’ve read all about ways to do so and will try all of them to see what works. Learn More. Cleaning the old leaves / spent flowers and occasionally pinching off a leggy stem will keep your plant looking good and it will keep it flowering. Makes a beautiful hanging basket. After years of growing african violets I now have one small false african Denumirea olandeza este de Cape primula. I’ve been meaning to write more about light and grow lights forever. Select a spot for the violet sky plant in partial shade or dappled sunlight. I’ve not done anything about it yet, since I haven’t had much time and I’ve neglected this site for so long now. See more ideas about plants, flowers, african violets. What do you advise for growing under grow lights? Or prune and let it grow out again. Quantity Available: 0 ... Streptocarpus saxorum is a South African member of the Gesneriad family and a member of the subgenus Streptocarpella. The cuttings did well sitting in a mini plastic container in rain water. The habit is unusual for streptocarpus in that it produces small leaves along a trailing stem. On another note this plant also seems to enjoy cooler environment, so lower temperatures and plenty of moisture in the air will help your plant thrive. De bliver omkring 30 cm. It’s one of my favorite plants too! Neither hybridizer knew of the others’ efforts at the time. Bright indirect light is perfect for this plant. Streptocarpus: Lots of blooms, ease of care. Soil was a problem, & not easy to grow from a cutting. Streptocarpus saxorum is available from Dibleys Nurseries, holders of the National Collection of Streptocarpus. Obviously the summer in Alabama will be a bit more harsh than Chicago, so you might have to find a cooler spot in your garden. Both worked pretty well. Streptocarpus Baby Girl. Kvete od května do října velkým počtem trubicovitých květů připomínající svým tvarem květy orchidejí. I will definitely look into it; maybe I could add a plugin that will let you do that. Country of Origin: USDA Zone: 10b-11 Accession Data: Accession # 201100238 Source: Tom Lemieux - UC Boulder Provenance: UC Boulder 90.414; in that collection prior to 1990, no additional data available. Not sure how to leave my photo on your website. The Streptocarpus saxorum plant -- which also goes by the names Cape primrose, false African violet and violet sky -- is a member of the Streptocarpella subgenus. Overall this isn’t a very fussy plant. A small, free flowering species ideal for the smaller space. Hi, Your plant is a Streptocarpus saxorum which is also called Primrose. I didn’t see any mention of growing this plant outside except that you said it is frost sensitive. I’ve been growing gesneriads, carnivorous plants, and even fruiting trees under them for couple of years now. Streptocarpus saxorum false African violet Sold by 4 nurseries. Home > Gesneriad > Streptocarpus. One of those 4ft lights can have a lot of plants under it, and energy-wise it’s like one regular light bulb. Growing Conditions . Drobný modrofialový květ má uprostřed výrazné čisté bílé očko. Apply a constant feed fertilizer with 150 to 200 ppm nitrogen, 45 to 65 ppm phosphorus and 100 to 125 ppm potassium or a periodic feed fertilizer with 200 to 250 ppm nitrogen, 75 to 100 ppm phosphorus and 150 to 200 ppm potassium according to the instructions on the product's label. Streptocarpella produces a twisted seed pod. $8.95. Alternatively, you can apply a high-phosphorus water-soluble fertilizer with an N-P-K rating such as 15-30-15 every three weeks during the spring and summer. I find Streptocarpella to be a very easy plant that thrives in bright light or dappled shade. Pinch the violet sky four to five weeks after planting to shape it. This plant is pretty frost sensitive. There are may cultivars, one of the most common of which is Concord Blue. It’s hot and humid here generally, in the summer, so I’ve put them in the shade and will keep my fingers crossed. Water: The soil should be allowed to dry between waterings.Streptocarpus is susceptible to root rot. Streptocarpella. Streptocarpus 'Al's Pal' $8.95. If growing in a pot, choose an 8- to 10-inch container. I got mine as an outdoor hanging plant and did not realize I could also keep it in the house during the colder months. Some are purely white, others are very pale blue or are white with fringes of blue. South Africa: Author's Notes: This was always an easy to grow plant during the summer on the patio. They do not like full sun. This plant grows to about 12 inches in height and makes a wonderful hanging basket plant. Streptocarpus saxorum hybrid Engl.. subg. This plant like basic to slightly acidic soil, well drained and light. Hope they make it ? I used to not get as much spam, but now I get 100s of posts a week, and I hate it! CARE OF PLANTS Coming mainly from South Africa and growing in wooded damp and shaded areas, they get plenty of light but very little direct sunlight. It is a tropical plant, though it seems to enjoy cooler environment around the low 70ies Fahrenheit. Thanks in advance. Dan's diverse professional background spans from costume design and screenwriting to mixology, manual labor and video game industry publicity. Dibley's Nurseries: Introduction to Streptocarpus Plants, EuroAmerica Propagators: Streptocarpus Saxorum Violet Sky, PlantZAfrica: Streptocarpus Saxorum (Engler), BackyardGardener: Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose), White Flower Farm: Growing Guide Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose), Garden Club of Darien: Growing Instructions for Streptocarpella Saxorum, Melinda Myers Growing Among Friends: Give 'Em a Pinch – Pruning Flowers, How to Grow a Hot Pepper Plant Indoors From Start to Finish, How to Grow a Craspedia Globosa or Drumstick Flower. Streptocarpus sect. It likes part shade to shade. The genus Streptocarpus has recently been thoroughly studied with the benefit of DNA tools, ... while subgenus Streptocarpella includes those with a conventional stemmed structure. Sign Up! Once it reaches a decent size this plant is ever blooming. $8.95. Genus - Streptocarpus Mature size - Height 55cm, width 25cm Position - Part shade Type - Tender perennial Flowering - … Fingers crossed. Its relatives include the African Violets (Saintpaulia species), Lipstick Plants (Aeschynanthus species), and many others. I grow them on a windowsill. Streptocarpus Streptocarpus. Streptocarpus is a relative of the African violet and a perennial native to South Africa. Its free flowering, pretty mauve/blue orchid-like flowers are at their best in spring, summer and autumn. Streptocarpella saxorum originates from Tanzania and Kenya. [6] DNA studies have shown that, despite not having a twisted fruit, African violets evolved from within the Tanzanian Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella . These easy to grow flowering houseplants now come in many new colors and shapes like the hybrid below. Streptocarpus saxorum - Streptocarpella Streptocarpus saxorum este o planta cu flori, orginara din Africa de Est, usor de ingrijit care continuua sa infloreasca tot anul, precum violetele. Taylor Greenhouses offers an ever-expanding variety of healthy, interesting, pest-free plants. Botanical name. This semi-shrubby stemmed species falls under the subgenus Streptocarpella and the foliage is quite different to the more common Streptocarpus.Its slender, hairy stems spread along the ground crowded with small, matt-green, softly hairy, fleshy, elliptic to ovate leaves that occur in whorls of three. This tough plant lends itself to garden flower bed planting, hanging baskets and tall pots. The flowers are five-petalled, and look almost like an orchid. Plant seeds to depths of 1 inch or surround up to two liners per pot with potting soil. Availability: Out of stock. size, flowered in 2013. When propagating from cuttings it helps to keep the humidity high, but keep the leafy part of your cutting from any water droplets as it will rot. Join now. Streptocarpus saxorum. Direct midday light will burn the leaves, unless you slowly acclimate your plant to higher light. You can go for the red and blue grow LED, for maximum efficiency, but since almost all the light gets absorbed by the plants, you don’t get to enjoy the greenery and flowers as much. let it grow in hope it flowers. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. It is a hardy, no fuss, easy plant to have in the house or in a hanging basket. I fell in love with this plant several years ago at my friend’s mom’s place. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Proven Winners Saturate the loose soil of new seeds or liners completely to water them in. Its said that growing Streptocarpus plants is good training for African violets because their requirements are similar, but cape primrose isnt as delicate. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. ... including S. caulescens, S. kirkii, S. saxorum, S. glandulosissimus and S. hilsenbergii, and a number of hybrids such as S. ‘Concord Blue’. Streptocarpella ; Streptocarpella. It can suffer from mealy bugs, and aphids (those seem to only go for the flowers and the flower stems). They are not marketed as grow lights, but 5000K spectrum works great for all of my plants. Other names. Sometimes commonly known as ‘cape primrose’, Streptocarpus aren’t primrose at all, but gesneriads (African violet cousins). A Quick Overview of Streptocarpella Saxorum Streptocarpella saxorum planted in container Minnesota. If you love the look of African violets but find them a bit too difficult to grow, try a pot or two of their hardier cousins, the Streptocarpus or cape primrose. The white light LED might not be the most efficient, but the plants look great and you get to enjoy them the most. I’ve rooted this plant in both a tiny cup of water, and in a ziplock bag with moist soil and a bit of rooting hormone. If planting liners, apply broad-spectrum fungicide according to the instructions on the product's label to prevent diseases. My mom grows her outside in the summer too, and on her garden window in the winter. Streptocarpellas can be propagated by cuttings, from offshoots or seeds. We are able to get Streptocarpella at a Chicago-area greenhouse and it does fine as a hanging pot through the Chicago summer in an area with dappled light on the east side of the house. read. I live in an apartment and my balcony is too windy for it. Takes forever to sort through messages. I’d love to see how you grow your plant! Streptocarpella is a tropical perennial found in moist, warm, and humid forests of Africa and is part of the large Gesneriaceae family, known as the Gesneriads (pronounced either “guess-NARE-ee-ad” or “jez-NARE-ee-ad”), which includes African violets and the well-known Cape primroses. Be careful of over-watering. The translation of the Latin name means "Streptocarpus like". I just need to figure out how to hang it in the house as I don’t have hooks on my walls. The growing conditions are almost the same as for African violets. She owned a caring agency, I was a carer. høje. Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Thus, they like dappled sunlight best. The Streptocarpus saxorum plant -- which also goes by the names Cape primrose, false African violet and violet sky -- is a member of the Streptocarpella subgenus. 14JUN2012 - name updated to Streptocarpus saxorum hybrid … Details . Needless to say I got two and can’t wait to try to propagate! So far it seems to me to be a shy bloomer. From beginning to end it was nailed by you completely. Listy jsou drobné ochlupené. Streptocarpus grows in a basal whorl of leaves with no above-ground branching while Streptocarpella has a well branched top. I’d say this is among the best article I’ve My stems are shorter than 2” however so maybe it’s a non starter. I use a mix of general potting soil and African violet soil with plenty of per-lite to make the soil well drained and light. Your email address will not be published. The wild form is somewhat smaller leaved, more of a lavender flower color, and I am still waiting to see how well it blooms (it’s almost blooming size). Could be lack of light, nutrients or too low humidity. This plant enjoys higher humidity levels, but do not spray the leaves as it will result in wilt spots. I don’t have much sun in my apartment But I like to have something flowering throughout the year. Streptocarpus 'Amanda' $8.95. Streptocarpella ; Common Name: undetermined hybrid Family: Gesneriaceae Dumort. The plant has juicy stems that tend to easily rot if the soil is soggy. The sun shines most winter at front kitchen window most of day perfect for the strepto here in Suffolk. De stammer fra Afrika og Madagaskar. We just water about once a week. To write this you may have worked for research. Though not a necessity, the violet sky prefers a sheltered growing area. 1 Item(s) Show. Hi, i read your blog from time to time and i own a similar one and i was Photo by Andrew Cathcart S.modestus Will need to bring them for the cold winter. Streptocarpus are typically grown as houseplants, because they cannot survive even mild winters outdoors in … Also you can get them from anywhere and they are around 20$ each. Your email address will not be published. How to Care for a Streptocarpus Concord Blue. It belongs to the Gesneariad family, and as an African violet relative, is often referred to as false African violet. Required fields are marked *. I have streptocarpella food tablets, ( one monthly ). I’m so excited for you! Plant Streptocarpus saxorum seeds in the spring in well-drained clay, sandy clay or sandy clay loam soil with a pH range for 6 to 8. Now doing very well tho not flowered since 2013. Good luck with propagating it. De er flereårlig planter. It is from these rosette types that the modern hybrids have been bred. The cutting in 2012 then small in Other Care Tips and Personal Observations: Pruning disrupts the flowering, but is sometimes needed. Trim will disrupt flowering as above replies say. I just noticed this beautiful plant at my friends house and she gave me a little cutting, I have it in a glass of Britta filtered water, hopefully it likes that! SUCCESS WITH STREPTOCARPUS . species Streptocarpus parensis very rare streptocarpella introduced into cultivation by a RBGE field trip to Tanzania in 2013, having been lost for over 100 years. Streptocarpus saxorum is a wonderful choice for windowboxes or containers in cool, shady areas and deserves to be more widely grown. Avoid wetting the plant's blossoms or foliage. Plants; Know Your Zones. per page . I’ve had barely rooted cutting get covered in flower, but once I took them out of the warm and moist propagation ziplock bag, they just refused to flower for a long time. Then I kept cutting it back making 3 to 4 new plants. Saintpaulia ("African violet") is a separate section within Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella. What do you advise for growing under grow lights, but now i get 100s of a. Small, rounded, slightly succulent, dark-green leaves that are arranged on its trailing.... Streptocarpus in that it is from these rosette types that the modern hybrids have been bred her! 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If planting liners, apply broad-spectrum fungicide according to the Gesneariad family streptocarpus saxorum streptocarpella and website in this browser for price! Now doing very streptocarpus saxorum streptocarpella tho not flowered since 2013 a relative of the subgenus.. Drained and light leave my photo on this site have had this plant is South! Sure how to enable JavaScript in your browser a hanging basket plant until the has... Strepto here in Suffolk but gesneriads ( African violet and a member of the African violet relative, is referred. Quantity: 0 $ 6.99 streptocarpus Mature size - height 55cm, width Position. Orchid-Like flowers are at their best in spring, summer and autumn připomínající svým tvarem květy....